What are the two main types of measures that will help you determine the results of the social media campaign quizlet?

tone, legal aspects and response are part of the style guide:

tone- there are guidelines in the style guide to tell the employees how to correctly respond to users comments, and what kind of tone you will use

legal restrictions- how to stay within the legal restrictions put in place; in the style guide you will see and understand all the things you are supposed to do as a social media marketer and the things i am supposed to avoid

response and formatting guidelines- in terms of making sure if your response is appropriate, talk to the customer on the social media space or you think that an appropriate response could be maybe giving them a reimbursement.. response can come in different forms. using proper formatting guideline can help a company respond to a number of different responses.

Engagement metric

Number of engagement actions (likes, shares, comments, etc) post receives relative to # of followers

Higher it is, the more your are resonating with audience

Formula: Add all of the likes, comments, shares, etc of a post / total # of followers on that account X 100

Can do this with top 3 posts on social media audits or lowest engagement posts that missed the mark

Benchmark for this metric is different on every platform

For EX: Facebook and Twitter, for example, typically have lower engagement rates (e.g., 0.5 to one percent). Instagram, on the other hand, is known for its relatively high engagement rates (e.g., three to six percent).

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What things should you align to make your campaign successful?

SMART goals, KPIs, and Ads Manager Objectives

If your business had this goal: "We want to increase how many people our ads reach 10x over the next week", you would probably choose the following:

KPIs: Total Reach, Followers
Ad Objective: Reach
Optimization: Reach, Impressions

Why is data important?

Helps you better know who your customer is
Gives you concrete information about your campaigns
Allows you to make informed decisions on market strategy

What are some places where you can find data to help you in your evaluations?

Facebook Ads Manager and Insights
Social media site analytics dashboards
Website dashboards and Google Analytics

What's the most important thing you need to do before analyzing your data?

Solidify your goals so you know what to look for.

How do you calculate ROAS?

Revenue/Advertising Costs

Calla & Ivy spent $500 on advertising for a new subscription. It generated 100 leads, and 50 went on to purchase a yearly subscription at $50 a piece. What would the ROAS be on that campaign?

The ROAS is 5. (50 leads times $50=$2500/$500 ad spend.)

What is the difference between ROAS and ROI?

ROAS looks at spending on ad campaigns; ROI looks at the bigger picture spending

ROAS is a more narrow measurement focused on your ad ad campaigns

What is the Cost Per Result?

It measures how much it costs for a customer to take a desired action

How much do you spend per customer action, like a link click, app install, or conversion.

What are some things you need to take into account when you measure Cost Per Result?

Goals of the campaign
Cost Per Result compared to future sales
Campaign budget

You should look at multiple factors when evaluating the success of your campaign.

Which demographic would you keep running ads to, and which would you pause? (Consider this one campaign.)
Demographic 1: Cost Per Result = $50
Demographic 2: Cost Per Result = $5

Keep running ads to #2; pause #1

Demographic 2 is gaining more returns, making it more cost-effectively in comparison to Demographic 1.

What is customer lifetime value or LTV?

A measurement of the profit you'll receive from a customer over their relationship with you
A way to place value on your loyal customers
A way to measure your customer retention efforts

LTV does all of the above while giving you a glimpse at customer loyalty.

If a customer comes into your business twice a week and spends $5 each time, and they've been a loyal customer for fifteen years, what is their LTV?

$5/each purchase equals $10/week, equals $520 a year, equals $7,800 over fifteen years.

What will have the biggest impact on increasing LTV?

Better customer service

Retaining customers for the long term is going to be most affected by customer service

How did Imra calculate the ROAS of the Spring subscription package?

Revenue divided by the ad spend

This is the formula for ROAS.

How did Imra calculate the ROI of the Spring subscription package?

Revenue minus investments, divided by the investments.

This is the formula for ROI.

Why is there a difference in the ROAS and the ROI?

ROAS looks at revenue compared to ad spend, whereas ROI factors in investments

ROAS looks at just what was made from a campaign, instead of including investments, COGS, overhead, etc

What are some factors that affect your Cost Per Result?

Ad Placements

How does DCB Cleaning figure out their Cost Per Results?

Amount spent on the campaign ($850) divided by the number of results for that campaign (1,000)

How does Calla & Ivy figure out their Cost Per Result?

Amount spent on the campaign ($850) divided by the number of results for that campaign (7,000)

How did James determine the LTV of his small business customers?

Avg. purchase value ($2000/yr) x avg. purchase frequency (1 year) = $2000 avg. customer value X avg. customer lifespan (10 years) = $20,000

This is the formula for LTV for small businesses.

