Which of the following are signs that a toddler might be ready to begin toilet training?

Dying to get him out of diapers, but not sure if he's ready? See how many of these sure-fire potty training-readiness signs your little one shows!

Published on June 7, 2016

Timing is everything when it comes to potty-training success—and as any parent who's been through it can tell you, trying to force the potty on a not-quite-ready kid only prolongs the process (and makes everyone miserable!). So how can you tell if your little one is ready to make the leap from diapers to the toilet? Check out these 10 signs that she's ready:

1. She seems interested in the toilet, potty, or underpants.

2. He wants to watch you go.

3. She stays dry for two or more hours.

4. He poops on a predictable schedule.

5. She complains about wet or dirty diapers, and wants to be changed.

6. He can follow basic directions.

7. She understands potty lingo like "pee" and "poop."

8. He tells you when he needs to go—or uses body language, like going into corner or grunting.

9. She can pull her pants down and up.

10. He can sit down on—and get up from—a potty chair.

There’s no magical age for potty training. Children in the United States are generally potty trained between 21 and 36 months of age. Nearly one-third of children achieve daytime potty training by 24 months and most achieve it by 36 months; but rather than focus on your child’s age, you should watch for the developmental signs of readiness instead.

You’ll want to ensure that your child has reached the necessary milestones before you start potty training. After all, being able to use the bathroom independently involves a complex set of motor, cognitive, verbal, and emotional skills. During this time, your child is learning all about their body and beginning to make the connection between their bodily sensations and appropriate responses. They must also visualize all of the steps involved in the potty process, including the fact that they need to go, and they must develop a plan on how to get to the restroom, sit on the potty and eliminate, and remain on the potty long enough to finish.

Additionally, your child will be using their motor skills to walk to the potty, push down their pants, sit down, stand up, pull their pants up, flush the toilet, and wash their hands. They are also trying to understand your explanations, expectations, instructions, and reactions, while expressing their own feelings about using the potty. It’s a lot to manage all at once, which is why potty training is a skill that is dependent on pre-existing developmental milestones.

Here are the four main developmental signs to know. Keep in mind that your child does not need to demonstrate all of these signs in order to signal that they are ready. You can also be proactive by teaching your child some of these skills before starting to set them up for success. If your child was born prematurely, has physical or mental difficulties, has a speech delay, or any other developmental delays, they may not be ready to potty train until later than other children, and that’s okay!

  1. Physiological Development: Signs your child is physiologically ready for potty training include: demonstrating an awareness of the need to eliminate, either by grunting, hiding, squatting, or going red in the face; an absence of bowel movements at night; dry diapers for long periods of time (around 2 hours); urinating a lot at one time; and some regularity of bowel movements.
  2. Motor Skills: Your child’s ability to walk, handle their clothing (push down and pull up pants, for example), and remain seated long enough to eliminate successfully are all important skills needed for potty training. You can teach your child how to handle their clothing by demonstrating how to dress and undress, and by making sure their clothes are easy to remove.
  3. Cognitive and Verbal Skills: Common cognitive and verbal signs of potty training readiness include: your child demonstrating the need to use the potty through verbal and nonverbal language; following simple directions; putting toys and other belonging in their right place; reciting their ABCs or other songs; letting you know when they’ve soiled their diaper; and using potty lingo like pee, poop, and potty.
  4. Emotional and Social Skills: Emotional and social skills are the subtlest of all the developmental milestones. You want to be on the lookout for signs of self-mastery, desire for parental approval, and increased self-reliance. These signs are often manifested in “less than desirable” behaviors, such as hiding during a bowel movement. However, this is a good sign your child is more aware of social expectations. Other signs to look out for are imitating the behavior of others, demonstrating a basic understanding of what the potty is used for, and/or expressing an interest in the potty.

All in all, your child will probably not tell you when they are ready to begin potty training. Instead, watch for the subtle, indirect signs to convey readiness. Want to learn more of the common signs of potty training readiness? Don’t forget to snag my checklist of all of the common developmental signs of potty training, as well as nine handy phrases to use while potty training!

What are 4 signs a child is ready for toilet training?

Toilet training: signs that children are ready is walking and can sit for short periods of time. is becoming generally more independent, including saying 'no' more often. is becoming interested in watching others go to the toilet. has dry nappies for up to two hours.

When should a toddler begin toilet training?

Potty training success hinges on physical, developmental and behavioral milestones, not age. Many children show signs of being ready for potty training between ages 18 and 24 months. However, others might not be ready until they're 3 years old. There's no rush.

What are signs that a child is physically and emotionally ready for toilet training?

Physiological Development: Signs your child is physiologically ready for potty training include: demonstrating an awareness of the need to eliminate, either by grunting, hiding, squatting, or going red in the face; an absence of bowel movements at night; dry diapers for long periods of time (around 2 hours); urinating ...