The technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a particular group is called

How Jargons Can Pose Barrier in Communication

Jargon is a specialized or technical language that is used in a particular context usually by a particular profession, trade, science or academic field, and may not be well understood by members of another profession or people outside the profession.

Jargon differs from verbose language, or unnecessarily roundabout expression.

It does not simply refer to any incomprehensible writing, but to the specific technical terms within a discipline.

Thus, jargon serves the purpose of allowing the author to communicate both concisely and effectively within a disciplinary audience.

In organizationsOpens in new window, when people with different patterns of speech who comes from different backgrounds are grouped into departments, they tend to develop their own technical knowledge.

The word they use in expressing such technical knowledge is what is called jargon.

Jargon can also mean clumsy language that is hard to understand. It is synonymous with gibberish.

Jargons are difficult for others to understand, for example, a person in a discipline of law may not understand a jargon used in the medical field and vice-versa.

Jargon should be avoided in any format of communication unless it is meant for the particular audience being addressed.

Examples of Jargon in Business Management

Jargon is used in the business world, some of which are as follows:

1.   Accretive

This refers to earnings that result from an acquisition of a business that add to the earnings per share [EPS] as opposed to losses that would dilute the EPS.

2.   Angels

Angel investors are successful entrepreneurs who are willing to invest some of their gains in new ventures. They typically also act as mentors to the founding entrepreneurs.

3.   Basis point

This refers to one hundredth of 1 per unit; used in interest rates or exchange rates.

4.   Bootsrapping

In business, this term refers to the process of financing a business by internally generated cash flow as opposed to “kickstarting” the company with external investment capital.

5.   Bubble junkie

Those entrepreneurs who were caught up in the 1999 – 2000 euphoria surrounding internet stock deals.

6.   Cramdown

This consists when investors get heavily diluted by a subsequent round of investment especially when the investment is down. It is also know as a ‘washout’.

7.   Engineering economics

It is the analysis of various financial alternatives usually based on time value of money concepts and formulas, to determine the most effective solution from an economical [i.e. the lowest cost] perspective.

Jargon can be distinguished from the rest of a language based in its special vocabulary which is made up of specific words— words that convey different meanings that someone outside the group would tend to take in another sense, which often results in miscommunication.

Jargon is thus the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group.

This is sometimes called association or insider jargon. This helps in identifying those who are a part of the group and those who are not.

Furthermore, since outsiders may not understand the reference associated with a jargon, they are even more sensitive to the visibly exclusive social grouping based on it.

Jargon may be perceived as obscure, and the user may appear as someone flaunting style and unconnected from meaning to outsiders.


