Air of superiority là gì

Đồng nghĩa của sense of superiority


The state or property of being haughty
haughtiness arrogance pomposity disdain loftiness pride superciliousness conceit contempt hauteur boasting egotism high-handedness hubris self-importance snobbishness swagger aloofness bluster bumptiousness condescension immodesty imperiousness lordliness pretension pretentiousness vanity affectation airs assumption consequence contemptuousness huffiness masterfulness mocking peremptoriness pompousness presumptuousness pretence pretense scorn self-consequence smugness sneering snobbery snootiness superiority toploftiness big-headedness disdainfulness insolence overconfidence scoffing superbity uppitiness high horse presumption uppishness scornfulness overweeningness conceitedness ego ostentation audacity braggadocio brass overbearance nerve priggishness cheek gall crust chutzpah sense of entitlement exaggerated self-opinion self-entitlement self-love affectedness overbearingness proudness pridefulness side cockiness grandiosity brashness patronization posing posturing front airs and graces civility deference patronage condescendence toleration show patronizing attitude swank boldness put-on la-di-da inflation ostentatiousness false front vainglory sass showing off inflated ego dignity bossiness stateliness superior manner affectations pushiness assertiveness stiffness sententiousness elitism self-conceit puffiness flaunting hoity-toitiness snottiness portentousness exclusiveness snobbism exaggeration grandioseness display bigheadedness vaingloriousness air pose pretensions mannerism defiance superiority complex feeling of superiority attitude hypocrisy derision dislike indifference disparagement despite attitudinizing artificiality floweriness grandiloquence flashiness grandness disrespect contumely heroics flamboyance magniloquence ornateness elaborateness bombast pedantry extravagance rhetoric turgidity despisement dismissiveness misprision despitefulness distaste flatulence guyver showiness fustian impudence disgust showboat showoff disguise splash fake charade phoney phony effrontery aversion antipathy disregard despisal hatred hate ridicule face brazenness impertinence big talk false claim sauce temerity sauciness cheekiness neck pertness nerviness shamelessness impoliteness sassiness rudeness brassiness chutzpa snash audaciousness malapertness bad manners hide procacity brass neck moxie crust cynicism guts confidence

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sense of taste sense of touch sense of well-being sense of worth sense one was born with sense organ sense of smell sense of sight sense of self sense of security sense of right and wrong sense of right

Trái nghĩa của sense of superiority

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