Precastclockdjcami Something went wrong try reopening settings later

by Matthew Adams

Matthew is a freelancer who has produced a variety of articles on various topics related to technology. His main focus is the Windows OS and all the things... read more

Published on February 16, 2022

  • The Windows Update: Something went wrong Windows 11/10 error can occur because of corrupted update components or the Update Orchestrator Service isn’t enabled.
  • Changing the startup setting for Update Orchestrator Service is a confirmed fix for the Windows Update: something went wrong error.
  • You might also be able to fix the Windows Update: something went wrong error with some of Windows 11’s built-in repair tools.


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Some users have posted about a Windows Update: Something went wrong error on support forums. When that error occurs, the Windows Update Settings tab displays a Something went wrong error. One user’s forum post said this:

I found an issue in my Windows Update setting that says “Something went wrong. Try to reopen Settings later.” Fyi, I’ve tried to fix this problem by watching certain videos that are supposed to help me. However, things getting worse… I still can’t update my Windows to the latest version.

Consequently, users can’t download and install Windows updates via Settings because of that error. This issue can occur on Windows 11 and 10. If you need to fix the Windows Update Something went wrong Windows 11/10 error, check out the potential resolutions below.

Why is my Windows Update saying something went wrong?

The Windows Update: Something went wrong error can often occur because the Update Orchestrator Service needed for updates isn’t configured right. That service should be enabled and running with an automatic startup type. So, you might need to check that service to fix this error.

However, this error can also be due to a corrupted Windows Update database. In which case, you would need to reset Windows Update components.

Aside from that, you might need to repair corrupted system files or even a user profile to resolve this issue. System File Checker, System Restore, or even Reset this PC are some of the built-in Windows tools you might then need to fix the Something went wrong error.

How can I fix the Windows Update: Something went wrong error in Windows 11/10?

1. Run the Windows Updater troubleshooter

  1. To launch Settings, press the Windows and I keys at the same time.
  2. Click the Troubleshoot option, and then on Other trouble-shooters .
  3. Select the Run option for opening Windows Update.
  4. Apply any potential resolutions the troubleshooter suggests.

You can also give a try to Restoro that automatically scans your PC and repairs any error related to corrupted files, missing DLLs or malware.

2. Check the Update Orchestrator Service is enabled

  1. Launch Run by pressing the Windows + R hotkey.
  2. To open Services, enter this command in Run’s text box: services.msc
  3. Click OK to bring up the Services window.
  4. Double-click Update Orchestrator Service to open the properties window for it.
  5. Select the Automatic option on the Startup type drop-down menu.
  6. Click Start if the service isn’t running.
  7. Press the Apply and OK buttons to save the new service settings.
  8. Open the Start menu and click Power > Restart.

3. Run an SFC scan

  1. Open the Type here to search box by pressing the Windows + Shotkey.
  2. Enter Command Prompt in the search text box.
  3. Click the Run as administrator option shown directly below.
  4. Then type in this command and hit Enter: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  5. To initiate a system file scan, input the following command and press Enter: sfc /scannow
  6. Wait until the SFC displays an outcome in the Command Prompt window.

4. Run a Chkdsk scan

  1. Open the Command Prompt as outlined in the preceeding resolution. 
  2. Enter this disk command, and press the Return key: chkdsk /f C:
  3. Press theY keyboard key to confirm.
  4. Restart Windows to initiate the chkdsk scan.

5. Rename the SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2 Folder

  1. Open the Command Prompt with elevated rights as covered in the first three steps of resolution three.
  2. Input these four different commands pressing Enter after each:
    Net Stop bits
    Net Stop wuauserv
    Net Stop appidsvc
    Net Stop cryptsvc
  3. Rename the SoftwareDistribution folder by input this command and pressing Enter: Ren %systemroot%SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak
  4. To rename catrook2, enter this Ren command and press Return. Ren %systemroot%system32catroot2 catroot2.bak
  5. Input and execute these four separate Command Prompt commands:
    Net Start bits
    Net Start wuauserv
    Net Start appidsvc
    Net Start cryptsvc
  6. Restart Windows from the Start menu.

