Bài tập trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh lớp 4 Đại Lợi Bùi Văn Vinh

The Langmaster - Bài Tập Trắc Nghiệm Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 Tập 2 [Có Đáp Án]

Tiếng Anh ngày càng quan trọng trong xã hội hiện nay. Môn học này được coi là một trong những môn học quan trọng trong nhà trường. Tiếng Anh không chỉ là một môn học đơn thuần mà còn là chìa khóa mớ cửa thành công. Với một nền tảng Tiếng Anh tốt bạn sẽ dễ dàng  hơn trên con đường sự nghiệp sau này. Vì thế, việc học và hoàn thiện các kỹ năng tiếng Anh cũng như việc làm bài đạt điểm cao trong các bài kiểm tra, bài thi trong trường luôn là vấn đề mà học sinh, giáo viên và phụ huynh quan tâm.

Cuốn sách The Langmaster - Bài Tập Trắc Nghiệm Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 Tập 2 [Có Đáp Án] được biên soạn với sự chung tay của các giáo viên giàu kinh nghiệm từ các trường dựa trên nội dung bám sát sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 4 nhằm mục đích hỗ trợ và khuyến khích quá trình tự học, tự ôn luyện của học sinh.

Cuốn sách bao gồm 10 đơn vị bài học từ unit 11 - unit 20 là phần tiếp theo của cuốn The Langmaster - Bài Tập Trắc Nghiệm Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 Tập 1 [Có Đáp Án]  theo chương trình sách giáo khoa lớp 4 và được chia 2 bài Test, mỗi bài Test có các bài tập trắc nghiệm giúp học sinh luyện về ngữ âm, từ vựng, ngữ pháp và các kỹ năng trong tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến nâng cao.

  • Unit 11: What time is it?
  • Unit 12: What's does your father do?
  • Unit 13: Would do you like some milk?
  • Unit 14: What does he look like?
  • Unit 15: When's children's day?
  • Unit 16: Let's go to the bookshop.
  • Unit 17: How much is the T- shirt?
  • Unit 18: What's your phone number?
  • Unit 19: What animal do you want to see?
  • Unit 20: What are you going to do this summer?

UNIT 7: TELEVISIONChào các bạn, hiện nay nhằm hỗ trợ cho việc giảng dạy và dễ dàng soạn bài giảng và in ấn,nên mình đã đánh WORD[.docx] [không phải file PDF] của các sách: LỚP 6Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 [Lưu Hoằng Trí]Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 [Vũ Thị Phượng]Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 [Bùi Văn Vinh – Chủ biên]Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 - Tập 1 [Mai Lan Hương - Hà Thanh Uyên]Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 6 – Tập 1 [Đại Lợi – Bùi Văn Vinh]Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 6 – Tập 2 [Đại Lợi – Bùi Văn Vinh] LỚP 7Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 [Lưu Hoằng Trí]Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 [Vũ Thị Phượng]Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 [Bùi Văn Vinh – Chủ biên]Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 - Tập 1 [Mai Lan Hương - Hà Thanh Uyên]Bài tập cuối tuần Tiếng Anh 7 - Tập 1 [Đại Lợi] [kèm file nghe]Bài tập cuối tuần Tiếng Anh 7 - Tập 2 [Đại Lợi] [kèm file nghe] LỚP 8Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 [Lưu Hoằng Trí]Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 [Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn]Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 [Bùi Văn Vinh – Chủ biên] LỚP 9Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 [Lưu Hoằng Trí]Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 [Bùi Văn Vinh – Chủ biên]Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 - Tập 1 [Mai Lan Hương - Hà Thanh Uyên]Bài tập cuối tuần Tiếng Anh 9 - Tập 1 [Đại Lợi] [kèm file nghe]Bài tập cuối tuần Tiếng Anh 9 - Tập 2 [Đại Lợi] [kèm file nghe]Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 9 – Tập 1 [Đại Lợi – Bùi Văn Vinh] LỚP 10Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 [Lưu Hoằng Trí]Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 [Đại Lợi – Hằng Nguyễn]MỌI NGƯỜI CÓ THẮC MẮC GÌ LIÊN HỆ MÌNH, CHỈ SỬ DỤNG DUYNHẤT 1 GMAIL: .