nerd là gì - Nghĩa của từ nerd

nerd có nghĩa là

A stereotypical label used to describe a person that is socially inadequate. A four letter word, but a six figure income.


Think Bill Gates, but typically on a smaller scale.

nerd có nghĩa là

The person you will one day call "Boss"


bill gates, steve jobs, other very wealthy individuals

nerd có nghĩa là

"Nerd" is now a meaningless word used by those who don't possess the knowledge of others in an attempt to make the latter group feel stupid. In actuality, those who use the word "nerd" in an offensive manner are normally just
A] Jealous of the knowledge someone else posseses
B] Just plain stupid themselves.


Smart person: *Rolls eyes*

nerd có nghĩa là

Nerd as an insult means "you are smarter then me and that makes me feel inferior so I must cover up my inadequacy by making fun of you".


Billy Joe Bob teh Lumber Jack: How do you know all that?? NERD!!!

Translation: How do you know all that?? You are smarter then me and that makes me feel inferior so I must cover up my inadequacy by making fun of you!!!

nerd có nghĩa là

Guys who'll be running the country in the future.


Nerds are stronger than all others because after years of ridicule, they still come on top.

nerd có nghĩa là

the most epic species known on earth. all secretly bad ass ninjas.


whoa check that nerd over there!
[a nerd walks past, does a ninja backflip, then moves on]

nerd có nghĩa là

A lifetime of insults because of their superior intellect and supposed lack of social skills. The latter is not always true.
Nerds do have a circle of friends from a variety of stereotypes. They may just prefer their own company, other nerds' company or may not have the time to socialise with others. Or, find other more overbearing people, for example, a jock, overbearing, rude, arrogant, and hypocritical to name a few.
It is also the nerds who invented the tv, computer, radio just amongst a small set of things, which are used in most of today's society for many social, yes, social events, for example, sports and sports clubs, which are used to a jocks' advantage [a touch hypocritical from those jocks who insult nerds]!
Nerds, through use of their brains, ideas, have contributed to a more advanced society, and their inventions and intelligence, despite their constant abuse and insults from others, are being made to good use by many non-nerds, and making their jobs more easier than it once was.
Nerds are often good-hearted people with righteous morals, and don't deserve the negative stereotypes they are betrayed as by jocks in particular.
It is nerds who have made other stereotypes [eg. jocks'] jobs that much easier.
If we were all stereotyped the same way, wouldn't that make for a boring world? Or even a thoughtless, immoral one where we all have to be like this, that, etc etc?


Other stereotype: "Sometimes we tend to forget just how useful nerds have been to society."
"Good to make fun of because they're weak, unfit, don't have a life, are still virgins, and because we use the same stuff like computers, tv, cameras, radios that they were good for."
"And what do they ever get from anybody in return?"

nerd có nghĩa là

A nerd is basically a person who has a higher understanding of things than most regular people.Do not confuse them with dorks or geeks. Nowadays everyone believes that they must be the same as everyone else to be accepted.Nerds are able to oversee this and become successful in life unlike the jocks,skaters, or cool kids. Nerds are the same as everyone else and are not superior to anyone but thanks to the mainstream people believe that nerds are social rejects. A nerd has a 8 out of 10 chance of becoming successful while the jock has a 2 out 10 chance of being successful.


Bill Gates - One of the richest men in the world and biggest nerds
Steve Jobs - One of the founders of Apple or in other words the dude who made the iPod your listening to right now.
Will Wright - Video Game designer of popular games like the sims and spore.

nerd có nghĩa là

we prefer the term intellectually badass


jock/jerk: hahaha you got honor roll
smart person: yeah so
jock/jerk: it means your a nerd
smart person: actually we prefer the term intellectually badass
jock/jerk:*stands dumbfounded*
smart person:*walks away laughing*

nerd có nghĩa là

An outdated term describing all the individuals who pursue all da intellectual interests of life. They are the captains of industry and chiefs of entertainment. They usually have heavy focus on non-mainstream outdated interests, & many r solely obsessed with 1 particular interest.. They created all da arts. From science, mathematics, music, cooking, machines, cars, boats, history, literature, theatre, computers, phones, weapons, video games. They are responsible 4 all the entertainment that goes on in our modern day lives but we fail 2 give them credit. However, because of the amount of time spent on self devotion to creative hobbies, they lack severely in socials skills. Dey forget the important tasks of life- such as cleaning, washing, maintaining, housekeeping but leave their mommies 2 do their work for them. Dey go through school being picked on, bullied, tortured. However, often times what they do in school often carries over 2 adult life. Then one day dey become horny & their hormones take over - so when dey try to pursue da opposite sex, all dey have to talk about is their nerdy obsession of 1 interest. Instead of being well rounded, this is exactly why dey have a hard time getting laid. Because dey spend 2 much time with their hobbies in their adult life, dey forget about relationships & having sex. They turn 40 & shit hits da fan, look back at their life wishing dey had all da sex, & then blame da jocks who picked on them in school 4 having more sex than them.


Guy: Let me take you somewhere
Girl: Sure, where would you liūke to go?
Guy: Wanna come to my concert? I have a jazz band if you wanna hear. You like jazz?
Girl: Ewwww....... no loser. Why do you like jazz anyway? Its so outdated. Kids nowadays listen to EDM and hip hop.
Guy: But dont you wanna have some fun???
Girl: Ewwww NOOO. Id have more fun with my friends going to an EDM festival than listen to some of your nerdy jazz music that no one likes anymore.
Guy: Do you wanna have sex?????
Girl: Ewwwwwww. Go away!!! Leave me alone NERD!!!!!!!!!!

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