6. Edit the Registry

  1. Press the Windows + X hotkey, and select Run on the menu.
  2. Type this text into Run’s Open box and click OK: regedit
  3. Then go to the UsoSvc key at this registry location: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\UsoSvc
  4. Double-click the Start DWORD shown directly below.
  5. Delete the current value, and enter 2 in the data box.
  6. Then press OK to exit the window.
  7. Repeat steps four to six for the Start DWORD at these registry key locations:


7. Roll back Windows to a restore point

  1. Bring up the Run accessory.
  2. Type this command in the Open box and click OK: rstrui
  3. Select Choose a different restore point if that option is available, and click the Next button.
  4. Then select a restore point that predates the Something went wrong error on your PC if you can. Alternatively, select the oldest date available.
  5. Select the Next and Finish options to roll back Windows.

8. Reset Windows

  1. Press the Windows + I key combination.
  2. Click Recovery on the Settings app that opens.
  3. Press the Reset PC button.
  4. Select Keep my files in the Reset this PC window.
  5. Click the Cloud download or Local reinstall option you prefer.
  6. Press the Next button, and select Reset to finish.

You’ll need to reinstall any software that didn’t come pre-installed with Windows 11/10 after resetting the platform. Therefore, this is the last resort resolution if none of the other potential fixes resolve the Something went wrong error.

Can I manually install Windows 11/10 updates?

Expert Tip: Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

You can manually download Windows 11/10 patch updates from the Microsoft Update Catalog and install them. Doing so, however, probably won’t resolve the Windows Update: Something went wrong error. Nevertheless, you can manually update Windows 11/10 in that way like this.

  1. Open the Microsoft Update Catalog homepage.
  2. Enter a KB Windows update code in the search box, and click the Search button.
  3. Click the Download option for an update.
  4. Right-click the download link and select Save link as on the context menu.
  5. Choose the folder to download to, and select the Save option.
  6. Click File Explorer’s taskbar button shown below, and open the folder you saved the update package in.
  7. Double-click the update’s MSU file to install.

Note that you can only download and install patches, not build, updates via the Microsoft Update Catalog. You can, however, still, update Windows 11/10 to the latest version without Settings with the Media Creation Tool. Our Media Creation Tool review provides further details for that utility.

Can I fix the Something went wrong error with third-party repair software?

Possibly, but much depends on the repair software you’re utilizing. As Windows’ built-in repair tools can feasibly resolve this issue, you might not need third-party system repair software. Our Windows 10/11 repair software guide provides the full low-down on the best third-party repair utilities.

Restoro is one repair tool that’s recommended. That’s not a freeware tool, but it is a complete package that can fix all types of Widows repair issues. Check out our Restoro review for further details about how that software works and what it fixes.

There’s a good chance you’ll be able to fix the Windows Update: Something went wrong error by applying the potential resolutions above. The second resolution for checking the Update Orchestrator Service settings is especially widely confirmed to fix that error.

Yet, we can’t promise those resolutions will fix the Something went wrong error for all users. You can get further troubleshooting guidance from Microsoft’s Windows support service if needed. Enter a description for the error on the Contact Microsoft Support page and click Get Help to do so.

You can chat about the Windows Update: Something went wrong error in the comments section below. If you’ve found any other fix for that error not mentioned above, let us know about it there.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:

  1. Download this PC Repair Tool rated Great on [download starts on this page].
  2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues with Patented Technologies [Exclusive Discount for our readers].

Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.


How do I fix something went wrong trying to open settings later?

Here are some troubleshooting steps that you can do:.
Rename Software Distribution folder. - Click the Start button and type cmd. ... .
Repair hard drive error. - Open Command Prompt Admin again. ... .
Run System file checker tool. //
Do a Repair Upgrade. ... .
Clean Install Windows..

How do you fix Windows 10 Update something went wrong Please try again later?

Repair Windows 10. The next method to resolve the error "Something went wrong. Try to reopen Settings later" in Windows update, is to repair Windows by using the SFC and the DISM commands.

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