Nonverbal cues of a rational style person include intense and constant eye contact

A customer service professional needs to be aware that everyone is different.


True False



Explanation: As a customer service professional, you need to be aware that everyone is different. Not everyone behaves as you do, yet many still demonstrate behaviors that are similar to yours.

Nonverbal cues of a rational style person include constant eye contact.


True False



Explanation: Nonverbal cues of the rational style person includes fleeting eye contact.

A service provider should strive to provide seamless service that seems effortless and natural to the customer.


True False



Explanation: A service provider should strive to provide seamless service, an effortless and natural one, to customers.

The decisive style is characterized by a no-nonsense approach to people and situations.

True False

A likely behavior in the inquisitive style is intermittent eye contact.

True False

The way a person acts or reacts under certain circumstances are the primary behavior patterns that everyone has.

True False

An important point to remember is that there is one best behavioral style.

True False

No matter which style tendencies a customer has,everyone likes to feel appreciated.

True False

Research has given us self-assessment questionnaires and models for explaining personal behavior,such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

True False

The expressive style exhibits nonverbal cues such as enthusiasm and inflection in voice.

True False

Behavioral styles are observable tendencies that you and others exhibit when dealing with tasks or people.

True False

A service provider should be sure to label a person as being one style.

True False

A service provider can partner with internal or external customers to solve problems and produce a win-win situation.

True False

In dealing with customers,when someone is doing something with customers differently from your way,it means that the person is wrong.

True False

An inquisitive style uses formal names instead of nicknames.

True False

A win-win situation is one in which the customer and you and your organization succeed.

True False

People who have a preference for the rational style tend to be impatient.

True False

Adaptability is crucial in customer service for many people do not always act the way you want them to.

True False

In the decisive behavioral style,a strategy in response to a firm,active handshake is to return a weak,limp handshake.

True False

Carl Jung divided behavior into two attitudes which he called constant and inconstant.

True False

In which category of nonverbal communication eye contact comes?

The study of eye contact, also called oculesics, is a sub-category of nonverbal behaviours in the field of kinesicsOpens in new window. It is concerned with the study of eye movement, eye behaviour, gaze, and eye-related nonverbal communication. Eye contact is a direct and powerful tool of interpersonal communication.

Is eye contact Paralanguage?

Nonverbal communication includes vocal elements, which is referred to as paralanguage and includes pitch, volume, and rate, and nonvocal elements, which are usually referred to as body language and includes gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact, among other things.

Which of the following is an example of negative nonverbal behavior?

A slumped posture can demonstrate a lack of confidence or boredom. Averted eye contact can be an indicator that a person is uncomfortable, self-conscious, or even lying. Crossed arms can signal defensiveness or disagreement. A forced smile can mean insincerity.

What is often displayed through nonverbal cues such as nodding?

Attentiveness is often displayed through nonverbal cues such as nodding or cocking of the head to one side.