Agnes Blacklist Season 8

The Blacklist season 9 has featured Agnes Keen on a couple of occasions this season, and there’s been a pretty clear response to the character. Why is she so much older than we last saw her?

It’s true that there was a two-year time jump between the end of season 8 and the start of season 9; yet, it also feels like the version of Liz and Tom’s daughter we’re seeing now is more than two years older than the one we last saw. What’s going on here? You can argue that this was a story decision, but in reality, there’s a little more going on here than it seems on the surface.

New The Blacklist video! Take a look below to get some more thoughts on big questions and unresolved mysteries with the show. We’ll have more coming, so remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! That’s the best way to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Earlier this weekend, we wrote an NCIS story that offered an explanation as to why Jimmy Palmer’s daughter was a little bit older than viewers expected: Virus-related restrictions. It is difficult having younger kids on scripted shows right now for a wide array of reasons. With this in mind, aging up Agnes more than expected could just be a way for the writers to make matters slightly more convenient for themselves behind the scenes.

There’s also a viable story-related reason to do this, as well: Having an older Agnes gives her more to do with Reddington. She understands more of who he is and what’s going on. If she is going to have a larger role in the story down the road, that’s important. We do think we’ll see more of her beyond just story-time with James Spader.

Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Blacklist right now!

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As we prepare for The Blacklist season 8 episode 18, know in advance that the show is about to get dark — really dark. We’ve seen Liz Keen in danger numerous times; having her daughter Agnes in anger is a totally different story.

It was really only a matter of time until this happened. Liz may have brought her daughter with her in hopes of protecting her, but doing that comes with its fair share of risks. If someone wants her dead, the best way to threaten her is to go after something or someone she cares about. Liz cares about Agnes more than anything else in her life. If you threaten to take her away or even kill her, Megan Boone’s character may be a bit more agreeable.

For some more news on The Blacklist in video form, be sure to watch our review for last night’s big episode below! Once you check that out, remember to then also subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube. We’ve got other updates ahead, and of course we don’t want you to miss any of them.

We know that Friday’s “The Protean” will be all about this big dilemma for Liz — and others. Because of what Ivan whispered to Townsend, her life is now on the line. There’s no real other way to look at things at the moment. Because she doesn’t know why Neville wants her gone, it’s hard to change his mind. It may not even matter, since it’s not Neville coming for her now — seemingly it’s a hired assassin. There’s no real way to turn this around … save for working with Raymond Reddington.

This is ultimately what we’re the most excited about: Through the bulk of The Blacklist season 9 so far, we’ve seen Liz do everything she can to try to destroy Reddington’s empire. What happens now when she now needs it? While he may be withholding information from her, can any trust be rebuilt?

Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Blacklist right now

Be sure to share some of your thoughts on the subject below! After doing that, remember to stick around for some other updates. [Photo: NBC.]

NBC streamers are well into season nine of The Blacklist and all of its unexpected twists and turns, including Liz Keen’s shocking [played by Megan Boone] death. In the most recent episode, Red [James Spader] wanted another way to stay connected to Liz and met up with her young daughter.

Since The Blacklist first premiered in 2013, Red and Liz have remained close friends through their work with the Task Force.

While Red’s true identity remains a mystery, it was his reunion with Liz’s daughter Agnes Keen [Katherine Kell] which left fans emotional.

In the season eight finale, Liz was finally getting to know the truth about her mother before being fatally shot by Elias VanDyke [Lukas Hassel]

Season nine opened with a two-year time jump and the task force completely disbanded, but after Harold Cooper [Harry Lennix] got everyone back together, things finally began to fall into place.

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The Blacklist: Red had an unexpected reunion [Image: NBC]

The Blacklist: Red asked Cooper if he could see Agnes [Image: NBC]

The Blacklist: Agnes had been living with Cooper in the two years Liz died [Image: NBC]

The Blacklist: Red had always been in Agnes' life [Image: NBC]

At the time this was a huge gesture of trust for Red because Agnes had been the victim of a kidnapping and had lost her father as a child.

After a conversation with his wife Charlene [Valarie Pettiford], Cooper phoned Red and told him he was able to secure supervised visits for them.

However, it wasn’t until the end of the episode did the two reunite, although Cooper introduced him as Liz’s friend, Agnes remembered him and called him by the nickname she’d given him as a child, “Pinky.”

Viewers took to Twitter to share their emotions about the scene, with many of them in tears because she remembered him.

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One fan tweeted: “AGNES REMEMBERS RED,” with a crying face emoji.

“I’m glad Reddington got a chance to talk with Agnes,” wrote Wendell.

Iamyourplusone shared: “My cold dead #TheBlacklist heart just grew three sizes watching Red and Agnes. I will gladly show up every episode to catch a glimpse of this dynamic duo.”

“Omg Red is so nervous to see this girl I’m crying,” tweeted another viewer.

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