ascii là gì - Nghĩa của từ ascii

ascii có nghĩa là

an art form where you use simple keyboard symbols to make picture [complex or not]


..................../`` /:::::::::::``~,
................../:::,/`'''''''''''``-- ,:::\
..................|::/ · · · · · · · · · -|::::| GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!!!!
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ascii có nghĩa là

American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Consists of a series of 256 characters to represent each of the series of each byte [8 bits] of the actively displayed text screen mode.
Can be alternatively achieved using the key sequence of holding alt then typing the appropriate combination of numbers using the numeric keypad, then releasing alt. Normally does not match most fonts, mainly because Microsoft is a bunch of bastards who do something that is 'technically correct' ignoring the fact if it's completely useless or not.


65 "A" through 90 "Z"
97 "a" through 122 "z"
132 "ä" 133 "à" 134 "å"

ascii có nghĩa là

Using symbols to make pictures on the computer.



ascii có nghĩa là

fun and useful to bypass cnesors on message boards


like this
........['[...´...´.... ¯~/'...']
..........''...\.......... _.·´

ascii có nghĩa là

Art done in plain text. This is fairly difficult. Portraits of people done in ASCII art usually only work if the person has some major distinguishing characteristics.


From American Standard Code for Information Interchange, the set of bits created in the 1980s to represent characters.

ascii có nghĩa là

A string of 7 binary digits represents each character, used in most microcomputers. "ASCII" is short for: "American Standard Code for Information Interchange".

A character/symbol can be entered by holding "ALT" and then typing its code.


ASCII code for "$" is 36

ascii có nghĩa là

excellent way of expression artistic talent by using computer-generated symbols to make images, by collecting them together.


Simple Ascii:

[>_ < . .' --. `_ /
///G\ .-'/ ./ .-` `._.'
////. ' `[/ `
//// ` \--.-. c' - \
/'.' ' .' ` \ `-' \ \ .-"".
.[ -- . ` . ] `. \ . \
' ` * :|. ' [ > ] \
' ` . '[| `/ __. / / . \
/ ` . *.'`. \ _[/,_ "' .' .\ `\
.. ' ]_ ` .'..-' `--: / `. `\
`:: ..' `._ ..::::. ] __' _._`. \
[ ` -. `-.::::::::] _.' "" "`-. \_
`. `._ _ :::::

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