What helped each person to become successful IELTS Listening


Lessons with Simon, ex-IELTS examiner

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September 07, 2010

IELTS Listening: success!

Here is one of my favourite videos from ted.com. Hopefully you will be able to apply some of the speaker's advice to your IELTS preparation.

What do you think the speaker means when he says:

  1. She wanted to make something of her life.
  2. I'm gonna tell you what makes TED-sters tick.
  3. Put your nose down in something.
  4. Or failing that, do the eight things...

If the subtitles don't work, go to ted.com and search for "8 secrets". While you're there, have a look at some other TED videos.

The speaker uses the word "workafrolics". This is not a real word, but the word "frolic" is related to playing or having fun, so maybe you can guess what he means.


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Hi Simon,

1. I think means that she wanted to change her life
3. Concentrate on your work
4. if you failed, try to follow eight categories that person mentioned in his talk.
5. Workfrolics means the job or work which is not boring and instead is with fun [I think!]


Posted by: Felora | September 08, 2010 at 05:36


Can I use these phrase at the beginning of the sentence for writing part 2?
'Generally speaking' or 'to begin with' following by comma. Are these phrase are the same as 'firstly'?

Thanks Simon

Posted by: Felora | September 08, 2010 at 05:48

Sorry again Simon,
In the following sentence do we HAVE TO write the word those as I normally don't write it.

It is clear that all of the figures for
developed countries are much higher than "THOSE" for developing nations.

Posted by: Felora | September 08, 2010 at 06:20

This is a nice one. I especially love the CRAP part:D

Posted by: Jack | September 08, 2010 at 10:22


1. She wanted to do something useful with her life [and be successful].

2. "TED-sters" are the people who attend the TED conferences [usually successful people]. He's going to explain what motivates these people / what makes them successful.

3. Concentrate on your work / do some hard work.

4. Failing that = otherwise / if that isn't possible / if that doesn't work.


Hi Felora,

Thanks for your answers.

You can use the phrases you mentioned, but they don't mean the same thing as "firstly". "Generally speaking" means "in general", and "To begin with" is more similar to "firstly" but I'd probably use it in other contexts [not an IELTS essay], although it isn't wrong to use it.

You don't have to write "those" but it would certainly impress the examiner.


Hi Jack,

I liked that part too!


Posted by: Simon | September 08, 2010 at 11:49

Hi Simon,

I just don't understand the part showing CRAP.

Could you please give an explanation?

Thank you.

Posted by: Cuong coc | October 28, 2010 at 15:20

Hi Cuong,

The word "crap" in this context means the bad things that you have to deal with if you want to be successful ['crap' actually means rubbish, junk, or human excrement!].

As a joke, the speaker uses each letter of the word "crap" to make a new word [criticism etc.] that explains the bad things in more detail. For English speakers, this way of playing with words is funny.

I hope this helps

Posted by: Simon | October 28, 2010 at 17:07

Hi Simon,

Thank you very much. That's really helpful.
I got it now.

Posted by: Cuong coc | October 30, 2010 at 08:42

No problem.

Posted by: Simon | November 01, 2010 at 12:45

Hi Simon:
I am a new guy in English area. I think this is very useful for me.
Thanks for your work!

Best Regards!

Posted by: Alex | May 26, 2011 at 05:10

Thanks for posting this video here Simon =]
I'm taking IELTS in less than 2 weeks, yet I've been pessimistic all way. Everything somehow seemed to get worse, and I'm not confident. After watching this video, I just know right away what I should do -get down to real issues, and get real! Bye-bye CRAP!

Best regards,

Posted by: Dee | February 17, 2013 at 12:30

-she want to achieve something in life.
-what make Ted-sters or Ted audiance surprize or amazed them.
- get involve completely into task.
- if your failed in something, do these eight thing e.g. idea, persist,focus,work,passion, push, serve,and good.
- Workafrolic means someone enjoy doing his work like his passion and hobby.

Posted by: sam | February 25, 2014 at 10:40

1. she want to work hard and make a difference for her future life.
2. I will let you know why people are encouraged and inspired by Ted speaking,
what makes the speakers in ted success and share their experience.
3. be really cautious and sensitive about something
4. otherwise

Posted by: jade | January 02, 2015 at 06:30

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