Which would be the best topic for an integrated plan for preschool children?

Tankersley, A. [2019]. Writing Effective Lesson Plans for Early Childhood Classrooms. continued.com - Early Childhood Education, Article 23270.  Retrieved from www.continued.com/early-childhood-education

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Today’s students must be prepared to thrive in a constantly evolving technological landscape. The student section of the ISTE Standards is designed to empower student voice and ensure that learning is a student-driven process. Learn how to use the standards in the classroom with the ISTE Standards for Students ebook. 

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Introduction to the ISTE Standards: Student Section


Explore the ISTE Student Standards

1.1 Empowered Learner

Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

See the Empowered Learner standards in action.  


Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.


Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.


Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways..


Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.

1.2 Digital Citizen

Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

See the Digital Citizen standards in action.  


Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world.


Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.


Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.


Students manage their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track their navigation online.

1.3 Knowledge Constructor

Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

See the Knowledge Constructor standards in action.  


Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.


Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources.


Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.


Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.


1.4 Innovative Designer

Students use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

See the Innovative Designer standards in action.  


Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.


Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.


Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.


Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems.


1.5 Computational Thinker

Students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions.

See the Computational Thinker standards in action.  


Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted methods such as data analysis, abstract models and algorithmic thinking in exploring and finding solutions.


Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.


Students break problems into component parts, extract key information, and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.

What is one of the best reasons for using integrated curriculum?

An integrated curriculum allows children to pursue learning in a holistic way, without the restrictions often imposed by subject boundaries. In early childhood programs it focuses upon the inter-relatedness of all curricular areas in helping children acquire basic learning tools.

What should teachers consider when selecting a topic for an integrated curriculum?

What does a teacher need to consider when selecting a topic for an integrated curriculum? Interesting, the topic needs to be relevant, reflecting the interests of the children, teachers, and families involved. Accessible so the real and frequent hands-on activities are possible.

Which of the following is an example of a big idea for the topic of food?

Which of the following is an example of a "Big Idea" for the topic of food? Everyone needs a variety of different kinds of foods to live, grow, and stay healthy.

What should usually be the first step in planning an integrated curriculum unit?

the first step in doing integrated planning for preschool children is to: select a topic of study that connect meaningfully to the lives of the children, their families, cultures, communities, and geographic locale.

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