Sách mềm tiếng anh 9 tập 2


1 Work in pairs. Is tourism important to Viet Nam? Give at least one reason.

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2. Play the recording one or two times. Clarify anything which is unclear or diffi cult. Ask Ss to listen carefully and tick T/F as they hear answers in the lecture. For less able Ss, T may play the recording again, or as many times as needed.

Key:      1. T               2. T                   3. F                   4. T         5. T               6. F

Audio script:

Thanks to the widespread use of modern means of transport, people have more choice of holiday destination and can now visit even the remotest parts of the world. Tourism has certainly become an important factor in the development of many countries.

An obvious benefit of tourism is that it plays a key role in economic growth. It contributes greatly to the income of a region or country. It also brings job opportunities to all kinds of people, and therefore helps promote prosperity in diverse fields. Another positive aspect of tourism is that it helps promote international understanding and cooperation among nations. In addition, tourism can improve the standard of living of local or rural communities, so young people are encouraged to stay in their hometown to build a good life rather than move to big cities. Finally, tourism brings cultural benefits, as travellers learn about the history and culture of a place, and spread them around the world.

On the other hand, the drawbacks of tourism can’t be denied …

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3 Listen again and choose the correct answer.

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4 Work in groups. Talk about the negative effects of tourism on a region or country. The following ideas may be helpful to you.

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5. Tell Ss to recall any of their previous work about the negative effects/disadvantages of something. Let them choose one negative effect that they have discussed in 4 and write a paragraph of about 100-120 words about it. When they have finished, tell them to swap their writing and check each other’s work.

T may collect some Ss’ writing papers and mark them, then give comments to the class in the next lesson.

If time doesn’t allow, have Ss make an outline in class, and then write the full version as homework. T checks in the next lesson.

Sample writing:

One of the drawbacks of tourism is the damage to the environment of a country or area. In the first place, tourists use a lot of local resources such as water, food, energy, etc., and this puts pressure on the environment. Secondly, there is the problem of pollution. Many cities and towns become overcrowded with tourists, with all their vehicles causing traffi c jams as well as air and noise pollution. Another bad effect of tourism is the destruction of the wildlife in some places. The habitat of wild plants and animals is lost because of the building of tourist resorts, and by visitors’ activities. In short, the development of tourism has bad effects on the environment.

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1. Let Ss read the words in the box first, then read the passage and complete the exercise individually. Tell them to pay attention to the common collocations related to the topic of the unit. After that, let some Ss read the passage aloud - sentence by sentence. Correct as a class.


1. safaris/expeditions            2. expeditions/safaris            3. holidays

4.touring                                  5. travellers                                6. experience

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2. Tell Ss to look at the 12 elements and try to form compound nouns from them. Then have them read the sentences and fill the gaps with the compound nouns formed. Tell them to change the elements if they do not fit the gaps and do it again. Less advanced classes can complete this exercise in pairs. Check as a class.


1. jet lag               2. checkout               3. stopover

4. sunglasses      5. holidaymaker      6. take-offs

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3. Ss do the task by themselves. T checks the compound nouns, then have Ss write sentences in their notebooks – at least one sentence with a compound noun, and share with a partner.

Key:    1. package tour, return ticket, software, round trip

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4. Quickly review the articles a, an, the and zero article Ss have learned. Then have them do the task and write down their answers in their notebooks. Correct their answers as a class.

Key:   1.      →      the sun, the UK

2.      →      the brain works

3.      →      The bicycle

4.      →      an/the expedition, the interior

5.      →      a long trip

6.      →      in history, the history of

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5. This task helps Ss use the grammar and vocabulary they have learned in the unit to rewrite sentences. T may have some Ss write sentences on the board. Let other Ss give comments. Then check as a class.

Key:   1. What a terrible journey [it was]!

2.We stayed at a lovely hotel by the sea.

3.The programme I watched yesterday was interesting.

4.My friend has just bought an old guitar.

5.She needs to go on a business trip to Kyoto.

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6a What would you like to do most on holiday? Tick [] three things. Share your ideas with a partner.


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2. Ss work independently, and then share their answers with one or more partners. T may ask for translation of the words/phrases in the table to check their understanding. With a stronger class, T may wish to ask Ss to find some examples in real life with the words/phrases in the table.


1. c                   2. e                 3. b               4. a               5. d

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3. Have Ss work independently and then share their answers with one or more partners. T may help with the words/phrases that Ss do not know the meaning of in the sentences. If time allows, have some Ss read out loud the sentences.


1. f      2. c      3. a     4. b     5. e      6. d

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4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the English language using the information from 3.

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1. Ss work independently and then share their answers with a partner. T may ask for translation of the words/ phrases in the first column to check their understanding. With a stronger class, T may wish to ask Ss to make sentences with the expressions.


1. b     2. e     3. a     4. d     5. f      6. c

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2a Choose the correct words in the following phrases about language learning.

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2b Choose phrases from 2a to make sentences about yourself or people you know.

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