helenes là gì - Nghĩa của từ helenes

helenes có nghĩa là

A girl who is shy at first, but very playful and great when you get to know her. Often Helens are used by people. Helen's are usually very smart and talented. They are secretively very sensitive and are likely to remember bad things you did to them. Helen's and beautiful but a lot of people do not realize it because her beauty is hidden by glasses or out shined by her friends who are more noticable due to their big personality, while Helens are shy. Helen never steals boyfriends, and if she also has a crush on someone her friend likes, she will let her friend like him, get over him, and try to set them up. There are a lot of things you do not know about Helens. Sometimes they can keep sad secrets. Once you meet a Helen, you should really try to get to know them because they are awesome.


Girl: Wow, I thought Helen was a bitch because that's what Katie said, but she's so nice! Girl 2: Ikr!

helenes có nghĩa là

A boss ass bitch who doesn’t need anyone’s approval to be herself. Day after day she slays life, even when she isn’t feeling the best. She has such a positive impact on those around her. One day she’s going to be extremely successful and everyone who’s said anything bad about her is going to instantly regret that. (If they don’t already) Just remember, if anyone tries to bring you down, they can take that insult and shove it up their ass


Hey man she’s way too good for you” “Why?” “Don’t you know? She’s a Helen”

helenes có nghĩa là

The most gorgeous and fabulous person ever, who cares for those aroumd her. She will touch the hearts of everyone she is with. No one is quite like her and she is like a super model, naturally beautiful and happy. She is so amazing and not always appreciated by those she is with. Without her this earth would not be the same. Helen is a beautiful person with and amazing heart and mind. When you have a Helen in your life you will be eternally grateful. She is everyones best friend and very likeable. A unique, happy, special being


Person 1 "I love Helen, she is everything. Beautiful, funny, unique!"
Person 2 " we all need a Helen in our life! I wish I was her!!"

helenes có nghĩa là

a girl who is so fly and fabulous that every girl wants to be. Girls are jealous of her gorgeous hair and flawless skin. Guys just want to get in. Helen's are mainly short asians. They are unique and have the longest hair. They are naturally very smart and intelligent and don't have to study for tests and still pass. They are mainly very shy but are often very playful once you get to know them. They are fun to be around and would make the perfect girlfriend but the people she surrounds herself around are people more outgoing than her and will always end up getting the guy. If a friend of hers liked a guy she would pass up the guy and would also try and set them up together because that is the sort of person that she is. She can be very stubborn and determined and won't stop til she gets her way but she is not a brat. Helens are very down to earth and know the value of things.
They treasure the few people they allow close to them but wont always trust them 100%
Helens have many secrets hidden away and will not let them loose. Helens are very loyal and trustworthy friends but beware they hear and see everything and they have a great memory. Hurt them once and you will regret it for life.


Girl 1 : omg helen is so amazing. I cant believe how fabulous she is.
Girl 2 : she's a bitch
-helen secretly watching and listening- guy 1: omg i want helen bad
guy 2: who's helen, stacys shy friend?

helenes có nghĩa là

Helen is very shy at first but once you start talking to her she is LIT and so funny! She may be a bitch sometimes and kind of rude but she is one of the most awesomeness people ever! If you are mean to her, you will probably regret it because she always finds a way to get back at you. (Blackmail) Helen is really beautiful on the inside and out. She is a great friend and defends herself and others. Helen is weird, crazy, funny, and cute. Helen is usually a sensible and happy person.


Boy 1: "Do you know Helen? She is really funny and so amazing!"
Boy 2: "oh I know, she is my bestfriend "

helenes có nghĩa là

A helen is a person who never seizes to amaze you. She makes you feel like you are the luckiest person in the world. She's a very energetic, happy, athletic, fit, intelligent, gorgeous, well rounded, respectful and trustworthy person. Everyone knows that helen is the most beautiful girl in the world. She is loved and admired by all, some girls are even jealous of her looks, and guys chase after her because they realise that she is the most special person that ever walked this planet. Even if she makes a mistake she will admit it, because that is how down to earth she is. You will never meet a more perfect person inside and out. A "helen" is generaly an adorable girl , with a very attractive figure, beautiful eyes, and soft lips. She also speaks spanish very fluently. And she is often nicknamed cupcake, because she is very sweet and bitable like cupcakes. When you meet a Helen, you better treat her like the princess she is or you are not worthy of her.


1. Person A "Oh my god, sarah ramirez is so hot!" Person B"Yeah she is, but not as hot as Helen" Person A "Who's helen ? " Person B " the girl of my dreams " 2. Person A " i'm so forever alone .." Person B " You need to find youself a Helen, just like i did, you'll never be alone with her by your side"

helenes có nghĩa là

Helene is a really really pretty girl but she doesn't know it yet.
She looks kinda mean sometimes but if you get to know her better you'll find out that she's going to be there for you everytime you need her and that she's actually really nice, funny and sweet if she wants to be. But if you ever going to do something that pisses her off then It's going to take a long time for her to forget it so think about it a few more times before you do something that could make her mad or something like that.


Person 1: Look there's a Helene
Person 2: She kinda looks like she's pissed af
Person 1: Oh, that's what she always looks like, she's actually really nice and funny.

helenes có nghĩa là

Helene is probably named after someone's grandma, as she gets asked that question a lot. Everyone thinks her name is beautiful, although they never quite know how to pronounce it. She often goes by Helen, just for the sake of simplicity, but she doesn't really mind. Helene will answer to any name even remotely similar to her own, which confuses many other people


mike: is that helen? john: no, its helene

helenes có nghĩa là

Helen is a very polite girl. Her name means the goddess of perfection. Helen herself does not believe she is perfect. Mostly sits at the corner of the classroom. Shy and quiet, she hardly talks. Many people want her as their friends but she always turn them down. Once you get to know her you will realize that she is funny, and actually very loud. She is very strong in her heart. She may not speak much but when someone says something bad to her friends, she will speak up. She is strong and brave in her heart. Gets made really easily but tends not to show it.


Girl: Helen want to join us?
H: No thank you, but thanks for asking.
Boy: You should go kill yourself
H: Hmp, Why? I love myself more than I like you.

helenes có nghĩa là

awesome nice person, Helen likes ur mom jokes and when ever someone forgets something Helen will always be prepared and if u forget a pencil she will give u one of hers.And Helen is a very likable person.


oh my geersh Helen is so awesome