Which strategy is most likely to help if a person is trying to lose weight quizlet?

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Terms in this set [50]

Fat has a greater energy density than either carbohydrate or protein.
a. True b. False


Which of the following factors have NOT contributed to the rise in incidence of overweight and obesity in the past 45 years?
a. larger portions
b. more sweetened beverages
c. more energy-dense foods
d. decreased screen time


Government authorities are as concerned about overnutrition as they once were about undernutrition.
a. True b. False


A person who practices __________ eats foods with solid fats and added sugars only on occasion and regularly selects foods low in solid fats and added sugars.
a. moderation
b. balance
c. variety
d. adequacy


If everyone followed the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, energy intake would match their requirement and most energy needs would be met.
a. True b. False


What would you expect to happen if you mutated the ghrelin receptors in a mouse such that the mouse could produce ghrelin but would not respond to the hormone?
a. The mouse would have a suppressed appetite and be underweight.
b. The mouse would have a suppressed appetite, but be overweight.
c. The mouse would have an enhanced appetite, but be underweight.
d. The mouse would have an enhanced appetite, and be overweight.
e. The mouse would have an enhanced appetite, but maintain an ideal body weight.


How do microbiota influence body weight?
a. by binding to fat in the gut to prevent absorption
b. by activating lipoprotein lipase to break down fat in the GI tract
c. by inhibiting lipoprotein lipase from breaking down fat in fat cells
d. by increasing leptin sensitivity to decrease appetite
e. by generating compounds that alter the body's use of energy


People with high lipoprotein lipase [LPL] activity are more likely to be_______________.
a. obese
b. underweight
c. normal weight
d. hungry


Which of the following statements is true?
a. With weight loss, both the number and size of fat cells shrink.
b. With weight loss, the number of fat cells shrinks, but their size remains the same.
c. With weight loss, the size of the fat cells shrinks, but the number of fat cells remains the same.
d. With weight loss, both the number and size of fall cells remain the same.




Whether a person should lose weight depends on all but which factor?
a. gender
b. age
c. extent of overweight
d. health
e. genetics


What would be considered the most concerning thing about taking dietary supplements that are sold over the counter?
a. The pills may not work effectively.
b. The pills may make your patient sick.
c. The pills may cause your patient to lose weight too quickly.
d. The pills may cause your patient to gain weight.
e. The pills may alter your patient's metabolism.


Which patient would you recommend take medication to help deal with their obesity issues?
a. an adult female with a BMI of 25 with type II diabetes
b. an adult male with a BMI of 29, but otherwise healthy
c. an adult female with a BMI of 30 who has been unable to lose weight with diet and exercise
d. a teenage female with a BMI of 28 who has sickle cell anemia
e. a high school football player with a BMI of 27


For clinically severe obesity, which is the most effective treatment?
a. lifestyle changes
b. over-the-counter weight-loss products
c. orlistat
d. surgery
e. regular sauna baths


Which FDA-approved drug for weight loss works by inhibiting digestion and absorption of dietary fat?
a. Phentermine
b. Lorcaserin
c. Liraglutide
d. Orlistat
e. Naltrexone


After an initial period of rapid weight loss, weight loss slows down because ____.
a. metabolism slows down in response to the decreased caloric intake
b. leptin levels will decrease in response to the decreased fat levels
c. ghrelin levels will decrease in response to the decreased caloric intake
d. lipoprotein lipase activity is increased in response to the decreased caloric intake
e. the microbiota in the intestine are altered in response to the decreased caloric intake


What is the best way to achieve a negative energy balance?
a. increasing portion size but decreasing the number of meals you eat
b. increasing water intake to help aid digestion
c. increasing the energy density of food to avoid overeating
d. increasing physical activity to increase energy expenditure
e. increasing protein in your diet to help you feel more full


Even without weight loss, physical activity in obese patients can ____.
a. increase ghrelin secretion
b. improve insulin resistance
c. alter leptin levels in the blood
d. alter genes that influence obesity
e. alter the set point of the hypothalamus


What is the minimum amount of physical activity required weekly for significant weight loss?
a. 1-2 hours
b. 2-3 hours
c. 3-4 hours
d. 4-5 hours
e. 5-6 hours


For a patient that is underweight, what is a reasonable amount of weight that should be gained in a month?
a. 1 pound
b. 2 pounds
c. 3 pounds
d. 5 pounds
e. 10 pounds


What is the most likely reason that so many of the fad diets introduced to the public are ineffective and often dangerous?
a. The scientific research on which these diets are based is often later found to be errant, so the premises on which these diets made these claims are also errant.
b. These diets are often geared toward only one specific body type during the research phase, but when applied to the general public, often fall short of the expectations in other body types.
c. These diets are often based on unsubstantiated scientific evidence, so when they are implemented, they are unable to deliver the results promised.
d. These diets rely heavily on exercise-based requirements, and are only effective if the end-user keeps up their regime, which is often not the case.
e. These diets are often very difficult for the end-user to maintain long enough to see effective results, and therefore they are ineffective.


What are the hallmarks of a sensible diet?
a. vitamins and other supplements are used to enhance the changes in diet
b. decreases total fat, without altering any other aspect of the food consumed by the dieter
c. offers a guarantee to work or your money back
d. involve lifestyle changes, including physical activity
e. limits carbohydrates to 30-45% of daily caloric intake


Which diet claim for a diet or supplement is the least likely to be a scam?
a. "You can lose 2 dress sizes in just two months."
b. "This pill can help you lose weight over time, but may cause diarrhea or nausea."
c. "By simply avoiding all carbohydrates, you can achieve your desired physical appearance."
d. "Eating our pre-packaged food plans and taking our supplements will help you lose unwanted weight."
e. "Supermodels use this diet to achieve perfect runway bodies."


