tap tap là gì - Nghĩa của từ tap tap

tap tap có nghĩa là

used to claim one's right to return to a seat or spot (one must physically tap the seat twice while saying aloud "tap tap"); equivalent to calling spot backs

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if one had a good seat in front of the tv during, let's say the super bowl, and drain the lizard, one would call "tap tap" on the seat and have rights to it when he/she returns

"i gotta take a piss...tap tap"

tap tap có nghĩa là

In one of the most popular one direction/Larry fanfict the two main characters Louis and Harry had to keep a si rey that they are dating so that meant no public hugs or I love you so they created a code which means that tap tap tap is I love You three yours three taps.

Ví dụ

if one had a good seat in front of the tv during, let's say the super bowl, and drain the lizard, one would call "tap tap" on the seat and have rights to it when he/she returns

tap tap có nghĩa là

"i gotta take a piss...tap tap" In one of the most popular one direction/Larry fanfict the two main characters Louis and Harry had to keep a si rey that they are dating so that meant no public hugs or I love you so they created a code which means that tap tap tap is I love You three yours three taps. He banged in the tableTap Tap tap” A subtle way of letting other guys around you that some hot piece of ass is walking by. Useful in a bar where everyone can overhear your conversation.

Ví dụ

if one had a good seat in front of the tv during, let's say the super bowl, and drain the lizard, one would call "tap tap" on the seat and have rights to it when he/she returns

"i gotta take a piss...tap tap" In one of the most popular one direction/Larry fanfict the two main characters Louis and Harry had to keep a si rey that they are dating so that meant no public hugs or I love you so they created a code which means that tap tap tap is I love You three yours three taps. He banged in the tableTap Tap tap” A subtle way of letting other guys around you that some hot piece of ass is walking by. Useful in a bar where everyone can overhear your conversation.

tap tap có nghĩa là

Also used as a reply to confirm the fuckability of the girl.

Ví dụ

if one had a good seat in front of the tv during, let's say the super bowl, and drain the lizard, one would call "tap tap" on the seat and have rights to it when he/she returns

"i gotta take a piss...tap tap"

tap tap có nghĩa là

In one of the most popular one direction/Larry fanfict the two main characters Louis and Harry had to keep a si rey that they are dating so that meant no public hugs or I love you so they created a code which means that tap tap tap is I love You three yours three taps.

Ví dụ

He banged in the tableTap Tap tap

tap tap có nghĩa là

A subtle way of letting other guys around you that some hot piece of ass is walking by. Useful in a bar where everyone can overhear your conversation.

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tap tap có nghĩa là

Also used as a reply to confirm the fuckability of the girl.

Ví dụ

One of the cheapest moves in Soul Calibur II was Raphael's tap tap tap attack.

tap tap có nghĩa là

Warning: Not to be used when wives, girlfriends and mothers-in-law are within hearing distance.

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*Jessica Alba walks into the room*

tap tap có nghĩa là

its all started one long summer in new brunswick new jersey @ rutgers EOF summer program can have relation to a room check done by consoulers to make sure the students were in thier rooms...definition of the word if like getting some..being attracted..thats the hottness...wow,damn he/she is fine..booty call..etc

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Guy #1: Tap tap *Guy #2 immediately turns head to see who walked through the door*

tap tap có nghĩa là

Guy #2: Tap tap

Ví dụ

Slang for someone who is 'ghetto' and prefers ebonics to English. Accompanied by the action of tapping the fore arm twice. A discrete way to notify your friends that they should keep their guard up for a possible crime.<tap tap>"Shit, a tap tap is coming."