ĐÂY HOÀN TOÀN LÀ BẢN WORD DO MÌNH TỰ ĐÁNH LẠI TOÀN BỘ. TUY NHIÊNHIỆN NAY MỘT NGƯỜI KHÁC ĐÃ SAO CHÉP VÀI BẢN WORD CỦA MÌNH NHẰMMỤC ĐÍCH BÁN LẠI. MỌI NGƯỜI CẨN TRỌNG TRÁNH BỊ LỪA ĐẢO.1BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 – TẬP 2Unit7TELEVISIONNhằm dễ dàng soạn bài giảng và in ấn, mình đã đánh Full 12 Unit WORD[.docx] của các sách tiếng Anh 6-10 thí điểm hiện nay.A GRAMMAR REVIEW1. Wh-questiona. Who hoặc What: Câu hỏi chủ ngữĐây là câu hỏi dùng khi muốn biết chủ ngữ hay chủ thể của hành động. Who dùng để hỏivề người, what dùng để hỏi về vật.Who/ What + V?Example- Who opened the door last night?John opened the door last night.[Ai đã mở cửa tối qua?][John đã mở cửa tối qua?]- What happened last night?Something happened last night.[Có chuyện gì xảy ra tối qua?][Chuyện gì đó đã xảy ra tối qua.]b. Whom hoặc What: câu hỏi tân ngữĐây là câu hỏi dùng khi muốn biết tân ngữ hay đối tượng tác động của hành động. Whomdùng để hỏi về người, what dùng để hỏi về vật.Whom/ What + do/ does/ did + S + V?Example- George bought a packet of biscuit atthe store.[George đã mua một gói bánh quy ởcửa hàng.]- Anna knows Jonathan in UK.[Anna biết Jonathan ở Anh.]What did George buy at the store?[George đã mua gì ở cửa hàng?]Whom does Anna know in the UK?[Anna biết ai ở Anh?]c. When, where, how, why, how many, how often: câu hỏi trạng ngữĐây là câu hỏi dùng khi muốn biết thời gian [when], nơi chốn [where], cách thức [how],lý do [why], số lượng [how many], tần suất [how often] của hành động.When/ Where/ How/ Why/ How many/ How often + do/ does/ did + S + V?2UNIT 7: TELEVISIONExample- When did you come to the UK?Bạn tới Anh khi nào?I came to the UK last week.Tớ tới Anh tuần trước.- Where did you go last night?Bạn đi đâu tối qua?I went to my grandparents’ house.Tối qua tớ tới nhà ông bà.- How did you come to the UK?Bạn đến Anh bằng phương tiện gì?I came to the UK by plane.Tớ đến Anh bằng máy bay.- Why did you come to the UK?Tại sao bạn tới Anh?I came to the UK to visit my relatives./Tớ tới Anh để thăm họ hàng. / Bởi vì tớBecause I want to visit my relatives.muốn đi thăm họ hàng.- How many books do you have?Bạn có bao nhiêu cuốn sách?I have three books.Tớ có ba cuốn.- How often do you visit your grandparents? Bạn đến thăm ông bà bao lâu một lần?I visit my grandparents twice a month.Tớ đến thăm ông bà 2 lần 1 tháng2. Conjunction [Liên từ]And: vàHe works quickly and carefully.[Anh ấy làm việc nhanh và cẩn thận.]Or: hoặcHurry up, or you will be late. [Nhanh lên kẻo bạn sẽ bị muộn dó.]But:He is intelligent but very lazy.nhưng[Anh ấy thông minh nhưng lười biếng.]While:Don’t sing while you work.trong khi[Đừng hát trong khi bạn đang làm việc.]So: nênHe is a good teacher; so, he is very popular with students. [Anh ấy là một giáoviên giỏi; do vậy, anh ấy khá nổi tiếng với các bạn học sinh.]After:You shoud take a little rest after working hard.sau khi[Bạn nên nghỉ ngơi một chút sau khi làm việc nặng.]Before:Don’t go to school before you have breakfast.trước khi[Đừng đi học trước khi ăn sáng.]Until:People often do not know the value of things until they lose them.cho tới khi[Con người thường không biết giá trị thật của đồ đạc cho đến khi họ đánh mấtchúng.]When: khiWhen you visit this country, you should bring warm clothes. [Khi bạn đi thămquốc gia này, bạn nên mang theo quần áo ấm.]To: đểI go to the library to borrow books.[Tớ đến thư viện để mượn sách.]Because:We didn’t pass the test because we didn’t learn hard.3BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 – TẬP 2bởi vì[Chúng tôi không vượt qua kì thi bởi vì chúng tôi không chăm học.]AlthoughAlthough it rained hard, I went out with her.mặc dù[Mặc dù trời mưa to, tôi vẫn đi chơi với cô ấy]B PRACTICETEST 1PRONUNCIATIONExercise 1: Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently fromthe others.1. A. theB. thereC. thinkD. they2. A. earthB. featherC. theaterD. thanks3. A. whenB. whereC. detectiveD. best4. A. clumsyB. cuteC. justD. but5. A. weatherB. newsreaderC. teachingD. repeatExercise 2: Tick to the correct column, [/ð/ or /θ/]No.Words1.there2.thrilling3.bathroom4.thunder5.theater6.than7.8.weatherearth9.feather10.mother/ð//θ/GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARYExercise 