Does Amazon Music have playlists?

You'll operate Apple Podcasts in almost exactly the same way as Apple Music.

Switching to a new music streaming service might seem intimidating, but with some advanced preparation, you don’t have to lose all your carefully curated songs. Transferring your Amazon Music playlist to Apple Music can be done manually, but that will take quite a long time. Instead, here’s how to automatically transfer your tunes from Amazon Music to Apple Music.

How does transferring music work?

Soundiiz will ask you where you want your playlists to come from, which you want to transfer, and where they’re going.

Most streaming platforms don’t let you directly transfer playlists to another one [they are competitors, after all]. Thankfully, options like Soundiiz and Tune My Music exist. These services ask you for the source of your playlists [Amazon Music in this case] and where you want them to end up [Apple Music]. They take the metadata from your current tracks and match it up with tracks in the destination service. However, it’s not a foolproof process. Errors can occur, especially for artists or tracks that have sparse or incorrect metadata. That’s rare, though, and you can correct these errors manually if they occur.

Related: How to transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music

What are the privacy concerns of using a third-party music transfer service?

The transfer service needs access to both of your accounts. That means passwords, login details, and more. These third-party services only have access to specific information, however. Plus, your music streaming platform itself likely lets you revoke third-party access once everything is finished. For Amazon Music, that means using the Login With Amazon page in a browser and revoking the service’s access rights there.

Moving your tunes from Amazon Music to Apple Music is a pretty quick process, thanks to services like Soundiiz and Tune My Music.

You can use whatever service works best for you, but for simplicity and the purposes of this guide, we’ll stick to Soundiiz.

How do you transfer Amazon Music playlists to Apple Music?

After you choose Amazon Music as the source of your playlists in Soundiiz, you can configure the migration options and then select Apple Music as the destination.

Moving your songs from Amazon Music to Apple Music is pretty simple using Soundiiz. Basically, you select Amazon Music as the source and Apple Music as the destination. You then pick the playlists you want to migrate and the service mostly does the rest.

A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm that the service may connect to Amazon Music and to Apple Music. It will list all the permissions required for it to read the metadata from your tracks. Hit “Accept,” and then let it run in the background.

After it finishes, your Apple Music playlist should be populated with your songs from Amazon Music. Scan over the list to make sure no errors occurred. If they did, you’ll need to correct them manually. After that, you can revoke the access permissions you gave Soundiiz on both Amazon and Apple Music.

How do you transfer TIDAL playlists to Apple Music?

Tidal HiFi costs $9.99 USD/month for one person, or $19.99 USD/month for the HiFi Plus model.

The process for moving over TIDAL playlists is pretty similar to Amazon Music. First, you select TIDAL as the origin and Apple Music as the destination in Soundiiz, then you pick the playlists you wish to transfer.

A window appears asking for permissions to access metadata from both services. You must hit accept for the transfer process to begin.

See: TIDAL vs Spotify

As before, you’ll have to check manually once it completes, just in case any errors pop up. After you do that, you can revoke third-party permissions on both music streaming platforms.

How do you transfer YouTube Music playlists to Apple Music?

Transferring YouTube Music playlists to Apple Music is pretty hassle-free.

YouTube Music users can follow similar steps to transfer their playlists to Apple Music. Again, you first select YouTube Music as the source Apple Music as the destination in Soundiiz. Then, allow third-party app permissions in the pop-up window.

Related: YouTube Music vs Spotify

After that, Soundiiz will read the metadata of your YouTube music playlist and then use it to move your songs over to Apple Music. You might have to correct errors manually, as with any other service.

How do you transfer Deezer playlists to Apple Music?

The background color of the main “Now Playing” section also changes color depending on the song you’re listening to.

Deezer playlists are also pretty simple to move to Apple Music. Once again, you select your desired Deezer playlists as the source in Soundiiz, and Apple Music as the destination.

Next, Soundiiz will ask for permissions, which you have to accept for the process to begin. After a short period of time, you should find your previous Deezer playlists in your Apple Music accounts.

Read on: Deezer vs Spotify

Afterward, you can check for any errors and correct them manually, then finally you can revoke third-party permissions in both streaming services.

How do you transfer Qobuz playlists to Apple Music?

Moving Qobuz playlists to Apple Music only takes a few steps.

Qobuz listeners can also easily move their playlists to Apple Music. Set your Qobuz playlists as the source and Apple Music as the destination in Soundiiz, then hit accept in the pop-up window to give Soundiiz the permissions it needs to complete the process.

After a short time, your playlists should now be in Apple Music. Check for any errors and correct them, then you can revoke third-party access in both Qobuz and Apple Music.

How do you transfer Spotify playlists to Apple Music?

If you care about podcasts Spotify might be for you, even though it still doesn’t have the best UI when it comes to the Spotify player.

Transferring Spotify playlists to Apple Music follows similar steps to all the other streaming platforms mentioned above. First, you set Spotify as the source in Soundiiz, then Apple Music as the destination. Afterward, you must accept the terms and conditions.

Keep reading: Apple Music vs Spotify

The transfer process will complete in a short time. Be sure to check for any errors and correct them, then you can revoke third-party access permissions in both Spotify and Apple Music.

What if your playlists are missing songs or have incorrect songs?

Both Apple Music and Spotify offer large collections of songs, albums, and playlists, but sometimes a few items could get lost in the shuffle.

Because the metadata for every single song in your playlists may not be perfectly correct, a few of them might not make the leap to Apple Music. It may also be the case that a particular song, artist, or album simply is not available in Apple Music.

If the problem is simply poor metadata, you can search for your songs and albums manually in Apple Music and add them as required. Both Soundiiz and Tune My Music will alert you if they could not move any songs over in the transfer process. You may also have to remove incorrectly matched tracks that arrive due to artists having the same or similar names, track titles, or album titles. Be sure to verify everything before deleting your old music subscription service, however, because your playlists will be deleted with it.

Next: How to EQ your Bluetooth headphones with a mobile app

Frequently asked questions about transferring Amazon Music and other music services

How do I cancel payments on my old music service before moving to a new one?

That depends on the service, but generally speaking, you can find this in your music service’s account settings.

To cancel your Amazon Music subscription:

  1. Go to your Amazon Music Settings.
  2. Choose the section labeled “Amazon Music Unlimited.”
  3. Click the Cancel button in the “Subscription Renewal” area.
  4. Confirm the cancellation.

To cancel your Spotify Music subscription:

  1. Log into Spotify
  2. Under the “Your Plan” tab, select the “Change plan” option.
  3. Scroll down until you see a section labeled “Cancel Spotify.”
  4. Click the Cancel Premium button.

To cancel your TIDAL subscription:

  1. Log in to the TIDAL website.
  2. Click the “Subscription” option.
  3. Select “Cancel my subscription,” and confirm the cancellation.

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