Which term refers to a detailed description of a situation that trainees analyze and discuss and is designed to develop higher order thinking skills quizlet?

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A customer at Danielle, a French restaurant, complains to Jason, the manager, about a dessert being unacceptable. Jason inspects the dessert and finds that brie, a type of cheese, is overripe and has an ammonia-like taste. When Jason questions the pastry chef, Mario, he acknowledges that he knew the brie was bad. Jason analyzes the situation and concludes that Mario should be put through additional training to avoid such mistakes in the future. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen Jason's decision?

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Which of the following traits describe conscientiousness?

A. Sociable, gregarious, assertive, talkative

B. Dependable, organized, persevering, achievement-oriented

C. Courteous, trusting, good-natured, tolerant

D. Emotionally stable, nondepressed, secure, content

E. Curious, imaginative, artistically sensitive, broad-minded

In general, effective training communicates learning objectives clearly, presents information in distinctive and memorable ways, and helps trainees link the subject matter to their jobs. Employees are most likely to learn when training is linked to their current job experiences and tasks. Training sessions should present material using familiar concepts, terms, and examples. As far as possible, the training context—such as the physical setting or the images presented on a computer—should mirror the work environment. Along with physical elements, the context should include emotional elements. Trainers should provide ways to actively involve the trainees, have them practice repeatedly, and have them complete tasks within a time that is appropriate in light of the learning objectives. Practice requires physically carrying out the desired behaviors, not just describing them. Trainees need to understand whether or not they are succeeding. Therefore, training sessions should offer feedback. Effective feedback focuses on specific behaviors and is delivered as soon as possible after the trainees practice or demonstrate what they have learned. Well-designed training helps people remember the content. Training programs need to break information into chunks that people can remember. If a concept or procedure involves more than five items, the training program should deliver information in shorter sessions or chunks.

Approaches to diversity training include: 1] attitude awareness and change, 2] behavior change, and 3] cultural immersion.
Programs that focus on attitudes have objectives to increase participants' awareness of cultural and ethnic differences as well as differences in personal characteristics and physical characteristics [such as disabilities]. These programs are based on the assumption that people who become aware of differences and their stereotypes about those differences will be able to avoid letting stereotypes influence their interactions with people.
Programs that focus on behavior aim to change the organizational policies and individual behaviors that inhibit employees' personal growth and productivity. Sometimes these programs identify incidents that discourage employees from working up to their potential.
Another approach starts with the assumption that all individuals differ in various ways and teaches skills for constructively handling the communication barriers, conflicts, and misunderstandings that necessarily arise when different people try to work together. Trainees may be more positive about receiving this type of training than other kinds of diversity training.
Finally, some organizations provide diversity training in the form of cultural immersion, sending employees directly into communities where they have to interact with persons from different cultures, races, and nationalities. Participants might talk with community members, work in community organizations, or learn about events that are significant to the community they visit.

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