1: Choose the odd one out.1. A. directorB. viewerC. audienceD. watcher2. A. internationalB. localC. nationalD. boring3. A. studioB. cartoonC. world newsD. documentary4. A. newsreaderB. programmeC. comedianD. film producer5. A. reporterB. educationalC. excitingD. popularExercise 2: Match the words with the definition.4UNIT 7: TELEVISIONNo1.Definitiona man on a television or radio programme who gives aweather forecast2. something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird,fish or insect3. relating to love or a close loving relationship4. awkward in movement or manner5. a person who watches something, especially televisionExercise 3: Choose the correct option.Opt.A.WordsclumsyB.weathermanC.D.E.vieweranimalromantic1. Do you know __________ language is spoken in Kenya?A. WhenB. WhoC. WhatD. HowC. WhatD. How2. __________ is your blood type?A. WhichB. Who3. __________ do you play tennis for? - For exercise.A. WhenB. WhoC. WhatD. How4. __________ can I buy some milk? - At the supermarket.A. WhichB. WhoC. WhatD. WhereC. WhatD. HowC. WhatD. How5. __________ much do you weigh?A. WhereB. Who6. __________ hat is this? - It’s my brother’s.A. WhoseB. Who7. __________ can I park my car? - Over there.A. WhyB. WhereC. WhatD. HowC. WhatD. HowC. WhatD. How8. __________ tall are you?A. WhichB. Who9. __________ do you expect me to do?A. WhyB. Who10. __________ do you like your tea? - I like it with cream and sugar.A. WhichB. WhoC. WhatD. HowExercise 4: Choose the correct form of verb.1. The little girl asked what__________ to her friend.A. has happenedB. happenedC. had happenedD. would have been happened2. John __________ a book when I saw him.A. is readingB. readC. was readingD. readingC. canD. would beC. will have openedD. opening3. He said he __________ return later.A. willB. would4. Jack __________ the door.A. has just openedB. open5. I have been waiting for you __________.5BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 – TẬP 2A. since early morningB. since 9 a.mC. for two hoursD. all are correct6. My sister __________ for you since yesterday.A. is lookingB. was lookingC. has been lookingD. looked7. Tom is __________ for a book about wild life.A. lookingB. looksC. looksD. lookedC. has leftD. had leftC. didn’t seeD. hadn’t seen8. The train __________ half an hour ago.A. has been leavingB. left9. We __________ Doris since last Sunday.A. don’t seeB. haven’t seen10. When I last saw him, he __________ in London.A. has livedB. is livingC. was livingD. has been livingExercise 5: Choose the correct option for each sentence.1. She __________ doing aerobics now.A. areB. doesC. isD. hasC. WhichD. When2. - Lan: __________ are you doing, Mai?- Mai: I’m reading.A. WhatB. Who3. - Mr Tuan: __________ sports do you play, Binh?- Binh: I play soccer.A. WhereB. WhoC. WhatD. When4. - Minh: What do you do in your __________ time, An?- An: I watch videos.A. homeB. busyC. goodD. free5. My father listens __________ music in the evening.A. inB. toC. onD. at6. - An: How __________ do you go swimming?- Mai: Once a week.A. manyB. muchC. oldD. often7. Thu’s brother plays tennis three __________ a week.A. timeB. dayC. timesD. hour8. My students sometimes __________ their kites.A. playB. flyC. flysD. run9. We don’t go camping because we don’t have a __________.A. tentB. houseC. homeD. roomC. skippingD. skiping10. - Lan: Is Van __________ on the yard?- Mai: No, she’s in the kitchen.A. skipB. skips6UNIT 7: TELEVISIONExercise 6: Circle the mistake in each sentence.1. My father is interested in go fishing.ABCD2. She always has a friendly smile with everyone.ABCD3. He is difficult to understanding.ABCD4. I’m not very clever in Math. I often make mistakes in calculations.ABCD5. Everyone is kind to me. They oftens help me when I need.ABCD6. She is very creatively. She writes poetry and paints.ABCD7. It’s a really funny films: everyone laughs a lot.ABCD8. The children are played in the yard.ABCD9. He’s a little talkative. He likes talk a lot.ABCD10. He is often