Lichee super fruit diet pills review năm 2024

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Today I want to talk about the Meal Replacement – – Chocolate Delight. I been drinking a scoop of the powder with 4oz of water everyday during lunch. [[Of course, I took a few breaks]] If you substitute a meal with any meal replacement bar or share you have to make sure your other two meals are nutritionally balanced.

For me lunch is the hardest meal. Before I started Lichi system I would almost daily skip lunch then eat too much for dinner. Since I am alone at home it never interested me to cook or prepare anything for myself when I could just wait a few hours to cook dinner for my husband and I. So drinking Lichi Meal Replacement was a perfect fit. Also, I read another review that said the shake gave them energy and since I suffer from insomnia I knew I was not going to replace dinner and then struggle to fall asleep.

The container comes with the scoop so you don’t have to guess how much to put on the 4oz cup of water. One scoop has only 120 calories. The taste is really good. I am not a fan of dietary shakes. Almost all of them taste nasty and no one can tell me other wise. Lisa tried Lichi Meal Replacement and she told me she had a hard time drinking it because it was very chunky. I knew that was going to be a problem for me and washing the blender everyday was not going to work for me either. Want to know how I fix the problem? Warming up the water then mixing the scoop. It takes just like hot chocolate. Now, I drink my Lichi Super Fruit Meal Replacement everyday after my workout and feel full and with lots of energy to continue my day.

Lichee super fruit diet pills review năm 2024
And to end this post with a weight lost update check out what MyFitnessPal app says: Yup, I have lost 5 pounds.Yay! Now to stay committed and not gain them back this Super Bowl weekend.

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Lichi Super Fruit: Healthy(er) Lifestyle [[Day 3]]

Posted on January 18, 2012 by drugstoredivalisa

Lichee super fruit diet pills review năm 2024

I been on the Lichi Super Fruit System for 3 days. I told you in the last post that I would come back to keep you up to date on how things are going.

I want to review the Lychee berry juice [[Lichi Super Fruit 6-Day Cleanse]] taste is really good. I want to compare it to Arizona ice tea. It has not cause any discomfort and I been drinking it everyday on an empty stomach. After that I drink a hot green tea and a hot cup of plain water. About one hour after I have breakfast. It varies but its either an apple, yogurt, egg, or cup of low fat milk with whole wheat toast, etc.

I can say that I have lost a whole pound and it makes me very happy. I know its too soon to tell if it will be a total success but so far I have notice that I have more energy during the day. Lichi encourages you to keep a food journal and I opted for a iPhone app called MyFitnessPal. It really puts things into perspective when you enter all the food you eat and realized you been eating way more than the recommended daily calories. And not burning enough, since I work in a desk all day. Just sayin’.

If you want to try a detox that does not require you to fast try lychee berry juice from Lichi Super Fruit it retails for $19.99 and GNC has it on sale for $12.99.

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Lichi Super Fruit: Healthy(er) Lifestyle [[Day 1]]

Posted on January 16, 2012 by drugstoredivalisa

Lichee super fruit diet pills review năm 2024

Everyone has different views about weight lost goals: keep them to yourself or share them with the world. Which on is better? I hope sharing with everyone will motivate me to keep up with all the changes and get some kind of support, Please?

The wonderful people over at Lichi sent me a full line of their Lichi Super Fruit program: consisting of a 6-day cleanse, probiotic, meal replacement shake and two super fruit supplements (Appetite Suppressant and Burns Calories Increases Metabolism). A month’s worth of products to help me jump-start a transition to healthier diet and exercise habits.

Lisa tried Lichi Super Fruit already and she made it clear that you have to be active, eat the right foods and drink plenty of water. This is no “miracle pill” and for what I’ve heard from others it is not like other diet pills where you get a high dose of caffeine and feel jittery or dizzy.

Today (January 16) I will start the 6 Day Cleanse. You have to drink the juice in the morning on an empty stomach for six days. They encourage you to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to assist in flushing impurities out of your body. The drinks do not have to be refrigerated but I’m wondering if I will like it better cold. I guess I will update on the taste and temperature preference. Even-though this product is a detox you can still eat solid food and there are no embarrassing side effects [[if you know what I mean]].

I will try to post updates through out the next month (30 days). I will also share my experience with our Facebook community so be sure to head over to our page and “like” us to stay in touch with my Lichi Super Fruit Weight Loss Program experience.

Filed under: lichi super fruit, review |

Saturday Sample [[And A Code]]: Lichi Super Fruit

Posted on October 29, 2011 by drugstoredivalisa

Lichee super fruit diet pills review năm 2024

I’m gonna be honest here: I don’t need to lose weight. I wanted to lose a few pounds before I went to Mexico so I didn’t look completely awful in my bikini, but I’m not actually looking to drop a ton of pounds. I would like to, I honestly think most women would like to, but I don’t need to.

With that being said, Lichi Super Fruit sent me a couple items to try for this week’s Saturday Sample, the first being the Meal Replacement. Yes, this is why I had the whole lead in above.