How do most fad diets work?
a. by increasing exercise
b. by increasing desirability of healthy foods
c. by limiting caloric intake
d. by supplementing important vitamins for weight loss
e. by using unsafe herbal drugs


How do diets that are higher in protein help with weight loss?
a. by decreasing the amount of calories from fat
b. by decreasing the amount of calories from carbohydrates
c. by increasing a dieter's secretion of leptin to decrease hunger
d. by helping a dieter increase their lean muscle to fat ratio
e. by helping a dieter adhere to a reduced calorie diet over time


Fad diets that promote low protein consumption are difficult to follow and achieve results, because when protein levels become too low, _____.
a. total caloric intake is decreased below acceptable levels
b. sugar levels also decrease
c. ketone body production increases
d. a person may not feel satiated
e. the low levels of proteins produce anxiety


A major challenge of developing an effective drug for obesity is to _____.
a. provide benefits to both males and females
b. generate long term effects with short-term treatments
c. avoid drug interactions with other common over-the-counter drugs, such as ibuprofen
d. encourage patient compliance
e. decrease risks associated with long-term use


If a patient needs to gain weight, which strategy would you suggest?
a. Increase lean meat consumption instead of peanut butter for protein.
b. Eat the soup course before your main course.
c. Decrease snacking in order to increase food consumption at meals.
d. Drink water instead of juice.
e. Consider weight lifting instead of running.


If food energy is restricted too severely, where does the body acquire the energy required for basal metabolic functions?
a. liver
b. lean tissue
c. heart
d. kidney
e. nervous tissue


In addition to decreasing food intake by decreasing stomach volume, gastric bypass also directly aids in weight loss by _____.
a. increasing pancreatic function
b. increasing physical activity
c. altering gastrointestinal hormones
d. decreasing digestion time
e. increasing basal metabolic rate


Which hormone stimulates appetite and food intake?
a. adiponectin
b. gastrin
c. ghrelin
d. insulin
e. leptin


The physiological need to eat is referred to as _____, while _____ is the psychological desire to eat.
a. appetite; hunger
b. hunger; satiation
c. satiation; appetite
d. appetite; satiation
e. hunger; appetite


The number of fat cells in a human increases most rapidly during which age period?
a. birth
b. toddler
c. late childhood and early puberty
d. late puberty
e. adulthood


How do some natural remedies cause toxicity?
a. They are expensive, so they are not always used as prescribed.
b. They are unfairly marketed at people with eating disorders, who are intolerant of many herbs.
c. They are used in place of healthy foods, decreasing intake of other important nutrients.
d. They are not subject to regulation, and can therefore contain unknown toxins.
e. They are not entirely organic, and can be hard to digest.


What effect does sleep deprivation have on weight management?
lack of sleep usually results in weight loss, due to increased hours of physical activity
lack of sleep increases leptin production, leading to weight loss over time
lack of sleep increases ghrelin production, leading to weight gain over time
lack of sleep decreases insulin production, which can lead to Type 2 diabetes and rapid weight gain


Which part of the body regulates hunger and appetite?
pituitary gland


Hormone secreted in response to low calorie intake, which increases hunger and lowers metabolism
B.] Insulin
C.] Leptin
D.] Ghrelin


Hormone released to store glucose after a meal, and tells your body you are full
B.] Insulin
C.] Leptin
D.] Ghrelin


Enzyme that promotes very efficient fat storage in the body, which tends to be high in obese people:
B.] Insulin
C.] Leptin
D.] Ghrelin


Hormone released after a meal in response to fat in blood, which inhibits hunger
B.] Insulin
C.] Leptin
D.] Ghrelin


The quickest, most effective way to lose weight is:
calorie restriction
cardiovascular exercise
fat intake restriction
resistance training exercise


Most Fad diets result in weight loss because:
healthy eating is emphasized
physical activity is encouraged
calories are restricted
nutrition and medical experts develop them


What is the best way to increase metabolism to help with long-term weight management?
cardiovascular exercise
build muscle through resistance training exercise
eat 3-4 meals per day
restrict calories to under 1,200 per day


Approved or not approved treatment for obesity:
reduction of 500 + calories a day


Approved or not approved treatment for obesity:
strong diuretics to reduce water weight

not approved

Approved or not approved treatment for obesity:
Gastric bypass if BMI 35+


Approved or not approved treatment for obesity:
B12 injections

not approved

Approved or not approved treatment for obesity:
ephedra supplement

not approved

Approved or not approved treatment for obesity:
weight training


Approved or not approved treatment for obesity:
steam and sauna baths

not approved

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Which strategy is most likely to help a person is trying to lose weight?

One of the best ways to lose body fat is through steady aerobic exercise — such as brisk walking — for at least 30 minutes most days of the week. Some people may require more physical activity than this to lose weight and maintain that weight loss. Any extra movement helps burn calories.

What is the best way to lose weight quizlet?

A moderate diet and exercise is the best way to lose fat. In order to lose weight you have to use more energy than you take in so calories and exercise is important.

What is the best strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight quizlet?

Eat energy-dense foods to provide excess of 700-1000 kcals per day, eat regular meals daily, eat large portions, eat extra snacks between meals, drink plenty of juice and milk, exercise to build muscle.

What is one of the effective strategies for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight?

Being active and choosing healthy foods can help you maintain or achieve a healthy weight, feel more energetic, and decrease your chances of having other health problems. It's important to choose foods rich in nutrients and aim for at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week.

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