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Chapters 4,5, & 9

T/F Phone and message reocrds can be used in court True
T/F Direct calls are more expensive than operator-assisted calls False
T/F Always ask apermission before placing a caller on hold True
T/F Most physicians do not expect the medical assistant to screen calls False
T/F it is important that the medical assistant stay in control of incoming calls True
T/F A patient must give oral permission before a member of the physician's staff can give information to third party callers False
T/F Wyoming falls in the central time zone False - Mountain time zone
T/F New York falls in the eastern time zone True
T/F Placing and receiving personal calls should be avoided during business hours True
A telephone call that is operator assisted or electronically assisted and includes several physicians at separate offices is a.... conference call
the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a particular group is called jargon
What can be used to keep a record of incoming phone calls so that no message is overlooked telephone log
a system that selects the order of patients to receive urgent medical treatment is often referred to as triage
the primary goal of "screening" telephone calls selecting which calls should be forwarded to which staff members through an understanding of the purpose of the call
if your office is in NY and you need to contact a supplier in Seattle, which NY time would be the earliest that you should call to place an order, assuming that the supplier opens at 8:00 AM 11:00AM
type of communication that can be used to record verbal messages voicemail
type of communication tool that is best for two-way communication phone
type of call that should be limited in the professional setting personal
a change in pitch inflection
the choice of words with regard to clearness diction
the highness or lowness of sound pitch
articulation of clear sounds enunciation
the mouthpiece of the phone handset should be held 1 inch from the lips
the medical assistant should be extremely careful when using a speakerphone because confidentiality can be violated
common sources of incoming calls to the physician's office other physicians, new patients, labs
a pleasing telephone voice is developed by using clarity
the medical assistant may hellp an angry caller to calm down by speaking in a lower tone of voice
when a patient calls with a complaint use an approach similar to that for angry callers, find the source of the problem, present options of solutions to the patient
federal, state, county, and city government pages are often organized in the telephone directories as the _______ pages blue
what information should the MA get from patients when they request a prescription treatments that the patient has tried
when you have a problem, who do you refer the patient to the person who knows the most about the problem
why is legible handwriting important the possibility of lawsuits
often the success of a business is directly related to communication
when is it ok to check personal email on your own time
perceived compitence or characteristics of a person credibility
the parsonality that people project in public is their _____ persona
when can a MA trade or rotate their duties in an emergency
what is insubordination disobediance
mental & emotional condition of individual or group with regard to the tasks at hand morale
to put off doing something procrastination
statement that is not known to be true rumor
deciding what task should be next prioritizing
what is loyalty alligiance
what is an S priority should be done today
what is an E priority errands to run
what is initiative taking extra steps
able to adapt to various situations flexible
most important asses as a MA attitude
something suggested by a word or thing connotation
T/F office politics can be good or bad true
what do you do if a conflict arises in the office talk about it with the person you have a problem with
why is confidentiality important protects the patient
what is the most common place that confidentiality is breeched elevators
corresponding in size, amount, extent, or degree; equal in measure commensurate
the conduct or qualities characterized by or conforming to the standards of a profession proffesionalism
why is note taking important helps avoid forgetting orders, remember dosage
goals should be reasonable & measurable
does choosing a relationship to enter greatly increase the chance that it will be a healthy relationship yes
to fell well and accomplish goals in life, one must do what develop positive attitude
are patients in a comfort zone on their first visit to the physicians office no
people who stay away from conflict avoiders
factors that influence first impressions that we make on others appearance, body language, what we say, what we do
roles of the MA in communicating with a patient listen, observe, respond
stages of grief DABDA denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
first step to avoide prejudice when dealing with individuals look at your own prejudice first
which aspect of communication is most likely to convey our true feelings and beliefs non verbal
what is meant by "litigious nature of today's society" prone to sue
what is the American message of no eye contact no trust, not telling the truth
unwanted desires or impulses are excluded form the consciousness repression
difficult to understant subtle
the transmission of evaluative or corrective informatin to the original or controlling source feedback
what channes of communication are used when two people are speaking words, body language, facial expression
lack of feeling apathy
psychological defense mechanism denial
sounds or factors outside the brain that interfere with the communication process external noise
actions that advance beyond the usual or proper limits encroachment
verbal agression patient verbally attacks
personal space 1 1/2 to 4 ft
can't think, can't move, numb shock
the most basic level of need is food, air, sex, shelter
where in Maslow's stages do we maximize our potential self actualization
people looking for approval pleasers
dreaming occurs during what stage of sleep REM
what are the two things in life that we are able to control attitude & actions
people who say or do things to hit below the belt beltlinesr
refuse to face a conflict pseudo accommodator
will not let a relationship change contract tyrannizer
attacks parts of a person's life distracter
mental picture steryotype

Which term would be considered jargon?

Jargon usually means the specialized language used by people in the same work or profession. Internet advertising jargon includes the terms "click throughs" and "page views." This noun can also refer to language that uses long sentences and hard words.

Which of the following best describes the primary goal of screening telephone calls?

Which of the following best describes the primary goal of screening telephone calls? Selecting which calls should be forwarded to a particular staff member through an understanding of the purpose of the call.

What is the use of articulate clear sounds when speaking called?

Enunciate/enunciation are synonymous with articulate/articulation. They can also be substituted for pronounce/pronunciation in contexts in which those words are used in their general senses.

How should a medical assistant answer the phone?

Answering the Telephone Professionally Always ask permission to place a caller on hold before doing so. Proper etiquette suggests that medical office administrative assistants should identify the facility and then their own name when answering a call.

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