How did James determine the LTV of his large corporate customers?

Avg. purchase value ($6000/yr) X avg. purchase frequency (1 year) = $6000 avg. customer value X avg. customer lifespan (5 years) = $30,000

This is the formula for LTV for large businesses.

What did the different lifetime values show?

Which segments to target for higher profit

What could the effect be of using ITT (Intention to Treat) on the incremental impact of your campaign results?

The incremental impact you observe may be lower

If you use intention to treat, it means that people who end up not being exposed to your ad still remain in your treatment group. So, on average, the incremental impact of your campaign may be lower as the people who did not see your ad are probably less likely to take action.

Experiments use a treatment and a control group. Which of the following correctly describes how the treatment and control group differ when testing advertising effectiveness?

The treatment group may see your ad, the control group won't see your ad

People in the treatment group receive 'the treatment', in this case, they may see your ad. People in the control group don't see your ad.

When you decide to run an advertising effectiveness study using experiments, which 2 conditions should be met to make your study powerful?

The advertising effectiveness test should use a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design and use intention to treat (ITT)

Those two conditions will help guarantee that you can see the true incremental impact of your campaign.

Why should you randomly assign people to the treatment or the control group in an advertising effectiveness test using experimental design?

Randomization helps to control for external effects, or variables that are harder to control. By randomly assigning people you try to vary the influence of external factors evenly across groups.

When you run an experiment involving people, you cannot control all external variables that affect people's daily lives. Since you don't want any particular variable to influence one group more than the other, randomly assigning people to a group helps.

What does it mean if an experiment uses 'Intention to Treat (ITT)'?

ITT means that people who are assigned to a treatment group will stay in that treatment group, even if they did not receive the treatment for some unforeseen reason

With ITT people remain part of the treatment group, whether they ended up receiving the intended treatment or not. In the case of advertising this means that people remain part of the treatment group whether they saw the ad you intended for them or not.

Imagine you work in the marketing department of a large electronics company. You are planning to set up a new conversion campaign on Facebook focused on generating online sales for computer monitors.
Your manager asks you to make sure you can report on the effectiveness of your campaign once the campaign is completed. How do you make sure you can fulfill her requirements?

By setting up a Holdout Test before the campaign starts running

A Holdout Test specifically measures the effect of your advertising on conversions. You must start it before the campaign begins.

How might a Brand Survey Test on the Facebook platform help an advertiser?

It shows the incremental lift in ad recall caused by a brand awareness focused campaign, thus helping to evaluate the effectiveness of that campaign

These are the people who may have received "treatment". Treatment here being exposure to your ad.

Why is it important to randomly assign people to the control or the treatment group in an experiment?

It helps to minimize the effect of external variables outside of your control on the results

Randomization distributes people with certain characteristics between the control and the treatment groups, which creates groups that are as similar as possible.

What do we mean by 'control group' in an experiment?

The group that won't be exposed to the treatment

The control group does not see the ad, the treatment group may be exposed to that ad.

The Facebook pixel can track conversions made on what platform?


The Facebook pixel is a piece of code for your website that lets you measure, optimize and build audiences for your ad campaigns.

What does it mean when Facebook says it uses Intention to Treat (ITT) in advertising effectiveness tests?

A Holdout Test measures the effect of your ads on conversions, whereas a Brand Survey Test measures the effect of your ads on ad recall and other brand related metrics measured through the use of a survey

Holdout Tests and Brand Survey Tests are both useful tools, but you need to choose the correct one based on the objective of your campaign.

Imagine you ran a Holdout Test for your Facebook campaign and you find the following information in the report of the results:
Conversion lift percent: 15.2%
Conversion Lift: 2,155
Sales Lift: $88,100
Based on this information, which of the following is correct?


Imagine you ran a Brand Survey test for your campaign on Facebook and it is clear from the report that the confidence level for your test is low. In fact, it says in your report: "the chance that your Facebook ads caused brand lift is 63.2%".
You would like to see a higher confidence level. What could you do?


What does the confidence level in an A/B test tell you?

The percent chance you will find the same winner if you ran the same test again

The confidence level tells you how confident you can be in your test and how likely you are to find the same results if you repeat the test with the same settings.

In which of the following scenarios would an A/B test be helpful? (Select all that apply)

If you would like to know which audience group your ad performs best in

If you want to optimize the copy (the text) in your ad

If you have two different images you could use in your ads and you want to know which image would generate most results

The results of an A/B test on the Facebook platform include which of the following 2 elements?

The winner of the test (version A or version B) and the confidence level for the test

Those are the two most important parts of the test results.

Which of the following is true when setting up an A/B test in Facebook?

