Đề bài - đề số 16 - đề kiểm tra học kì 1 - tiếng anh 12

After marriage, a woman is reported to increase her household workload by 14 hours per week, but formen the amount is just 90 minutes. So the division of labor becomes unbalanced, as a man's shareincreases much less than the woman's. It is the inequality and loss of respect, not the actual number ofhours, which leads to anxiety and depression. The research describes housework as thankless andunfulfilling. Activities included in the study were cooking, cleaning, shopping, doing laundry, washing upand childcare. Women who have jobs report that they feel overworked by these chores in addition to theirprofessional duties. In contrast, full-time homemakers frequently anticipate going back to work when thechildren grow up. Distress for this group is caused by losing the teamwork in the marriage.

Đề bài

A. Multiple choice [ 8 marks]

Choose the word or phrase [A, B, C or D] that best fits the blank in each sentence from question 1 to 19.

Question 1: Jane: Would you like to go to the cinema with us tonight?

Mary: ___________ I have so much work to do.

A. Id like to B. Yes, I will

C. No, thanksD. No, I wont

Question 2. She said she __________ take me home after school.

A. would B. must

C. did D. had

Question 3. The national __________ is a programme of study in all the main subjects that children aged 5 to 16 in state school must follow.

A. curriculum B. course

C. plan D. syllabus

Question 4. If she _________ me, tell her to leave a message.

A. will call B. would call

C. calls D. called

Question 5. Whats the name of the person ___________ first landed on the moon?

A. which B. whom

C. whoD. whose

Question 6. Listen! Someone ________ at the door. I ___________ it.

A. was knocking/answered

B. has knocked/ will be answering

C. knocks/ answer

D. is knocking/ will answer

Question 7. When Lucia graduated, she had no idea which _________ to choose.

A. work B. career

C. living D. business

Question 8. Shop assiastant: ___________?

Customer: Im just looking.

A. What can I offer you

B. What do you do

C. What are you doing

D. What can I do for you

Question 9. Several candidates were __________ a second interview.

A. called for B. requested for

C. asked for D. left for

Question 10. John asked me if __________ interested in football.

A. I were B. was I

C. were I D. I was

Question 11. John wanted to know if I was leaving the __________ Sunday.

A. before B. previous

C. ago D. following

Question 12. After this course, you will get a ___________

A. certificate B. certify

C. certificating D. certificated

Question 13. Thomas: ___________?

Thanh: No, thats about it for now.

A. When can we stop

B. Nothing to declare

C. Whats on your mind

D. Anything else

Question 14. Tim: Thanks for the lovely gift, Huong

Huong: ____________

A. Its my pleasure

B. I myself like it very much.

C. Yes, it is very expensive.

D. And do you know its price?

Question 15. The Sun ________ us heat and light.

A. gives B. is giving

C. has given D. will give

Question 16. We _________ TV when it _________ to rain.

A. are watching/ will start

B. had watched/ was starting

C. have watched/ will be starting

D. were watching/ started

Question 17. People often _________ confidence when they are crictized.

A. fail B. omit

C. drop D. lose

Question 18. Learning foreign languages _________ a lot of time.

A. have requires B. are requiring

C. requires D. require

Question 19. My house __________ green.

A. are used to being painted

B. used to painted

C. used ro paint

D. used to be painted

Read the passage then choose the best answers for the question 20 to 29.

A recent study shows that an unequal share of household chores is still thenormin many households,despite the fact that many more women now have jobs. In a survey of 1,256 people ages between 18 and65, men said they contributed an average of 37% of the total housework, while the womenestimatedtheirshare to be nearly double that, at 70%. This ratio was not affected by whether the woman was working ornot.

When they were asked what they thought was a fair division of labor, women with jobs felt thathousework should be shared equally between male and female partners. Women who did not workoutside the home were satisfied to perform 80% - the majority of the household work if their husbandsdidremainder. Research has shown that, if levels increase beyond these percentages, women becomeunhappy and anxious, and feel they are unimportant.

After marriage, a woman is reported to increase her household workload by 14 hours per week, but formen the amount is just 90 minutes. So the division of labor becomes unbalanced, as a man's shareincreases much less than the woman's. It is the inequality and loss of respect, not the actual number ofhours, which leads to anxiety and depression. The research describes housework as thankless andunfulfilling. Activities included in the study were cooking, cleaning, shopping, doing laundry, washing upand childcare. Women who have jobs report that they feel overworked by these chores in addition to theirprofessional duties. In contrast, full-time homemakers frequently anticipate going back to work when thechildren grow up. Distress for this group is caused by losing the teamwork in the marriage.