hard-working at school and he always gets well marks.ABCDExercise 7: Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.1. They have been waiting __________ the bus for half an hour.A. forB. withC. toD. at2. Why don’t you ask __________ a pay increase?A. with3. He took advantageA. ofB. toC. forD. on__________ this opportunity to explain why he had done that.B. inC. aboutD. forC. ofD. for4. The weeks went slowly __________.A. byB. with5. You have to move this box to make room __________ the new television set.A. forB. toC. aboutD. with6. Nowadays we rely increasingly __________ computers to regulate the flow of traffic inthe town.A. onB. inC. atD. to7. Translate these sentences __________ English.A. farB. intoC. withD. of8. Have you taken notice __________ the sign “No Smoking”?7BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 – TẬP 2A. toB. forC. ofD. with9. Ken prefers Chinese food __________ French food.A. aboutB. toC. overD. with10. Tom is interested __________ playing chew with his father.A. inB. atC. ofD. aboutExercise 8: Choose the best option to complete the sentences.1. VTV is a __________ TV channel in Vietnam. It attracts millions of TV viewers inVietnam.A. nationalB. internationalC. localD. wideC. favouriteD. like2. What’s your __________ TV programme?A. bestB. good3. My family enjoys watching game shows __________ they are very exciting andinteresting.A. soB. becauseC. butD. and4. - I __________ do you like the modern English programme?- Because it helps me with my English.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhoD. Why5. Disney channel is one of the most __________ channels __________ children.A. good - forB. exciting - ofC. popular - toD. popular - for6. My father likes watching sports __________ onVTV3.A. channelsB. eventsC. athletesD. matches7. The football match is on at 2 a.m __________ I can’t watch it.A. soB. becauseC. butD. then8. My brother wants to become a __________ to tell TV viewers what the weather is like.A. newsreaderB. actorC. weathermanD. producer9. TV __________ can join in some game shows through telephone or by email.A. weathermenB. peopleC. viewersD. newsreaders10. __________ are films by pictures, not real people and often for children.A. DocumentaryB. CartoonsC. Love storiesD. Detective story11. Are there any good programmes __________ teenagers on TV tonight?A. toB. ofC. withD. for12. My father works late tomorrow, so he will __________ the first part of the film on VTV1.A. missB. loseC. forgetD. cut13. That TV programme is not only interesting __________ it also teaches children manythings about family and friendship.A. andB. soC. becauseD. but14. __________ is the weather forecast programme on?- At 7.30 pm every day.A. WhatsB. How8C. WhenD. WhereUNIT 7: TELEVISION15. __________ the newsreaders on BBC One reads very fast. My brother can heareverything in the news.A. ButB. AlthoughC. WhenD. BecauseREADINGExercise 1: Read the text and choose the correct answer.Today, there is a TV set in nearly every home. People watch television every day, andsome people watch it from morning until night. Americans watch television about 35 hours aweek. But is television good or bad for you? People have different answers. Some say thatthere is a lot of violence on TV today, the programs are terrible and people don’t get anyexercise because they only sit and watch TV. Others think that TV programs bring news fromaround the world, help you learn many useful things, especially children. Thanks totelevision, people learn about life in other countries, and it helps people relax after a long dayof hard work.1. What is there in nearly every home?A. bedB. tableC. TVD. fridgeC. SundayD. Saturday2. How often do people watch TV?A. every dayB. weekday3. How many hours a week do American watch TV?A. 35 hoursB. 36 hoursC. 37 hoursD. 