There is no control group

What does the confidence level of an A/B test tell you?

It tells you what the chance is of getting the same winner if you ran this test again.

In an A/B test, the confidence level gives you the percentage chance that you will get the same results if you run the same test again.

Imagine you work in the marketing department of a large clothing retailer. You are working on a 'year in review' presentation and you would like to show how your advertising on different platforms (TV, radio, Facebook and Youtube) contributed to sales for the denim line you introduced this year.
You step to a market research agency to help you with this. What type of study should they do for you?

Marketing mix modeling study

A marketing mix modeling study is needed when you have advertising across multiple platforms, like TV, Radio, and Facebook.

Imagine you are planning a campaign for scented candles on Instagram. You have several images of the candles you want to promote, but you are not sure which image will work best.
After a meeting with your team, you narrowed the choices down to two different images. One is an image of three candles on a dresser, the other one is an image of one candle only. You have already decided which copy will accompany the image.
What should you do to help you decide on the right image to use?

Conduct an A/B test as part of the Instagram campaign in which you create two ads that are identical except for the image

When you are only testing two variations of one variable, you use an A/B test to determine which version will produce the best results.

Which of the following is correct about a last click attribution model?

It gives all the credit for a conversion to the last ad a user clicked on before converting

Even if a person clicks on multiple ads, it assumes that the last ad they clicked on is solely responsible for the conversion

Why may advertisers want to use attribution modeling studies?

Attribution modeling can help advertisers understand how much influence their ads on different platforms had on their result This can in turn then influence how the advertising budget it spent.

You are working on a campaign with the objective to drive app downloads. You have created an audience on Facebook for your campaign. But, you also have a list of emails from people who have downloaded an app from you before, and you plan to create a custom audience using that list.
Now, you would like to know which audience will be most likely to download your app: the new audience you created, or the custom audience of people who downloaded one of your apps before.
Which study could help you?

You can run an A/B test Because you are only changing one variable, in this case the audience, running an A/B test is the right way to go.

Both A/B tests and Attribution Modeling studies help you to optimize your advertising, but how do they differ?

A/B tests help you to optimize within a campaign, whereas attribution modeling studies help you to optimize your budget across campaigns across platforms

A/B tests help you optimize when you are first creating a campaign. Attribution modeling studies can be used after you've run campaigns on various platforms.

Which of the following describes some of the most common challenges we face when measuring advertising effectiveness?

It's not always easy to connect data from different platforms and devices. Also, connecting all the advertising touchpoints to one individual user can be challenging

These are both major challenges when trying to measure advertising effectiveness across platforms.

In A/B testing in advertising, it's best practice to only change one variable at a time between the version A and B of your ad. Why is that?

When you only vary one variable and leave all other aspects of the different versions of the ad identical, then you will know exactly which variable was responsible for the difference in results

If you vary more than one variable, you won't know which variable really made the difference.

What's the goal of presenting your campaign results?

To show what actions you took to achieve your goals
To show what insights you found in the campaign data
To show how you'll iterate on campaigns in the future

What should your presentation begin with?


You should always start with the goals you created — everything stems from them.

Why would you state your objectives?

To show how you'll put your goals into action
To bridge the narrative of your presentation from goals to campaign
To explain your audience your strategy

Why is it good to state your KPIs before talking about creating your campaign?

Since KPIs are tied to goals and objectives, it shows you're thinking through every step of your campaign

How much information should you give about your campaign?

An overview of how you set up your campaign, including intentions, audience, placements, duration, and budget

You wouldn't want to explain everything in detail, so these items cover what your audience would need to know.

What data points might you include when talking about awareness campaign results?

Ad recall, reach, and impressions

You would share these data points in your presentation.

What data points might you include when talking about consideration campaign results?

Link clicks, engagement, and landing page views

What data points might you include when talking about conversion campaign results?

Purchases, add to cart, and payment info

What would you do when asked about causal relationships?

Point to the results of your experiments
Explain how A/B testing showed you that your campaign did get results
Explain how attribution studies show the path of customer behavior, and the path from campaign to result

Why would you include plans for future campaigns in your presentation?

To show that you've drawn conclusions from your data that can be used to iterate
To show that you're proactively thinking ahead to the next campaign
To demonstrate tangible ways to improve results in the future

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What are the two main types of measures that will help you determine the results of the social media campaign?

According to social media experts, measuring social media campaign success can be done in two ways:.
Ongoing Analytics – tracking social media activity over time..
Campaign-Focused Metrics – monitoring with a clear beginning and end, with a focus on a particular social media campaign..

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Provides clarity, documentation processes and policy to optimize workflow and adherence to best practices across the organization.