What does this image show about the enslaved persons transatlantic experience Quizlet

Davis speaks about how slavery was based on if you were an outsider or not based on kinship groups. Slaves were often pawned due to debt and treated like chattel. Men were first seen as too dangerous and often killed while women were raped and taken in as concubines or domestic roles. If men were enslaved they worked jobs such as gold mining, soldiers, or salt production. Starting around 500 AD people traveled the Sahara with camels. And in 610 Mohammad received his first vision that allowed Muslim Identity which lead to Islamization/africanization. In the West, Islam was spread through Jihad. What these two processes led to was allowing slavery for non Muslims and for outsiders.
Curtin discusses the rise of plantations and how the people living there before contact with Europeans have created a network of trade routes. Many societies would enslave their war prisoners and sold to traders. The Trans-Sahara trade route traded about 4.8 million slaves between 650-1600. He discusses the crusades in how the sugar plantations are labor intensive, need a specific climate etc. to produce and that lead to European nations going to the Western world. Africans who stayed in the Muslim world, were thought to of been able to force conversion upon them. They were thought to be apart of the master's household, as a person. Slaves were often doing service jobs, often domestic service like a concubine. Slaves were commanders of armies or palace jobs. However, for "trade slaves", they had no rights until he won membership in the new group and protection of the laws.
LoveJoy talks about how slavery was most pronounced in Western Africa in the 19th century. Here slavery has turned into an institution affecting the very structure of society in places like Sierra Leone, along the gold coast, and in the Bights of Benin and Biafra. Europeans often had to tolerate and support slavery here if they wanted to achieve their goals other than abolition. The slave traded ended, but the use of slaves for domestic use was active and hence "Legitimate trade" resulted. They could have assisted in harvesting, transporters, gold miners etc. Men and women often did the same job but some jobs like gold mining were typically reserved for males. Slaves status ranged and could have been military leaders who gained their own slaves, or slaves from north who could not even inherit land or other property. Many were Muslim. People acquired slaves through trade IN Africa. Children could be pawned if the family feel into debt. Slaves were often sacrificed too at funerals, for deities and at other occasions.

Describe slave trade
Klein discusses the importance of the European involvement in the Middle Passage. They practiced detailed record keeping and government regulation of the transatlantic traffic in slaves provided an abundant amount of information during this part of the trip, compared to the movement of slaves in Africa. Says Europeans could have provided better living conditions, knowing that losing slaves would lose profit, but they densely packed Africans into ships and gave an average of 6 square feet per slave. Shows that when immigrants travelled to the new world, they experienced a mortality rate of 1-2%, while slave ships experienced about 5%. The European nations controlled the size of the ships and how they were built. They regulated both slave per ton ratio and quantities of food and water that was on the ship. Concludes that Europeans knew that they needed to deliver Africans healthy as possible to get good profits.
Richardson talks about how Africans had a major influence of the Atlantic slave trade and revolts could not be explained by European management. African merchants retained control over the trade in slaves within Africa and helped determine the magnitude and distribution along the African coast. The European nations had to modify their ships and invest in firearms and crew because of common stereotypes like suicide and more likely to revolt. He says that these revolts and deaths actually saved 600,000 Africans from being shipped to the Americas in the 18th century. European shippers believed that some ethnic groups were more prone to rebel.

I think both authors have good points, but I think Trans-Atlantic is more appropriate. Yes, the Europeans supplied the ships and were the Africans masters and owners, but originally Africans were the ones selling other Africans. Slavery has been happening in Africa. The only difference is that they were sold across the Atlantic Ocean. Europeans had to modify their ships due to revolts and suicide, which ultimately could have saved many Africans due to the extra expenses and time they had to put in to secure the ships.

Klein and Richardson talk about the middle passage ^^^

Curtin talks about how Africans who stayed in the Muslim world, were thought to of been able to force conversion upon them. They were thought to be apart of the master's household, as a person. Slaves were often doing service jobs, often domestic service like a concubine. Slaves were commanders of armies or palace jobs. However, for "trade slaves", they had no rights until he won membership in the new group and protection of the laws.
LoveJoy talks about how slavery was most pronounced in Western Africa in the 19th century. Here slavery has turned into an institution affecting the very structure of society in places like Sierra Leone, along the gold coast, and in the Bights of Benin and Biafra. Europeans often had to tolerate and support slavery here if they wanted to achieve their goals other than abolition. The slave traded ended, but the use of slaves for domestic use was active and hence "Legitimate trade" resulted. They could have assisted in harvesting, transporters, gold miners etc. Men and women often did the same job but some jobs like gold mining were typically reserved for males. Slaves status ranged and could have been military leaders who gained their own slaves, or slaves from north who could not even inherit land or other property. Many were Muslim. People acquired slaves through trade IN Africa. Children could be pawned if the family feel into debt. Slaves were often sacrificed too at funerals, for deities and at other occasions.