Bài tập cấu trúc động từ to verb gerunds

có đáp án bao gồm: lý thuyết, cách làm, bài tập vận dụng và vận dụng cao sẽ giúp các bạn học sinh nắm được cách làm bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh GERUND AND INFINITIVE và làm bài tập Tiếng Anh dễ dàng hơn

Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh GERUND AND INFINITIVE có đáp án

  1. Lý thuyết cách làm ngữ pháp tiếng Anh GERUND AND INFINITIVE

1. Gerund và Infinitive là gì?

Gerund (Danh động từ) là những từ có cấu trúc như một động từ, nhưng lại có chức năng làm danh từ. Danh động từ là những động từ thêm “ing” để biến thành danh từ.

Infinitive (Động từ nguyên mẫu) là những động từ có cấu trúc cơ bản nhất. Động từ nguyên mẫu được chia thành 2 loại: động từ đi kèm bởi “to”, và động từ không có “to”.

2. Các quy tắc sử dụng bạn cần biết

Dưới đây là một số quy tắc khi sử dụng Gerund và Infinitve cần thiết khi học tiếng Anh đặc biệt là khi học tiếng Anh online cho người đi làm.

Quy tắc 1: Gerund có thể làm chủ ngữ trong câu

Hãy theo dõi một vài ví dụ sau:

- Swimming is good for your health.

- Making mistakes bring me more experiences.

- Becoming an engineer is a childhood dream.

Những từ được in đậm “Swimming”, “Making mistakes”, “Becoming an engineer” là những danh động từ với chức năng làm chủ ngữ trong câu.

Quy tắc 2: Cả Gerund và Infinitive đều có thể làm tân ngữ

Cả Gerund và Infinitive đều có thể làm tân ngữ. Bạn có thể nói “I enjoy drawing” và bạn cũng có thể nói “Yesterday, I decided to draw” Với một số động từ, đi kèm, nó sẽ là Gerund hoặc Infinitive. Cụ thể:

- Các động từ đi kèm với Infinitive:

Agree: I agreed to help her.

Decide: I decided not to take part in the meeting.

Deserve: Everyone deserves to be respected.

Expect: I expect to see the new movie tomorrow.

Hope: We were hoping to avoid traffic by leaving early.

Learn: He learned not to trust anyone.

Need: She needs to learn English.

Offer: I offered to help Susan with homework.

Plan: We are planning to our picnic tomorrow.

Promise: My mother promised to buy a new dress for me.

Seem: We seem to be lost.

Wait: I cannot wait to see him.

Want: I want to go to the movie theater.

- Các động từ đi kèm với Gerund:

Admit: They admitted going to the zoo.

Advise: I advise proceeding (moving forward) with caution.

Avoid: She avoided asking him the question about his mother.

Consider (think about): I considered staying silent, but I had to tell her.

Deny: I denied going to the party.

Involve: The course involved writing three tests.

Mention (say something): She mentioned seeing my brother at the school.

Recommend: I recommend watching this movie.

Risk: Don’t risk losing your job!

Suggest: I suggest going to the library.

Quy tắc 3: Infinitive có thể sử dụng sau một số tính từ

Ngoài việc trở thành tân ngữ đi sau một số động từ, Infinitive có thể được sử dụng sau một số tính từ.

Ví dụ:

- It is not easy to graduate from university.

- It is necessary to speak English to work in a hotel.

- It is wonderful to have close friends.

Khi miêu tả một thứ gì đó bằng tính từ (Những từ in nghiêng trong ví dụ) thì theo sau nó phải là một Infinitive. Sử dụng Gerund trong trường hợp này là sai. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn muốn biến những từ in đậm thành chủ ngữ, bạn sẽ phải chuyển chúng thành Gerund (xem quy tắc 1).

- Graduating from university is not easy.

- Speaking English is necessary to work in a hotel.

- Having close friends is wonderful.

Quy tắc 4: Chỉ có Infinitive được dùng sau tân ngữ chỉ người.

Đặc biệt, chỉ có Infinitive được dùng sau tân ngữ chỉ người.

Ví dụ: “We asked her not to go”.