In cases where men perform most of the housework, results were similar. The men also became depressedby the imbalance of labor. The research showed that the least distressed people are those who have equalshare, implying that men could perform significantly more chores and even benefit from this. Theresearch concludes "Everybody benefits from sharing the housework. Even for women keeping house, ashare division of labor is important. If you decide to stay at home to raise the children, you don't want tobecome the servant of the house".

Question 20.The word remainder in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______ .

A. what is left B. what is done

C. what is fulfilled D. what is shared

Question 21.Although women think men should share the housework, those who don't have paid jobagree to share ______ of the chores.

A. 37 per cent B. 14 per cent

C. 70 per cent D. 80 per cent

Question 22.After getting married, ______.

A. men do less housework

B. men do more housework

C. women do twice as much housework

D. men do more housework

Question 23.Working women ______ .

A. do 80% of the household

B. want their partners to do an equal share

C. are anxious and depressed

D. would prefer not to have a job

Question 24.Women who do not have a job become depressed ______ .

A. if their husbands do 20% of the chores

B. if they have to do more than half of the housework

C. because they have no respect

D. when their husbands do not help them.

Question 25.The word norm in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______ .

A. usual thing B. strange thing

C. changing thingD. unequal thing

Question 26. According to the passage, a good relationship is the one in which ______ .

A. women and men divide the housework equally

B. women do 80% of the housework

C. men do more housework than women

D. women do 14 hours of housework

Question 27.Objects of the survey were ______ .

A. married people

B. people of a wide range of ages

C. unemployed people

D. working people

Question 28.The word estimated in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______ .

A. wanted B. guessed

C. divided D. hoped

Question 29.What is the most suitable heading for the passage?

A. Difficulties of working women

B. Unequal housework division

C. How to be happy couples

D. Reason for women to be distressed

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others from question 30 to 32:

Question 30.

A. liked B. watched

C. rained D. stopped

Question 31.

A. boxes B. washes

C. phones D. horses

Question 32.

A. maps B. books

C. bags D. cats

Choose the word or phrase [A, B, C or D] that best fits the numbered space in the following passage from question 33 to 37.

Custom, then, is the great guide of human life, wrote Scottish philosopher David Hume. Knowing the customs of a country is, in effect, a guide to understanding the soul of that country and its [33]________. The customs of a nation, how people marry, how families celebrate holidays and other [34] _________, what people eat, how they socialize and have fun reveal many things about their country and their inner thoughts anf felling.

In Wales, a farm handshake is usual when first being introduced, but is often dispensed with thereafter. When meeting for the first time, a common [35]________ is How do you do? or Please to meet you. On other occasions, How are you? may be used. Good friends, especially young people, use Hello and Hi to greet each other. Women who are close friends may kiss each [36]_________once slightly on the cheek, sometimes men also kiss women this way. Many women remain seated when being introduced and shaking hands. First names are widely used. The Welsh enjoy visiting friends and neighbors and often call without an invitation. If invited for a meal, however, it is [37]_________ impolite to arrive late.

Question 33.

A. peopleB. peoples

C. racial D. race

Question 34.

A. chancesB. opportunities

C. occasions D. feasts

Question 35.

A. helloB. greeting

C. meeting D. welcome

Question 36.

A. another B. other

C. others D. ones

Question 37.

A. calledB. considered

C. regarded D. known

Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others from question 38 to 40.

Question 38.

A. economics B. compulsory

C. academic D. mathematics

Question 39.

A. argument B. physical

C. important D. cinema

Question 40.

A. complainB. answer

C. begin D. refuse

B. WRITING [ 2 marks]

I. Arrange the following words/ phrases in the correct order to make a meaningful sentence from question 1 to 2 [1 mark].

Question 1. I/ find/ to solve/ difficult/ the problem.

Question 2. They/ have/ are going to/ next week/ their house repainted.

II. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that means the same as the sentence printed before it from question 1 to 2 [ 1 mark].

Question 1. Where has he been?

She didnt know

Question 2. I dont know Jasons phone number. I cant tell him what happened.

If I

Lời giải chi tiết


Question 1. C Question 21. D
Question 2. A Question 22. B
Question 3. A Question 23. B
Question 4. C Question 24. D
Question 5. C Question 25. A
Question 6. D Question 26. A
Question 7. B Question 27. B
Question 8. D Question 28. B
Question 9. A Question 29. B
Question 10. D Question 30. C
Question 11. D Question 31. C
Question 12. A Question 32. C
Question 13. D Question 33. B
Question 14. A Question 34. C
Question 15. A Question 35. B
Question 16. D Question 36. B
Question 17. D Question 37. B
Question 18. C Question 38. B
Question 19. D Question 39. C
Question 20. A Question 40. B



Question 1. I find the problem difficult to solve.

Question 2. They are going to have their house repainted next week.


Question 1. She didnt know where he had been.

Question 2. If I knew Jasons phone number, I could tell him what happened.

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