Nhật thực thác Niagara 2024

Experience the "Great Solar Eclipse" in Niagara Falls, Canada on Monday, April 8, 2024. This outdoor viewing event is free, but there will also be several other one-hour to three-hour events for family members of all ages, from about Thursday, April 4, 2024 to Monday, April 8, 2024. More details to follow if you sign up for this free event. (We are also requesting several free safe solar viewing glasses from the Province of Ontario. )

The entire eclipse will last from 2. 04pm to 4. 31pm, but the highlight will be the total solar eclipse that will last 3. 5 minutes from about 3. 20pm to 3. 23pm on April 8, 2024

Tens of thousands of people are expected to be travelling from the Greater Toronto Area to Niagara Falls to experience this life-altering event. Driving to and from Niagara Falls on April 8 will likely be impossible due to the volume of traffic expected from the GTA. Therefore, it is imperative that you plan ahead for this trip

DO NOT BOOK your hotel room yet since we are currently negotiating a special rate with various hotels in Niagara Falls. By signing up for this event, we will send you links to all the discounted hotel options that will be available to you in the coming weeks/months. We will also keep you informed about all “Niagara Falls Eclipse and Cosmos Week” events, where your entire family can learn all about eclipses, astronomy and space exploration

Why should you travel to Niagara Falls to experience this eclipse rather than just viewing it from the Greater Toronto Area?

The total solar eclipse will miss the entire Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and most of the rest of Ontario, but Niagara Falls will experience a 100% total solar eclipse. Although the GTA will experience a partial solar eclipse on that day, there is a huge difference between a partial and total eclipse

Here is a summary of the eclipse experience in Niagara Falls versus the GTA

Niagara Falls. 100% Total Solar Eclipse

GTA. 99% Partial Solar Eclipse

Niagara Falls. The Moon totally covers the Sun during totality

GTA. The Moon does not ever totally cover the Sun

Niagara Falls. Total Solar Eclipse Duration = 3. 5 minutes

GTA. Total Solar Eclipse Duration = 0 minutes

Niagara Falls. You can safely view the total eclipse for 3 minutes without any protective solar glasses (only during complete 100% totality, not during the partial eclipse)

GTA. You cannot safely view the eclipse without protective glasses at any time before, during or after the eclipse

Niagara Falls. The sky will appear totally dark

GTA. The sky will be about 50 times brighter than in Niagara

Niagara Falls. You can see the Sun’s corona

GTA. You cannot

Niagara Falls. You may see solar flares and/or coronal mass ejections

GTA. You cannot

Niagara Falls. You can see all phases of the eclipse including "Bailey’s Beads"

GTA. You cannot

Niagara Falls. You can see the stars, planets and constellations in the dark sky during totality

GTA. You cannot

Niagara Falls. Birds get more vocal, singing their evening songs

GTA. They won’t

Niagara Falls. Nocturnal bats and owls may appear

GTA. They won’t

Niagara Falls. The temperature will get much colder

GTA. The temperature won’t change as much

Niagara Falls. Lower likelihood of cloud cover

GTA. Higher likelihood of cloud cover

Niagara Falls. You can ensure you’re getting safe ISO-certified eclipse glasses

GTA. Eclipse glasses purchased online may be dangerous to your eyes

Niagara Falls. You can witness the eclipse through a telescope

GTA. You would have to arrange for a telescope viewing of the eclipse

Niagara Falls. You can witness the total eclipse and take pictures of it directly above Niagara Falls, possibly with the Falls’ colourful night-time lights… a great Instagram moment

GTA. You cannot

Niagara Falls. You can attend any and all “Niagara Falls Eclipse and Cosmos Week” events to learn about eclipses, astronomy and space exploration*

GTA. You cannot

Niagara Falls. You can experience the “Meteorite Petting Zoo” – 4. 5-billion-year-old time capsules from the birth of our Solar System*

GTA. You cannot

Niagara Falls. You will experience a life-altering event. **

GTA. You won’t

* The main eclipse event is free, other events may include a fee

** All subject to weather

The difference between these two options is like being in the front row of a concert (Niagara Falls) versus being in a parking lot up the road from a concert (Toronto)

It will be a spectacle that has not been seen in Niagara for almost a century, and won’t happen again until 2144

And despite more than a year to go before the sun is blacked out in a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, Niagara needs to start preparations now, said Patricia Martel, who leads Niagara Region’s emergency management programing


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Where is the best place to see the 2024 eclipse?

Lima, Ohio. .
Cleveland, Ohio. .
Erie, Pennsylvania. .
Niagara Falls, New York. .
Buffalo, New York. .
Plattsburgh, New York. .
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. .
Mars Hill, Maine. To be honest, Mars Hill is a small town of some 1,500 residents

When was the last solar eclipse in Niagara Falls?

A total solar eclipse takes place roughly every 18 months, but it doesn't often happen close to Niagara. The last time a total solar eclipse occurred over Ontario was in 1979 , and the next one won't happen again over the province until 2099.

At what time is the eclipse in Niagara Falls 2024?

That's how Charles Fulco, NASA's eclipse outreach coordinator and University at Buffalo alumnus, on Tuesday described reactions to a total solar eclipse, a rare astronomic event that will occur in Buffalo, Niagara Falls and all of Western New York about 3. 18 p. m. April 8, 2024.

Where can I see the total solar eclipse in 2024?

The Monday, April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada . The total solar eclipse will begin over the South Pacific Ocean.