38 hours4. What are the disadvantages of watching TV too much?A. It makes people lazier.B. It makes people become more violent.C. A and B are correct.D. A and B are false.4. What can TV help people?A. earn moneyB. work fasterC. save moneyD. relaxExercise 2: Read the text and complete it by choosing the best option.Television first appeared some fifty years ago in the 1950s. Since then, it has been one ofthe most popular sources of entertainment for both the old and the young. Television offerscartoons for children, world news, music and many other programs. If someone is interestedin sports, for example, he can just choose the right sports channel. There he can enjoy abroadcast of an international football match while it is actually happening. Television is also avery useful way for companies to advertise their products.It is not too hard for us to see why there is a TV set in almost every home today. And,engineers are developing interactive TV which allows communication between viewers andproducers.1. When did TV first appear?A. in 1940sB. in 1950sC. in 1960sD. in 1970s2. TV has been one of the most __________ sources of entertainment for both the old andthe young.9BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 – TẬP 2A. popularB. expensiveC. excitingD. various3. What does TV offer?A. cartoonsB. newsC. musicD. A, B and C are correct4. Sports channel is for people who are __________ in sports.A. interestedB. passionC. loveD. tired5. Which TV allows communication between viewers and producers?A. Led TVB. HD TVC. Interactive TVD. Normal TVWRITINGExercise 1: There is only one correct sentence among four sentences. Choose the correctone.1. A. What is name of your favourite TV programme?- ‘Thanks God you are here”.B. What is the name in your favourite TV programme?- ‘Thanks God you are here”.C. What is the name of your favourite TV programme?- ‘Thanks God you are here”.D. What is the name of you favourite TV programme?- ‘Thanks God you are here”.2. A. We can meet in front of the theatre at 7 p.m.B. We can met in front of the theatre at 7 p.m.C. We can meet in front to the theatre at 7 p.m.D. We can meet in front with the theatre at 7 p.m.3. A. The documentary last during one hour.B. The documentary last in one hour.C. The documentary lasts at one hour.D. The documentary lasts for one hour.4. A. Bob like comedy because it makes him laugh.B. Bob likes comedy because it makes him laugh.C. Bob liking comedy because it makes him laugh.D. Bob likes comedy because it made him laugh.5. A. We are going to the cinema tonight. Would you like to go with us?B. We is going to the cinema tonight. Would you like to go with us?C. We are go to the cinema tonight. Would you like to go with us?D. We are going to a cinema tonight. Would you like to go with us?Exercise 2: Make sentences from the given words.1. Pokemon cartoons/ made/ Japan.A. Pokemon cartoons are made in Japan.10UNIT 7: TELEVISIONB. Pokemon cartoons is made in Japan.C. Pokemon cartoons are making in Japan.D. Pokemon cartoons are make in Japan.2. There/ interesting film/ TV/ tonight.A. There is a interesting film on TV tonight.B. There is an interest film on TV tonight.C. There is an interesting film above TV tonight.D. There is an interesting film on TV tonight.3. Lan Anh/ often/ go/ zoo/ with/ friends/ once a month.A. Lan Anh often goes to zoo with her friends once a month.B. Lan Anh often goes to the zoo to her friends once a month.C. Lan Anh often goes to the zoo with her friends once a month.D. Lan Anh often go to the zoo with her friends once a month.4. Dang/ often watch/ programme “Journey to the Sun”/ VTV4.A. Dang often watch the programme “Journey to the Sun” on VTV4.B. Dang often watches the programme “Journey to the Sun” on VTV4.C. Dang often watching the programme “Journey to the Sun” on VTV4.D. Dang often watches the programme “Journey to the Sun” at VTV4.5. People/ watch/ TV/ every day/ our country.A. People watching TV every day in our country.B. People are watch TV every day in our country.C. People watch TV every day in our country.D. People are watching TV every day in our country.TEST 2PRONUNCIATIONExercise 1: Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently fromthe