Which THREE problems does the tutor identify in the students essay IELTS Listening

Listening Full Test 5 - Section 3

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Listening Full Test 5 - Section 3


Complete the sentences below.

WriteNO MORE THAN TWO WORDSfor each answer.

21Students must follow . to prevent accidents in the lab.

22The students have not been using . while in the lab.

23Students cannot eat or drink until . is finished and they have washed their hands.

24Tessa should tie her hair back to avoid danger when she is working with a . or chemicals.

25Students must wear long sleeves and shoes made of . in the lab.


Choose the correct letterA, B or C.

26Which student is currently using an appropriate notebook?

  • AVincent
  • BTessa
  • CNeither student

27The tutor says that writing observations in complete sentences

  • Ais often not a good use of time
  • Bmakes them easier to interpret later
  • Cmeans that others can understand them

28The students must write dates

  • Anext to each drawing
  • Bnext to each written section
  • Cnext to each drawing and written section



WhichTWOthings must be included in the conclusion to the experiment?

  • Athe questions investigated
  • Bthe solutions to the questions
  • Cthe students own thoughts about the experiment
  • Dthe length of time spent on the experiment
  • Ethe students signature


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21. safety procedures/directions / safety rules
22. eye protection / safety glasses/goggles
23. clean-up / clean up / cleanup
24. naked flame
25. leather
26. C
27. B
28. C
29.&30. C E (in either order)



Section 3You will hear a conversation between a science tutor and two first-year students who are being given some practical tips for conducting experiments. First, you have some time to look at questions 21 to 25. [20 seconds]

Listen carefully and answer questions 21 to 25.

TUTOR: Now Vincent and Tessa, Ive asked the two of you to come and see me because Im a bit concerned after that incident in the science lab last week. I realise that neither of you have had much experience in a laboratory before

VINCENT: Well, we mostly just studied theory at high school

TESSA: and we rarely got the opportunity to carry out any experiments.

TUTOR: Fair enough. But we must all abide by certain safety procedures the last thing we want is for one of our students to get hurt.

TESSA: We understand that.

TUTOR: Our priority is to make sure that the chemistry laboratory is a safe place and, actually, accidents can easily be prevented if you just think about what youre doing at all times.

TESSA: It sounds simple enough.

TUTOR: It is if you always use good judgement, observe safety rules and follow directions.

VINCENT: Weve read the rules on the poster inside the lab.

TUTOR: And yet last week you were seen working in the lab without eye protection.

TESSA: What do you mean? I was wearing my glasses.

TUTOR: Prescription glasses are not safety glasses you must always wear the goggles provided youll find they fit quite comfortably over your ordinary glasses.

VINCENT: Oh, I see.

TUTOR: Just make a habit of putting them on before you start and keep them on until you are finished. And another thing, never eat or drink while in the laboratory.

TESSA: What not even water?

TUTOR: Not even water at least not until after clean-up. Then, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water and dry them on a clean towel first. And Tessa, your hair should be tied back when youre in the lab.

TESSA: Its not that long.

TUTOR: Still, it poses a hazard when youre working with chemicals or a naked flame. If you cant tie it back or pin it up, see if you can tuck it into a cap or something. TESSA: Yes, I can do that.

TUTOR: Thank you. Now, Vincent, last week you wore a tee-shirt and trainers in the lab. The rules clearly state that long-sleeved shirts and leather shoes must be worn.

VINCENTOh, yes, I remember I was late getting back from sports practice and I didnt have time to change.

TUTOR: Well, it mustnt happen again.

VINCENT: Okay, Ill see that it doesnt.

TUTOR: Good. As for the rest of the safety precautions, refer to the safety poster inside the lab and you shouldnt have any problems.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 26 to 30. [20 seconds]

Now listen and answer questions 26 to 30.

TUTOR: Now, before you go, a word about record-keeping.

VINCENT: Oh, good I was going to ask you about that.

TESSA: Whats the best way to keep track of what were doing in the lab?

TUTOR: Well, obviously, all your observations should be written down I know you think you wont forget stuff and youll be able to recall it later but generally this turns out not to be the case. Written data, however, are a permanent record. And you must be thorough. Organise and record everything in a bound notebook.

TESSA: I use a spiral notebook.

VINCENT: And I use a large note pad.

TUTOR: That wont do. A book with binding ensures the pages are not easily removed or lost. Oh, and be sure to write your entries in complete sentences.

TESSA: Isnt that a waste of time?

VINCENT: Surely notes are good enough.

TUTOR: You might think so but brief notes can be hard to decipher at a later date, whereas with full sentences you are less likely to misinterpret data.

VINCENT: I make sketches, you know, simple drawings.

TUTOR: Thats a good idea, Vincent, but be sure to date them.

TESSA: You want us to write the date next to each drawing?

TUTOR: Yes, every sketch and every entry must be dated.

TESSA: What about headings?

TUTOR: Use the title of the experiment as your first entry. When you have completed your observation entries, answer any questions that have been posed and then, finally, write your conclusion.

VINCENT: How do we write a conclusion? Do we need to repeat things like the questions and our findings, or the time it all took?

TUTOR: Just write your own ideas or feelings about the experiment as the conclusion. Oh and remember to sign it! Well, thats all I have time for today. If you have any questions, ask the lab assistant or come back to me.

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