What are the responsibilities of derivative classifiers in protecting classified information?


An individual authorized to confirm that an unmarked document or material is unclassified or determine that it is classified as allowed by his or her description of authority. A Derivative Classifier may also upgrade a document or material. (In RD/FRD/TFNI subject areas, a Derivative Classifier is equivalent to the Restricted Data Classifier referred to in 10 CFR part 1045.)


  • DOE O 475.2B, Identifying Classified Information
    Dated Oct 03, 2014
    Status Current

Which of the following are responsibilities of derivative classifiers except?

All of the following are responsibilities of derivative classifiers EXCEPT: Derivative classifiers must have original classification authority. The first step in derivatively classifying a new document is to determine the classification level based on existing classification guidance.

What are derivative classifiers?

Definition. An individual authorized to confirm that an unmarked document or material is unclassified or determine that it is classified as allowed by his or her description of authority. A Derivative Classifier may also upgrade a document or material.

What is the importance of derivative classification?

Like original classification, derivative classification has far-reaching effects on the Department of Defense and Industry. Classifying information helps protect our national security. It limits access to only those individuals with the appropriate eligibility and a legitimate need-to-know the information.

What information does a security classification guide provide a derivative classifier?

SCGs provide detailed classification guidance on program-specific information for use by derivative classifiers in applying appropriate classification markings and facilitate the proper and uniform derivative classification of information.