Trong ví dụ này, “We” là chủ ngữ, “asked” là động từ, và “her” là tân ngữ của đại từ “she.” Vì vậy bạn phải sử dụng Infinitive “to go”, sau tân ngữ đó, không phải là gerund.

Dưới đây là một số động từ được theo sau bởi tân ngữ chỉ người và khi đó bạn phải dùng Infinitive.

Ask: Can I ask him to help me clean the floor?

Expect: I never expected him to become my boyfriend.

Hire (give a job to someone): Did the company hire you just to sit in your office?

Invite: I invited her to attend my birthday party.

Order: She ordered the child to stay at home.

Remind: Please remind me to go to work.

Require: This job required us to have experience.

Teach: That will teach you to follow the rules!

Tell: Who told you to come here?

Warn: I am warning you not to do this!

Quy tắc 5: Chỉ có Gerund theo sau giới từ.

Giới từ có thể đứng trước danh từ, đại từ, động từ. Đặc biệt khi giới từ đứng trước động từ thì động từ phải ở dạng Gerund.

Ví dụ:

- He is not interested in getting a job at the moment.

- Thanks for coming.

Các Gerund được in đậm “getting” và “coming” đóng vai trò động từ trong câu, đứng trước đó là tính từ được in nghiêng “in”, “for”.

Riêng có 2 giới từ là “except” và “but”, nếu theo sau có động từ thì động từ đó phải ở dạng nguyên mẫu không có to.

Ví dụ:

  • I could do nothing except agree.
  • He did nothing but complain.

II. Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh GERUND AND INFINITIVE

Exercise 1:

1. My father usually helps me_______ English.

  1. to learn
  1. lean
  1. learning
  1. both a and b

2. He was heard_______ shout.

  1. to
  1. of
  1. by
  1. at

3. This student expected_______ the first winner of the Grand Prix.

  1. be
  1. being
  1. to be
  1. will be

4. I told her_______ about her wedding; everything will straighten out.

  1. Don't worry
  1. not to worry
  1. no worry
  1. not worry

5. May I suggest you let_______

  1. Mary doing so
  1. Mary do so
  1. Mary does to
  1. Mary to do so

6. She_______ him when he called her.

  1. pretended not hear
  1. pretended she heard not
  1. pretended not to hear
  1. did not pretend hear

7. The doctor advised_______ late.

  1. me not staying up
  1. me not stay up
  1. me not to stay up
  1. I did not stay up

8. The school superintendent told me_______

  1. hurrying up
  1. to hurry up
  1. hurry up
  1. hurried up

9. "_______us face the enemies", shouted the soldiers.

  1. Make
  1. Let
  1. Leave
  1. Keep

10. Mr. Brown told the schoolgirls_______ in class.

  1. don't ear
  1. not to eat
  1. eat not
  1. not eat

11. I have heard Dang Thai Son_______ the piano.

  1. played
  1. plays
  1. play
  1. to play

12. The young teachers wanted a Foreign Language Teaching workshop _______ in Ho Chi Minh City.

  1. to be holding
  1. should hold
  1. to be held
  1. to hold

13. _______able to take part in the international math contest two years from now, Son works very hard in his math lass.

  1. In order to be
  1. Being
  1. Been
  1. So that he be

14. Try_______ so many mistakes.

  1. not to make
  1. not make
  1. to make not
  1. make not

15. Let me_______ from you soon.

  1. to hear
  1. hear
  1. hearing
  1. heard

16. John is too stupid_______ understand this.

  1. to
  1. not to
  1. to not
  1. for

17. The wind is_______ to blow the roof off.

  1. strong enough
  1. too strong
  1. quiet strong
  1. very strong

18. My father is _______ to stay up late.

  1. too tired
  1. enough tired
  1. tired enough
  1. so tired

19. John wanted me_______ him.

  1. to be helping
  1. help
  1. to help
  1. I help

20. I want_______ early tomorrow morning.

  1. to leave
  1. leaving
  1. me leave
  1. me leaving

Đáp án:

1d 2a 3c 4b 5c 6c 7c 8b 9b 10b 11c 12c 13a 14b 15b 16a 17a 18a 19c 20a

Exercise 2:

