curve balls là gì - Nghĩa của từ curve balls

curve balls có nghĩa là

having something catch you off guard.

Ví dụ

ME: I need help studying for the test
HOT TEACHER: do you need me to teach you a lesson?
ME: I'm sorry, What?
HOT TEACHER: do you need me to teach you a lesson?
ME: Oh, You just threw me a curve ball.

curve balls có nghĩa là

Farting into a cupped hand, catching the gas, and then throwing it into the face of an unsuspecting bystander.

Ví dụ

ME: I need help studying for the test

curve balls có nghĩa là

HOT TEACHER: do you need me to teach you a lesson?

Ví dụ

ME: I need help studying for the test

curve balls có nghĩa là

HOT TEACHER: do you need me to teach you a lesson?

Ví dụ

ME: I need help studying for the test
HOT TEACHER: do you need me to teach you a lesson?

curve balls có nghĩa là

ME: I'm sorry, What?

Ví dụ

HOT TEACHER: do you need me to teach you a lesson?
ME: Oh, You just threw me a curve ball. Farting into a cupped hand, catching the gas, and then throwing it into the face of an unsuspecting bystander.

curve balls có nghĩa là

I threw that bitch a curve ball, and she nearly puked.

Ví dụ

When a guy starts talking to you, and you thought you liked/ had a crush on another guy, but then you starting questioning the first crush, and confusion commences.

curve balls có nghĩa là

Margaret liked Dan for the longest time, but then James came along and impressed the hell out of her. Now she doesn't know who she likes. She's getting thrown curve balls.

Ví dụ

In baseball, a hanging curve is generally thought to be a very hittable pitch, usually implying the ease in which a player can hit a home run. A hanging curve is an easy task in which the chances of success are high.