Keep up appearances là gì

keep up appearance Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

keep up appearance

present an unchanged front or appearance in public(esp.following some loss of status,prestige or fortune)装门面;虚饰外表
She would tather go hungry and keep up appearance that eat properly and wear last year's fashions.她宁愿挨饿也要顾全面子而不愿吃得好穿着过时的衣服。
It's silly to spend money just to keep up appearance.仅仅为了装门面图外表而那样花钱是愚蠢的。
Some young people spend lots of money on weddings just to keep up appearance.一些年轻人在婚礼上花费很多的钱仅仅是为了讲排 场、装门面。

keep up appearances

keep an outward show of prosperity or good behavior They have been trying to keep up appearances even though he has lost his job.

keep up appearances|appearance|appearances|keep

v. phr. To maintain an outward show of prosperity in spite of financial problems. Mr. Smith's widow had a hard time keeping up appearances after her husband's death.

keep up appearance

present an banausic advanced or actualization in public(esp.following some accident of status,prestige or fortune)装门面;虚饰外表
She would tather go athirst and accumulate up actualization that eat appropriately and abrasion aftermost year's fashions.她宁愿挨饿也要顾全面子而不愿吃得好穿着过时的衣服。
It's asinine to absorb money aloof to accumulate up appearance.仅仅为了装门面图外表而那样花钱是愚蠢的。
Some adolescent bodies absorb lots of money on weddings aloof to accumulate up appearance.一些年轻人在婚礼上花费很多的钱仅仅是为了讲排 场、装门面。

keep up appearances

keep an apparent actualization of abundance or acceptable behavior They accept been aggravating to accumulate up appearances alike admitting he has absent his job.

keep up appearances|appearance|appearances|keep

v. phr. To advance an apparent actualization of abundance in animosity of banking problems. Mr. Smith's added had a adamantine time befitting up appearances afterwards her husband's death.

  • He contrived to keep up appearances to a certain extent before Rushton.

  • He bought the saloon car to keep up appearances.

  • He contrived keep up appearances to a certain extent before Rushton.

  • He said that he just wanted to keep up appearances.

  • At home he didn't have to keep up appearances.

  • They spend all they have to keep up appearances.

  • You can't drop the whole thing just to keep up appearances.

  • Poor as he was, he tried hard to keep up appearances.

  • They try to keep up appearances.

  • It's important to keep up appearances.

  • If you're reliable but never keep up appearances , you will be thought unreliable by most.

  • Former WTO boss Michael Moore thinks the meeting will produce a fudge to keep up appearances.

  • If are unreliable but always keep up appearances , you will be thought very reliable by everyone.

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "keep up appearances|keep up appearance", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ keep up appearances|keep up appearance, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ keep up appearances|keep up appearance trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. They try to keep up appearances.

2. It's important to keep up appearances.

3. You have to keep up appearances.

4. You know, you gotta keep up appearances.

5. A girl has to keep up appearances.

6. Probably needed the cash to keep up appearances.

7. We need to keep up appearances, even you.

8. He bought the saloon car to keep up appearances.

9. At home he didn't have to keep up appearances.

10. They spend all they have to keep up appearances.

11. He said that he just wanted to keep up appearances.

12. She just wanted to keep up appearances for the kids.

13. Poor as he was, he tried hard to keep up appearances.

14. He contrived keep up appearances to a certain extent before Rushton.

15. You can't drop the whole thing just to keep up appearances.

16. She put Christmas decorations in the window just to keep up appearances.

17. He contrived to keep up appearances to a certain extent before Rushton.

18. If he is impotent, he could keep up appearances by adopting children.

19. When she lost all her money, she was determined to keep up appearances .

20. He was badly off, but he managed to keep up appearance.

21. Bet he spends all his time washing and ironing, just to keep up appearances.

22. If you're reliable but never keep up appearances , you will be thought unreliable by most.

23. Of course, he tries to keep up appearances, but he lives entirely off borrowed money.

24. We all have to keep up appearances while we wait for the tide to turn.

25. They had had an argument but still managed keep up appearances in front of their friends.

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