1. I hope_______

  1. to see you there
  1. seeing you there
  1. you to see there
  1. see you there

2. I taught_______

  1. how mending a shirt
  1. him how to mend a shirt
  1. how mend a shirt
  1. him how mend a shirt

3. I told_______

  1. Nam to come
  1. to come Nam
  1. to Nam come
  1. Nam come

4. My father has decided_______ a new house.

  1. find
  1. to find
  1. finding
  1. him find

5. Mother warned_______ the electric plug

  1. here not to touch
  1. her touching not
  1. her not touch
  1. not touch

6. Don't tell Tan because I don't want_______

  1. him to know
  1. know
  1. him know
  1. knowing

7. She explained_______

  1. how to make it
  1. me how to make it
  1. me to make it
  1. me make it

8. Miss Brown told Mary_______ down.

  1. sit
  1. to sit
  1. sitting
  1. sat

9. She told Mary_______ up hope.

  1. not give
  1. do not give
  1. not to give
  1. to give not

10. Michael Faraday wrote a litter to Sir Humphry Davy_______ for work.

  1. asked
  1. to ask
  1. so to ask
  1. in order to asking

11. Do you know_______ to play that game now?

  1. way
  1. what
  1. if
  1. how

12. She is very glad_______ see you again.

  1. in
  1. with
  1. to
  1. for

13. He noticed two thieves_______ out of a shop.

  1. to come
  1. are coming
  1. in coming
  1. come

14. When will he be allowed to go home? When will they_______?

  1. let him go
  1. let to go
  1. leave him to go
  1. leave him

15. The guide encouraged the tourists_______ the Prado Museum Madrid

  1. visit
  1. to visit
  1. visiting
  1. to visiting

16. Mow that were finished painting the house, there's nothing left_______

  1. done
  1. did
  1. to do
  1. for doing

17. The superintendent promised to tear down and_______ the fire damaged school building.

  1. rebuild
  1. to rebuild
  1. rebuilding
  1. to rebuilding

18. The mechanic needs_______ a new muffler on your car.

  1. to put
  1. putting
  1. to be put
  1. to putting

19. Our house needs_______

  1. to paint
  1. to be painting
  1. to be paint
  1. painting

20. Do you want _______ by the doctor?

  1. to examine
  1. to be examined
  1. being examined
  1. being to examine

Đáp án:

1a 2b 3a 4b 5a 6a 7a 8b 9c 10b 11d 12c 13d 14a 15b 16c 17a 18a 19d 20b

Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer.

Question 1. He is expecting …………………….. a trip to Ha Long Bay.

  1. make
  1. to make
  1. making
  1. made

Question 2. Students stopped ……………………… noise when the teacher came in.

  1. make
  1. to make
  1. making
  1. made

Question 3. She couldn’t bear ………………. tears when she saw the film “ Romeo and Juliet”.

  1. shed
  1. to shed
  1. shedding
  1. sheds

Question 4. Ann likes ……………….. but she hates ………………… up.

  1. cook/ washing
  1. to cook/ wash
  1. cooking/ washed
  1. cooking/ washing

Question 5. I enjoy ………………. to classical music.

  1. listening
  1. to listen
  1. listens
  1. listen

Question 6. I really regret …………………. your feeling when I asked you such a silly question.

  1. hurt
  1. to hurt
  1. hurting
  1. hurts

Question 7. Would you mind ………………… me a newspaper?

  1. buy
  1. to buy
  1. buying
  1. bought

Question 8. Would you like ……………. the next dance with me?

  1. to have
  1. having
  1. has
  1. had

Question 9. Did you remember …………………….. Ann? – Oh, no. I completely forgot it.

  1. phone
  1. to phone
  1. phoning
  1. phoned

Question 10. Does the city government intend …………………… anything about pollution?

  1. do
  1. did
  1. doing
  1. to do

Question 11. Those shirts need ………………… but you needn’t ……………….. them now.

  1. iron/ iron
  1. to iron/ to iron
  1. ironing/ iron
  1. ironed/ to iron

Question 12. When you see Tom, remember ……………………….. him my regards.

  1. give
  1. to give
  1. giving
  1. given

Question 13. They postpone ……………………….. an Element School for the lack of finance.

