What controls the intake of food?

Controlling food intake is important for many reasons, primarily to maintain optimal health. Overeating, especially foods high in saturated fat or sugar, may lead to many health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Controlling intake of food is also important to maintain a healthy weight. Those who do not control what they eat are at a risk for obesity, which also can lead to health issues. Conversely, it is also important to obtain sufficient calories and nutrients by ensuring one's diet meets the guidelines set by nutrition experts.

Infants and children need specific amounts of calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals to maintain good nutrition and healthy weight. Controlling food intake for babies, children, and adolescents is important for growth and brain development. This means eating a diet that meets daily nutritional guidelines. Also, children who overeat and do not control what they eat are likely to become obese adults and face health issues later in life.

What controls the intake of food?
Overeating can lead to high blood pressure.

For individuals who suffer from certain medical conditions such as diabetes, controlling daily intake of food is essential. Diabetics may be on a restricted diet and must carefully monitor the foods they consume. This may mean limiting or eliminating sugar and many types of carbohydrates from the diet. If a diabetic patient's food intake is not controlled, the medical condition may worsen and serious complications may occur.

What controls the intake of food?
Controlling intake of food is important to maintain a healthy weight.

Controlling food intake during pregnancy is essential for the health of both the mother and unborn child. Nourishment is vital for the mother and the developing fetus, therefore food intake will need to be carefully monitored to be certain nutritional requirements are being met. It's also import to control intake of food so the mother does not gain too much weight. Gaining an excessive amount of weight can lead to complications in pregnancy, such as high blood pressure or gestational diabetes. Obesity during pregnancy can also lead to a difficult delivery.

What controls the intake of food?
High calorie snacks such as potato chips should be eaten in moderation.

Individuals with hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, need to control food intake. In many cases, these individuals will be on a sodium-restricted diet and need to monitor foods they consume. Without controlling food intake by following doctor's guidelines, patients with high blood pressure face serious complications such as stroke.

Controlling food intake is also important for psychological well-being. Those who overeat or overindulge in unhealthy foods will gain weight and are more likely to have a poor self image. Obesity can have a direct impact on how a person perceives himself. This can lead to emotional issues, such as depression or, in extreme cases, suicide.

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What controls the intake of food?
What controls the intake of food?
What controls the intake of food?
What controls the intake of food?
What controls the intake of food?
What controls the intake of food?
What controls the intake of food?
What controls the intake of food?

What controls the intake of food?

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Discussion Comments

mrwormyMarch 22, 2014

@Inaventu, I know what you're talking about. I worked at an all-you-can-eat buffet for five years, and I had an hour for lunch. I noticed other employees would make a small salad, have one meat and two vegetables for a main course, and then eat sugar-free Jello. They would either drink unsweetened iced tea or water. I thought they were crazy, since we could eat as much as we wanted during our lunch break. I'd pile on three or four different meats, maybe a few vegetables, and make another huge plate of pies, cakes and ice cream. I'd wash it all down with soda.

Now that I'm in my 50s, I wish I hadn't done all of that reckless eating in my 20s. My doctor told me I needed to go on a serious exercise program to take off the excess weight around my abdomen, and I'm also pre-diabetic. I have to calculate how many carbohydrates are in each meal I eat, and my beverage choices are milk, water, unsweetened tea or natural fruit juices.

InaventuMarch 22, 2014

I used to hate having anyone tell me what I could and could not eat. I was an adult, and I had the right to decide what I wanted to put in my body. Because of that attitude, I became morbidly obese by the age of thirty and I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes at age 35. I wish now I had paid more attention to what I was eating and drinking back in the day. A lot of younger people don't understand what kind of damage all of those junk foods and sugary drinks can cause later on in life.

How does hypothalamus control food intake?

The central regulation of the food intake is organized by a long-loop mechanism involving humoral signals and afferent neuronal pathways to the hypothalamus, obligatory processing in hypothalamic neuronal circuits, and descending commands through vagal and spinal neurons to the body.

What two centers regulate food intake?

The three parts of the hypothalamus that regulate food intake are called the ventromedial nuclei, the lateral hypothalamic area, and the arcuate nucleus. The ventromedial nuclei is the satiety center, and when stimulated, it causes the sensation of fullness.