Lichee super fruit diet pills review năm 2024
It’s chocolate flavored, and you’re supposed to mix it with water, stir and drink. Not that you can quite tell from the picture to the right, but it didn’t mix well. I thought it was because I put the water, then the mix, so I tried the mix first, then water. Both ways it was lumpy.

Now, if you are a follower of Drugstore Divas, you know that I love my chocolate, but chocolate and water just wasn’t cutting it. It was cutting the calories, sure, but not idiom-wise. So I tried it with skim milk. It was fantastic. It was just like chocolate milk and actually made me full, which is pretty much the reason for it in the first place.

Am I going to lose weight drinking it with slim milk? Not if I was drinking it with water. But, like I said before, I’m not really in the market to lose weight.

Lichee super fruit diet pills review năm 2024
Lichi also sent me a six-day cleanse. Now, cleanses are all the rage. I’m not exactly sure how that happened, but it did. My cousin did one and it was a week of eating an incredibly strict diet and popping some pills. I know someone else who did one that forced him to drink lemon water and cayenne pepper for a week.

Lichi’s total body detox is much easier. You drink it in the morning, on an empty stomach [[so remember to do it when you first wake up]], do this for six days, and bam. That’s it. Like I said. Easy.

Now, I know you’re all interested in these items, huh? Well, guess what. We’ve teamed up with Lichi to offer you a 25% off discount code when you shop at

But, even better, you’ll also get a free Lichi Super Fruit Probiotic when you shop online and use the code LICHIDIVAS. This code is good for Drugstore Divas readers only and good through November 4.

Filed under: lichi super fruit, saturday sample |

Giveaway: Lichi Super Fruit

Posted on May 23, 2011 by drugstoredivalisa

Lichee super fruit diet pills review năm 2024
I told you about Lichi Super Fruit the other day. But you didn’t think I was gonna get all stingy and have a skinny stomach by myself, did you?

Please. Lichi is giving away prize packs [[including two bottles of Lichi and more]] to THREE [[yes, three]] of our readers. Fantastic!

You know you wanna win. To enter, you must be a Twitter follower [[grumble, grumble if you’re not, but this is what we decided with the sponsor]]. If you’re not already, head to our Twitter page and follow us.

Leave your Twitter id with your entry. We will DM the winners. If we can’t get in touch with you, you can’t win. Sorry. This giveaway starts now and ends Monday, May 30 at 11:59 pm, est.

If you really wanna win, then one entry isn’t gonna be enough. Don’t worry, you can earn a bonus entry. Just follow on Twitter for a bonus entry.

Good luck!

Filed under: giveaway, lichi super fruit, site news |

Review: Lichi Super Fruit

Posted on May 20, 2011 by drugstoredivalisa

Lichee super fruit diet pills review năm 2024
It’s that time of year, the time when your winter clothes start getting boxed away and you’re looking at your little skirts wondering how you fit into them last year — and how you’re going to fit into them again.

Yes, you can diet, but goodness knows that’s harder than it sounds. You can go to the gym, but when it’s warm out, you’d rather tan than pump iron [[or maybe that’s just me]].

Maybe you need just a little bit of extra help. You can try yogurt for probiotics, or you can try Lichi Super Fruit.

I have all these papers in front of me explaining what Lichi is, but the chance of me rehashing and confusing you is great. So, instead, head over to this link, read, and come back.

Okay, back? Fantastic.

The lovely people over at Lichi Super Fruit sent me two bottles to try. The first is a 30-day Lichi LactoSpore Probiotic tablets regimen. If you’ve read this blog before, you know I can’t swallow pills. I chew them, so I was really hoping these tabs would taste like the red fruit they boast to contain. No such luck. I popped out a tab from the oversized birth control looking blister pack, and there wasn’t a taste. I guess there doesn’t need to be since people generally swallow these whole. You take one a day, and they’re supposed to help you lose weight. They’re probiotics [[you know what that means]], but they’re also “diet pills.” And you can’t expect to just sit around and watch the weight come off. You actually have to do stuff like run [[just like the lady on the cover of the info packet looks like she finished doing]].

The second bottle I got were Lichi Super Fruit Diet soft gels. I opened the bottle and expected them to be red. To my surprise, these were black. You’re supposed to take three softgels an hour before lunch. My advice is to swallow them whole. If you chew them, the cap will crack open, spilling this really hot, pretty chalky liquid. The first time I took them, I was totally not expecting the taste and I couldn’t stop puckering. Thank goodness I had water nearby.

I like the idea of these for a few reasons. First, I like anything that’s gonna help me get a flat stomach by summer. Second, I like that they’re not miracle pills and won’t work on their own. Keeping that in mind, I know I have to go to the gym and do my situps … but I also know that I have a little assistance.

Personally, I’m sticking with the tabs.

Full disclosure: Lichi Super Fruit provided with me these for the purpose of this review. No money exchange hands. All opinions are my own.