  1. built
  1. to build
  1. building
  1. builds

Question 14. It’s no use …………………. him. He never allows anybody …………………. advice.

  1. advise/ give
  1. to advise/ to give
  1. advising/ giving
  1. advising/ to give

Question 15. Are his ideas worth ……………………. to?

  1. listen
  1. to listen
  1. listening
  1. listened

Question 16. He always avoids …………………… me in the streets.

  1. meet
  1. meeting
  1. met
  1. to meet

Question 17. Tom refuses …………………… his address.

  1. give
  1. gave
  1. to give
  1. giving

Question 18. The passengers asked her how ……………….to the police station?

  1. to get
  1. getting
  1. got
  1. get

Question 19. I dislike ………………… in line.- So do I. That’s why I prefer ……………….. at night when there are fewer people.

  1. wait/ shop
  1. to wait/ shopping
  1. waiting/ shopping
  1. waiting/ to shop

Question 20. My grandfather is used to ……………………… up early in the morning.

  1. getting
  1. to get
  1. get
  1. go

Đáp án

1 B 2 C 3 C 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 C 8 A 9 B 10 D 11 C 12 B 13 C 14 D 15 C 16 B 17 C 18 A 19 C 20 C

Exercise 4. Give the correct form into the gerund or the infinitive.

  1. It appears (be)______ raining.
  1. We intend (go) ______ to the countryside this weekend.
  1. I pretended (be) ______ sick so I didn't have to go to work.
  1. Can you imagine (live) ______ without TV?
  1. They tolerate (smoke) ______ but they prefer people not to.
  1. I anticipate (arrive) ______ on Tuesday.
  1. A wedding involves (negotiate) ______ with everyone in the family.
  1. He denies (steal) ______ the money.
  1. He claims (be) ______ a millionaire but I don't believe him.
  1. I expect (be) ______ there about seven.
  1. Julia reported (see) ______ the boys to the police.
  1. It tends (rain) ______ a lot in Scotland.
  1. Do you recall (meet) ______ her at the party last week?
  1. She mentioned (go) ______ to the cinema, but I don't know what she decided to do in the end.
  1. The teenager refused (go) ______ on holiday with his parents.
  1. I understand (be) ______ late once or twice, but every day is too much!
  1. I would prefer you (come) ______ early if you can.
  1. That criminal deserves (get) ______ a long sentence.
  1. She completed (paint) ______ her flat.
  1. We arranged (meet) ______ at four but at four thirty she still hadn't arrived.

Đáp án:

1 - to be; 2 - to go; 3 - to be; 4 - living; 5 - smoking;

6 - arriving; 7 - negotiating; 8 - stealing; 9 - to be; 10 - to be;

11 - seeing; 12 - to rain; 13 - meeting; 14 - going; 15 - to go;

16 - being; 17 - to come; 18 - to get; 19 - painting; 20 - to meet;

Exercise 5. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. I’m very interested in __________________ French. (learn)

2. My pen friend is coming next Friday. I’m really looking forward __________________ her. (meet)

3. Don’t you mind __________________ away from your family for such a long time? (be)

4. The children promised __________________ back by nine. (be)

5. I wanted to go alone but Joe insisted on __________________ with me. (come)

6. Tom offered __________________ me home. (bring)

7. Why not __________________ a weekend in Scotland? (spend)

8. I’m sorry I can’t come to your party but thank you for __________________ me. (invite)

9. Our neighbors apologized for __________________ such noise. (make)

10. Paris is always worth __________________ to. (travel)

Đáp án:

1 - learning; 2 - to meeting; 3 - being; 4 - to be; 5 - to go - coming;

6 - to bring; 7 - spend; 8 - inviting; 9 - making; 10 - travelling;

Exercise 6. Give the correct form.

1. She promised __________________ (not object) to his __________________ (smoke).

2. They continued __________________ (eat) after the interruption.

3. I am not in the habit of __________________ (smoke) in the car.

4. Ann reminded me __________________ (finish) my work on time.

5. He'd better __________________ (get) used to __________________ (work) harder.

6. I am capable of __________________ (stand) on my head and __________________ (play) the saxophone.