others.1. A. gameB. relaxC. nationalD. channel2B. sportC. mostD. show3. A. thirtyB. themC. bothD. theme4. A. scheduleB. whenC. redD. comedy5. A. brotherB. throughC. thenD. weatherA. programmeExercise 2: Tick to the correct column. [/ð/ or /θ/]No.Words1.the2.mother/ð/11/θ/BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 – TẬP 23.birthday4.tooth5.those6.three7.8.thingboth9.theme10.ThursdayGRAMMAR AND VOCABULARYExercise 1: Choose the odd one out.1. A. designerB. horrorC. scienceD. love story2. A. actressB. documentaryC. nurseD. teacher3. A. newsB. magazineC. articleD. actor4. A. reality showB. bookC. dictionaryD. notebook5. A. quiz showB. game showC. writerD. football matchExercise 2: Match the words with the correct pictures.NoAOpt.1.Remote controlA.2.CartoonB.3.CameramanC.4.ActorD.12BUNIT 7: TELEVISION5.Weather girlE.Your answers: 1..................2..................3..................4..................5..................Exercise 3: Match the questions [A] and the answers [B].No1.2.3.DefinitionWhere is your father now?Who’s she?What do you see in the photo?Opt.ABCWordsYes, sure.They’re blue.We’re taking part in an artworkshop.4. What would he like to be in the future?DIt’s my cousin, Jane.5. Can you pass the pen, please?EI see a singer.6. What color of the eyes does Tom have?FHe would like to be a director.7. Would you like to have a picnic onGShe has a round face and shortSunday?black hair.8. What are you doing tomorrow?HSorry, we can’t. We’re visiting ourgrandparents.He is at work. He’s very busy9. What does your new friend look like?Itoday.10. Does she have a round face?JOf course not. She has an oval face.Your answers: 1..................2..................3..................4..................5..................Exercises 4: Choose the correct option.1. _________ picture do you prefer, this one or that one?A. WhichB. WhereC. WhatD. How2. _________ is that woman? - I think she is a teacher.A. WhichB. WhoC. WhatD. WhenC. WhatD. Where3. _________ book is this? - It’s mine.A. WhoseB. Who4. _________ do you usually eat lunch? At noon.A. WhyB. WhoC. WhenD. How5. _________ do you wash clothes? - Every week.A. WhereB. WhoC. WhatD. How often6. _________ does your father work? - At City Hall.A. WhyB. WhoC. WhereD. When7. _________ usually gets up the earliest in your family?A. WhereB. WhoC. WhatD. How8. _________ do you think of this hotel? - It’s pretty good.A. WhichB. WhereC. WhatD. Who9. _________ does your father work at that company? - Because it’s near our house.13BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 – TẬP 2A. WhereB. WhyC. WhatD. How10. _________ dances the best in your family? - My sister does.A. WhyB. WhereC. WhatD. WhoExercise 5: Choose the best option to complete the sentences.1. Minh often goes _________ in the mountains with Tan and Nga.A. walkingB. runC. walkD. walks2. Ba always goes swimming _________ his friends.A. toB. ofC. withD. and3. They often _________ strong boots and warm clothes.A. are wearB. wearingC. wearD. wears4. We _________ food and water with us when we go camping.A. haveB. takeC. goD. run5. Mr An: _________ are the boys playing soccer now?Miss Nga: On the schoolyard.A. WhereB. WhatC. WhenD. WhoC. anyD. some6. I’d like _________ orange, please.A. aB. an7. Mr Hung is traveling to Ha Noi _________ bus.A. inB. onC. byD. ofC. jogD. is jog8. Nam _________ every morning.A. is joggingB. jogs9. Ha: What does Miss Lan do in _________ free time? - An: She plays sports.A. hisB. herC. theirD. myC. anyD. at10. Tuan goes fishing twice _________ week.A. aB. anExercise 6. Look at the answer then put an appropriate question word.1. _________ do you usually eat for breakfast? - Toast and eggs.A. WhenB. WhichC. WhatD. Who2. _________ does Peter come from? - London.A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. Where3. _________ do you usually have lunch with? - My friends.A. WhoB. WhatC. WhereD. When4. _________ do they go to school? - In the morning.A. WhichB. WhenC. HowD. Why5. _________ does Mary come to class? - By bus.A. HowB. WhatC. WhereD. Who6. _________ do your sister and you