north kingstown là gì - Nghĩa của từ north kingstown

north kingstown có nghĩa là

semi-large, richie rich town in southern coastal RI. NK'ers are generally white and rich, although most of them like to pretend they have much less money than they really do.THey frown on less-nice parts of town such as Yorktown and other parts of Davisville b/c they lower their economic ranking. NK'ers attend NK high school, known throughout the state as "NK University" b/c of it's ridiculously nice bulding and facilities. Kids at NKHS range from white kids who like to think they're black, rich kids who like to think theyre hippies, preps, kids who like to think they're punk and emo, etc. typical school uniform includes jeans, flip flops, and blood-shot eyes b/c the only thing to do in this town is get high and these kids r pros at this.


any other RI high school student: Oh, you go to NK? [rolls eyes]
NKHS student: Yeah, but you don't understand me, and we kicked ur ass at lacrosse.

north kingstown có nghĩa là

semi-large richie rich town in southern RI. kids from nk are generally white rich kids, although they like to pretend they have less money then they really do. nk'ers frown upon less-nice parts of their town like yorktown and other areas of davisville, which lowers their economic ranking. NK kids attend NK high school, also known by non-nker's as "NK University" due to the schools ridiculously nice building and facilities. kids at NKHS range from white kids who like to think they're black, rich kids who like to think they're hippies, preppies, sluts, kids who like to think they're punk, and so on. Typical school uniform would be jeans, flip flops, and blood-shot eyes, b/c the only thing to do in this town is get high and these kids r pros at it.


any other RI high school kid: Oh, you go to NK? [rolls eyes]
NK Kid: yeah, but you don't understand me, and we kicked your ass at lacrosse.

north kingstown có nghĩa là

rich, pretty town on the water in southern rhode island. commonly referred to as "NK", it's a huge town that is split between davisville where people think they're ghetto and wickford which is a lot nicer. everyone is pretty laid back 'cuz they're stoned pretty much all the time...lots of hippies live here and even the preppy kids wear hemp necklaces. home of the NKHS Skippers, although the mascot should more appropriately be Bob Marley lol. everyone grows up playing soccer,and the lacrosse teams and most other sports are some of the best in the state. although NK can be pretty boring, kids here know how to party. not to be confused with kingsTON or south kingstown
although NK kids tend to have a reputation for being "rich-bitch stoners" or whatever, that's not entirely true and there are some really chill ones. if you want to meet us, just show up at any Badfish show at Lupos and we'll be the entire crowd haha.


non-NK resident: i'm bored, what should we do for fun?
NK kid: dude me too. let's go smoke a blunt, funnel some beers out of my lacrosse stick, and then jump of the docks!!!
non-NK resident: oh right, i forgot you're from north kingstown....

north kingstown có nghĩa là

North Kingstown is a good town in RI. It does have its ups and down. people judge nk by our school they do not relize what our school liked like befor... and yeah we might be rich but we are not brats. At nk there are preps, goths, hippies, white people who thing they are black, and gangsters. It is like any other school. they unifom is jeans collard shirt and blood shot eyes beucase like everyone smokes. Jamstown is part of our high school and is the spot to be to get crunk! and our school is beter than all of yours [people reading] so get over it


other school [ HEY! what school you go to]
Nk [ North Kingsotwn]
other school [ oh nevery mind]
NK [ well you dont understand us.. wel and we kicked your but in like all sports!

north kingstown có nghĩa là

Nk, is where ya wanna be every day, for 50 cent you can get a lay, for a quarter more you can get some hay, don't care what ya say, so fuck you sk, we are nk.


Hell yeah I live in North Kingstown

north kingstown có nghĩa là

A predominantly white trash community, North Kingstown lies in the Southern portion of Rhode Island. Known as "NK", the residents of this town often get confused with the luxiourious towns that surround it such as Jamestown and South Kingstown. They dream of having beaches as nice as either of these two towns, and strive to beat South Kingstown in both athletics and academics, but seem to fail...year after year..after year.
Undergoing a recent face lift, their high school[that is settled in the middle of the woods] has now become part of the twenty first century. Sadly however, the rest of their town lacks any sort of destination that would be worth seeing...
Overall, it would be much easier to pretend that such a trashy, empty, classless town didn't exist.
It's embaressing that a town like this should even be allowed in Rhode Island.


Tourist: So where should I visit when I come to Rhode Island?
Genious: Anywhere and Everywhere except North Kingstown

north kingstown có nghĩa là

The most pretentious high school you will ever find in the most pretentious state -- also known as Rhode Island. Rhode Island is historically the region where all the "misfits" end up, and the modern-day adaptation is no different, let alone in the schools. North Kingstown just has a big, glass box-like institution where the fumes of sewage waft through the halls sometimes. If one enters through the back door and walks down the adjacent hallway, they would come across the "sex staircase". Walk up that staircase to the second floor, and find one of the bathrooms where the mirror is smudged with smoke and cig burns. Some say the school was modeled after a prison, and sure enough, it's a living hell. It's also the place where intelligent poor kids suffer and upper middle class, pearl-wearing sluts and Nike-wearing studs rule. The student body mainly consists of idiots who cheat their way through homework and tests via social connections and Snapshit, hence the overall GPA inflation, causing NK's NHS to accept members who have strictly a 4.0 while the national benchmark is 3.0. To summarize, it's all propagated. They say they're a welcoming community, but it's just the opposite. The cafeteria is divided by socioeconomic standing, and how nice somebody is to you depends on how much monetary value you exhibit, although there are some exceptions. It's a fucked up place covered up by too big of a smile.


I salute you, North Kingstown High School! ╭∩╮

north kingstown có nghĩa là

A town in Rhode Island consisting mostly of rich folk who pretend they have less money than they really have. North Kingstown is not so much of a "poser town" but a town following is New England heritage of blue collar workers and pickup trucks.


Most people living in North Kingstown appear to be low-life scum bags but actually lead successful and meaningful lives.

north kingstown có nghĩa là

NK is a great town in Rhode Island. It's closer to the beaches than other places in the state but doesn't have as high of housing costs. Taxes are high but there are good schools, especially Stony Lane elementary. I've found people in NK to be nicer than people in neighboring EG. You can't go wrong living near Wickford. There are several upscale and comfortable subdivisions off Stony Lane and Old Baptist Rd. Lots of housing options here but favoring higher income people. A few big boxes here but you can drive to Warwick for that. Saunderstown is closer to the beach but farther from amenities and features many high end neighborhoods. NK is a great option if you want a safe place to live with a classic downtown and lower housing prices than EG and safer than Warwick. More convenient than Exeter/WG


#1: I love North Kingstown, I loved growing up here #2 Me too. Lots to do in the summer such a great location in RI

north kingstown có nghĩa là

A big town is southern Rhode Island whereit is divided between Rich preps, Emos, and gangsters. The rich preppy kids tend to be stuck up ass holes who hate lower class people and think that there the shit because of there parents money. The emos tend to be lesbian who like to hide under the stairs at school and finger eachother and like to have short hair. Then the “gangsters” tend to hate the rich kids because they are racist ass holeswho only care about themselves and everyone loves to vape especially in the bathroom and the high school.


North Kingstown is a divided town where each group hates eachother

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