Which clause is executed first in SQL?

Sql Order Of Execution With Code Examples

This article will show you, via a series of examples, how to fix the Sql Order Of Execution problem that occurs in code.

SQL query order execution

select * from employee group by department order by empid desc

1] From
2] Where
3] Group by
4] Having
5] Select
6] Distinct
6] Order by
7] Limit

The solution to the same problem, Sql Order Of Execution, can also be found in a different method, which will be discussed further down with some code examples.

1. FROM (including joins)
SQL query order execution

As we have seen, the Sql Order Of Execution problem was solved by using a number of different instances.

What is order of execution in SQL?

The SQL order of execution defines the order in which the clauses of a query are evaluated. Some of the most common query challenges people run into could be easily avoided with a clearer understanding of the SQL order of execution, sometimes called the SQL order of operations.

Which is the correct order of execution for statements in a select query?

#SELECT Statement Execution Order FROM clause. ON clause. OUTER clause. WHERE clause.29-Jun-2015

Does SQL run sequentially?

Yes. SQL Server executes steps one at a time.19-Aug-2014

What are the SQL statements sequence?

  • Step 1: Getting Data (From, Join) FROM citizen.
  • Step 2: Row Filter (Where)
  • Step 3: Grouping (Group by)
  • Step 4: Group Filter (Having)
  • Step 5: Return Expressions (Select)
  • Step 6: Order (Order by) and Paging (Limit / Offset)
  • 33 Must Know Data Analyst SQL Interview Questions and Answers.

What is the correct order of execution of queries in SQL Server?

Query order of execution

  • FROM and JOIN s. The FROM clause, and subsequent JOIN s are first executed to determine the total working set of data that is being queried.
  • WHERE.

Which executes first WHERE or group by?

GROUP BY clause is used with the SELECT statement. In the query, GROUP BY clause is placed after the WHERE clause.21-Mar-2018

Which query is executed first in a subquery?

inner query

How are SQL statements executed?

In order to execute an SQL statement, you must first prepare the SQL statement. During preparation, the database will usually precompile the SQL statement and creates an access plan for the statement. The access plan is kept as long as the statement exists. You can then execute the statement as many times as you want.

Do stored procedures run sequentially?

We use a data migration flow that calls multiple SQL Server stored procedures sequentially and must be followed in this order. Our first procedure uses parameters to perform a check against our data and our next procedures only execute if the first procedure passes without returning failures.02-May-2019

How does SQL query work?

SQL Query mainly works in three phases . 1) Row filtering – Phase 1: Row filtering – phase 1 are done by FROM, WHERE , GROUP BY , HAVING clause. 2) Column filtering: Columns are filtered by SELECT clause. 3) Row filtering – Phase 2: Row filtering – phase 2 are done by DISTINCT , ORDER BY , LIMIT clause.

Which clause is executed first in SQL?

SQL is one of the analyst’s most powerful tools. In SQL Superstar, we give you actionable advice to help you get the most out of this versatile language and create beautiful, effective queries.

Creating order

The steps you take in order to accomplish a goal matter! When you’re baking a cake, you have to preheat the over, grease the pan, and mix the ingredients in the proper order or else you’re going to end up with a mess instead of a delicious treat. Picking the right SQL order of operations is also important if you want to run efficient, effective queries. This article will take you through some best practices to get you started on optimizing your SQL query order.

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Defining SQL order of execution

The SQL order of execution defines the order in which the clauses of a query are evaluated. Some of the most common query challenges people run into could be easily avoided with a clearer understanding of the SQL order of execution, sometimes called the SQL order of operations. Understanding SQL query order can help you diagnose why a query won’t run, and even more frequently will help you optimize your queries to run faster.

In the modern world, SQL query planners can do all sorts of tricks to make queries run more efficiently, but they must always reach the same final answer as a query that is executed per the standard SQL order of execution. This order is:

Which clause is executed first in SQL?

FROM Clause

SQL’s from clause selects and joins your tables and is the first executed part of a query. This means that in queries with joins, the join is the first thing to happen. 

It’s a good practice to limit or pre-aggregate tables before potentially large joins, which can otherwise be very memory intensive. Many modern SQL planners use logic and different types of joins to help optimize for different queries, which can be helpful but shouldn’t be relied on. 

In an instance like below, the SQL planner may know to pre-filter pings. That technically violates the correct SQL query order, but will return the correct result.

 pings.cookie = signups.cookie
 pings.url ilike '%/blog%'

However, if you are going to use columns in a way that prevents pre-filtering, the database will have to sort and join both full tables. For example, the following query requires a column from each table and will be forced into a join before any filtering takes place.

-- || is used for concatenation
join last_names
 on first_names.id = last_names.id
 first_names.name || last_names.name ilike '%a%'

To speed up the query, you can pre-filter names with “a” in them:

with limited_first_names as (
   name ilike '%a%'
, limited_last_names as (
     name ilike '%a%'
 limited_last_names.id = limited_first_names.id

To learn more, you can also read about how we sped up our own queries by 50x using pre-aggregation.

WHERE Clause

The where clause is used to limit the now-joined data by the values in your table’s columns. This can be used with any data type, including numbers, strings, or dates.

where nmbr > 5;
where strng = 'Skywalker';
where dte = '2017-01-01';

One frequent “gotcha” in SQL is trying to use a where statement to filter aggregations, which will violate SQL order of execution rules. This is because when the where statement is being evaluated, the “group by” statement has yet to be executed and aggregate values are unknown. Thus, the following query will fail:

, sum(area)
 sum(area) > 1000
group by

But it can be solved using the having clause, explained below.


Group by collapses fields of the result set into their distinct values. This clause is used with aggregations such as sum() or count() to show one value per grouped field or combination of fields. 

When using group by: Group by X means put all those with the same value for X in the same row. Group by X, Y put all those with the same values for both X and Y in the same row.

The group by clause is worthy of its own post for many reasons, and you can find a lot more information about “group by” in other posts on our blog or in our whitepaper about SQL query order tips and a wide array of other tricks and best practices.

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Chris Meier is a Manager of Analytics Engineering for Sisense and boasts 8 years in the data and analytics field, having worked at Ernst & Young and Soldsie. He’s passionate about building modern data stacks that unlock transformational insights for businesses.

What is the order of execution in SQL query?

SQL Query Execution Order..
From Clause in SQL..
WHERE Clause in SQL..
Group By in SQL..
Having Clause in SQL..
ORDER BY Clause in SQL..
Alias in SQL..

What is executed first join or WHERE clause?

Save this answer. Show activity on this post. The rows selected by a query are filtered first by the FROM clause join conditions, then the WHERE clause search conditions, and then the HAVING clause search conditions. Inner joins can be specified in either the FROM or WHERE clause without affecting the final result.

Is order executed before SELECT?

ORDER BY is evaluated before the SELECT, as the ordering changes the results returned.

What is the default ORDER BY clause in SQL?

The SQL ORDER BY Keyword The ORDER BY keyword sorts the records in ascending order by default. To sort the records in descending order, use the DESC keyword.