What role would you as a parent play in the life of your childrens development so that they grow up as well Moulded human beings?

The influence and support of a parent or carer can play a vital role during a child’s personal and educational development. Parents and carers are the child’s first educators and have an opportunity to nurture their child’s growth as well as act as an advocate for education. This blog will outline the importance of parent involvement and the various ways you can support your child’s educational journey.

Parent involvement outlines the commitment and active participation of a parent or carer to the school and children. This includes a range of activities to support and extend a child’s learning at home and school. Examples of parent involvement include reading with your children, helping with their homework, attending school activities and meetings, or volunteering in classrooms.

What are the benefits of parent involvement?

  • Extends learning beyond the classroom: Parents can develop a stronger understanding of the preschool curriculum. This is particularly beneficial when children need help with their homework. Learning does not stop at the end of the day in the classroom; it is a continuous process throughout the day when parents have a good understanding of what is taught in the classrooms.
  • Children develop a positive approach towards education and learning: This can help improve self-discipline and help them perform better both in and outside of school. Learning will then be consistent when there is positive partnership between parents and educators.
  • Social benefits: By networking with other parents, teachers and students through social activities, children can feel more comfortable around others and enhance their team building and communication skills.

Tips for encouraging parent involvement

  • Communication is key: Check in with your child’s preschool teachers on a regular basis. Ask key questions such as: Which areas is my child doing well in? Which areas can they improve in and how can I help? What is my child currently learning and how can I supplement this with relevant activities at home?
  • Attend school activities: e.g. parent-teacher conferences, school plays and concerts, class presentations.
  • Plan educational trips: Plan trips with your child outside of school hours, e.g. trips to museums, trips to the library. If your child is learning about animals, you could take them on a trip to the zoo. This will provide them with an opportunity to apply the knowledge they have gained in preschool to real-life environments.
  • Home based learning: Partake activities at home to extend learning, e.g. singing songs and rhymes based on key concepts they have learnt in class, create musical instruments out of household items, cook with your child to develop their understanding about health and nutrition. Use educational apps to guide them through areas they may need to improve. Watch educational videos together.
  • Regularly read with your child: Reading books can be incorporated into your child’s night routine. This can also help spark your child's imagination, stimulate curiosity and expand vocabulary.
  • Ask questions: Regularly ask open-ended questions on how their day at preschool was, e.g. did you learn anything new? What was the highlight of the day? What was the hardest part of the day? This is a great way to encourage children to reflect on their learning.

White Lodge and PARENTS

Here at White Lodge, we recognise the huge impact that sharing our love for learning has on the children. Our mission is to provide our children with high quality education and individualised care. Our Parent and Child Programme is an interactive and engaging programme designed for children aged 6 months to 2.5 years. In these classes, children are introduced to activities such as Music and Movement, Art, Sensory play and Mandarin. The sessions are run by Facilitators whilst Parents work closely with the children. Not only does this encourage children to learn basic social skills, parents also have the chance to meet other parents – particularly first-time mums – and those new to the country.

You can read more about our Parent and Child Programme here.


Parent involvement has immense benefits for both parent/carer and child; children can develop a positive attitude towards learning and progress further in their educational journey whilst parents have a chance to further understand what their child is learning, strengthen relationships with teachers and bond with their child.

It is important to reach out to preschool teachers and staff when needed. Whether this for general tips and advice or information on how your child is performing, your child’s preschool provides great resources to help. Have a question for us? Contact us today.

What role would you as a parent play in the life of your childrens development so that they grow up as well Moulded human beings?

What role would you as a parent play in the life of your children's development so that they grow up as well Moulded human beings?

The proper role of the parent is to provide encouragement, support, and access to activities that enable the child to master key developmental tasks. A parent is their child's first teacher and should remain their best teacher throughout life.

What role should the parents play for the growth of childrens life?

Parents are among the most important people in the lives of young children. Parents include mothers and fathers, as well as other caregivers who act as parents. From birth, children rely on parents to provide them with the care they need to be happy and healthy, and to grow and develop well.

What role do you think parents play in Moulding a child's character?

Role of parents: Parents are the child's first role model. Children behave, react and imitate same as their parents. Parents play important role in encouraging and motivating their kids to learn. Good parental support helps child to be positive, healthy and good life long learner.

How would you contribute to the growth and development of your child?

5 ways to help set your child up for future success.
Stimulate baby talk and treat it as real conversation. ... .
Read to your baby to exercise language. ... .
Use everyday experiences as learning opportunities. ... .
Take play seriously. ... .
Lead by example..