usually get up? - Ten o’ clock.A. WhatB. How many14C. What timeD. How muchUNIT 7: TELEVISION7. _________ ice cream does Johnny like? - Chocolate.A. WhichB. WhenC. WhoD. What8. _________ cap do you often borrow? - My brother’s [cap].A. WhatB. WhoseC. WhyD. Which9. _________ does she sometimes come to work late? - Because she misses the train.A. WhoseB. WhoC. WhyD. How10. _________ do you go shopping? - Once a week.A. How oftenB. How muchC. How manyD. How farExercise 7: Complete the sentence with the correct preposition.1. He spent too much money _________ that car.A. withB. onC. toD. inC. toD. in2. Do you believe _________ God?A. onB. at3. You must make allowance _________ him because he has been ill.A. toB. forC. withD. ofC. aheadD. back4. May I start now? Yes, go _________.A. upB. down5. I talked to him so enjoyably that I lost track _________ the time.A. toB. withc. ofD. for6. Don’t shout _________ the child when he makes a mistake.A. toB. atC. withD. for7. Last Sunday I was invited _________ his wedding party.A. toB. onC. inD. at8. I have been looking _________ my dog for two days but I haven’t seen it yet.A. afterB. forC. intoD. atC. withD. to9. I don’t care _________ what they have said.A. aboutB. for10. My mother is going to the cinema _________ her friends.A. toB. withC. beforeD. amongsExercise 8: Choose the best option to complete the sentences.1. Children can participate in a TV _________ for a game show or quiz show.A. channelB. competitionC. studioD. cartoon2. Many people with different skills work hard _________ quality programmes for TV.A. produceB. producingC. to produceD. to producing3. - _________ is that TV programme directed by?- By a famous Vietnamese director.A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. Who4. If you want to know what the _________ is like tomorrow, watch the weather forecast.15BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 – TẬP 2A. weatherB. musicC. world newsD. game show5. My sister often _________ badminton in her free time.A. playB. playsC. playingD. to playC. WouldD. AreC. doesD. doC. joggingD. playingC. listensD. is listening6. _________ you like beef? - No, thanks.A. DoB. How much7. She _________ aerobics at the moment.A. doingB. is doing8. I like _________. I have a rope.A. swimmingB. skipping9. Susan _________ to music every night.A. listenB. listening10. How often do you go to the zoo? - _________ a month.A. twoB. oneC. threeD. TwiceC. forD. onC is goingD. go11. What do you do _________ your free time?A. inB. at12. John _________ fishing on Sundays.A. goesB. going13. _________ does your grandfather go jogging? - In the afternoon.A. WhenB. What timeC. How oftenD. HowC. HowD. WhatC. playsD. takes14. - _________ do you go to the movies?- I sometimes go to the movies.A. How oftenB. When15. Thomas _________ walking.A. goesB. likesREADINGExercise 1: Read the text and choose the correct answer.Tom CruiseTom Cruise [born on July 3, 1962] is an American actor and producer. He has beennominated for three Academy Awards and has won three Golden Globe Awards. He startedhis career at age 19 in the film Endless Love.Cruise was born in Syracuse, New York, the son of Mary Lee [née Pfeiffer], a specialeducation teacher, and Thomas Cruise Mapother III, an electrical engineer, both originallyfrom Louisville, Kentucky.In sixth grade, Cruise went to Henry Munro Middle School in Ottawa, Canada. However,in the spring of that year, Cruise’s mother left his father, taking Cruise and his sisters back tothe United States. His father died of cancer in 1984.1. How many Golden Globe Awards has Tom Cruise won?16UNIT 7: TELEVISIONA. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4B. in 1982C. in 1983D. in 1984B. in CaliforniaC. In CanadaD. In OttawaC. an engineerD. a driverC. In 1985D. In 19862. When did he start his career?A. in 19813. Where was he born?A. In New York4. What did his father do?A. a teacherB. a doctor5. When did his father die?A. In 1983B. In 1984Exercise 2: Read the text and complete it by choosing the best option.Television first appeared some fifty years ago in the 1950s. Since then, it has been one ofthe most [1]___________ sources of entertainment for both the old and the young. Televisionoffers [2]___________ for children, world news, music and many other [3]___________. Ifsomeone is interested in sports, for example, he can just choose the right sports[4]___________. There he can enjoy a broadcast of an international football match while it isactually happening. Television is also a very useful way for companies to advertise theirproducts.It is not too hard for us to see why there is a TV set in almost every home today. And,engineers are developing interactive TV which allows communication [5]___________viewers and producers.1. A. cheapB. popularC. expensiveD. kind2. A. newsB. sportsC. cartoonsD. plays3. A. programsB. channelsC. reportsD. sets4. A. athletesB. timeC. studioD. channel5. A. withB. amongC. betweenD. likeWRITINGExercise 1: There is only one correct sentence among four sentences. Choose the correctone.1. A. Children can participate in a TV programme for children.B. Children cans participate in a TV programme for children.C. Children can participates in a TV programme for children.D. Children can participate in an TV programme for children.2. A. Many people with differently skills are working hard to produce programmes for TV.B. Many people with different skills is working hard to produce programmes for TV.C. Many people with different skills are work hard to produce programmes for TV.D. Many people with different skills are working hard to produce programmes for TV.3. A. What is that TV programme directed by? - By a famous Vietnamese director.17BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 – TẬP 2B. Who is that TV programme directing by? - By a famous Vietnamese director.C. Who is that TV programme directed by? - By a famous Vietnamese director.D. Who is that TV programme directed by? - By some famous Vietnamese director.4. A. My brothers often plays badminton in his free time.B. My brother often plays badminton in his free time.C. My brother often play badminton in his free time.D. My brother often plays badminton at his free time.5. A. How often did you watch football on TV? - Every weekend.B. How often do you watch football on TV? - Every weekend.C. How often do you watching football on TV? - Every weekend.D. How much do you watch football on TV? - Every weekend.Exercise 2: Make sentences from the given words.1. My Tam’s/ live show/ Lan Anh Stadium/ on TV/ next week.A. My Tam’s living show at Lan Anh Stadium will be on TV next week.B. My Tam’s live show at Lan Anh Stadium will be on TV next week.C. My Tam’s live show on Lan Anh Stadium will be on TV next week.D. My Tam’s live show at Lan Anh Stadium will be at TV next week.2. The Voice Kids/ popular/ programme/. Our children/ love/ very much.A. The Voice Kids is popular programme. Our children love it very much.B. The Voice Kids is a popular programme. Our children love it very much.C. The Voice Kids is a popular programme. Our children loves it very much.D. The Voice Kids are a popular programme. Our children love it very much.3. The/ news programme/ on/ VTV3/ 7 p.m/ every day.A. The news programme is on VTV3 at 7 p.m every day.B. The news programme are on VTV3 at 7 p.m every day.C. The news programme is in VTV3 at 7 p.m every day.D. The programme news is on VTV3 at 7 p.m every day.4. We/ like/ watch/ cartoons/ TV/ because/ they/ interesting.A. We likes watching cartoons on TV because they are interesting.B. We like watch cartoons on TV because they are interesting.C. We like watched cartoons on TV because they are interesting.D. We like watching cartoons on TV because they are interesting.5. My brother/ weatherman/. He/ on TV/ every day.A. My brother is an weatherman. He is on TV every day.B. My brother is a weatherman. Him is on TV every day.C. My brother is a weatherman. He is on TV every day.D. Me brother is a weatherman. He is on TV every day.18ANSWER KEY

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