lineas là gì - Nghĩa của từ lineas

lineas có nghĩa là

One of the HOTTEST girls alive- that should secretly go in a corner, choke on a shoe, and die, but still keeps coming back to obsess over Sex and Drugs! She is both the blessing and the curse of life. No one can ever deserve this hard core beast, but she still blesses us with her presence.


"Man, that girl is the coolest, sexiest, funniest girl alive... I want to go hide in a corner.."
"Dude, that's a Linea! That's how your suppose to feel."

lineas có nghĩa là

an anatomical feature found in virtually every molecule, cell, tissue, organ, and organ system in the human body.


(In cadaver lab with a probe pointing to a structural feature of the heart)
Instructor: "What is this structure?"
Ben: "Linea alba!"
Instructor: "Very good"
(Instructor points to a structure in the brain)
Instructor: "What is this structure?"
Ben: "Linea... alba?"
Instructor: "Excellent! You are officially the BLG. Can you teach a class??"

lineas có nghĩa là

Linea Nigra is the vertical skid mark left on the chest of a woman after she gets titty fucked. This appears more commonly on smaller breasted women, as the man has to squat lower and spread his legs wider in order to facilitate the procedure. In Obstrestics & Gynecology, Linea Nigra is the name given to the dark pigmented vertical stripe, that sometimes appears on the abdomen of a pregnant woman.


Dude, last night I gave your sister a Linea Nigra and she's not even pregnant!

lineas có nghĩa là

A Pretty and sweet cool girl, that is very brave, and very dirty😂 A Linea is also a flower so Linea's loves the sun. And a Linea can have many boyfriends.


OMG, hei many boyfriends have Linea had?! She is so dirty! Ohh I love her, but going to break up.

lineas có nghĩa là

Linea is one of the strongest people you will ever meet. Physically and mentally. One of her biggest strengths and weaknesses is her big heart. Hands down, one of the naturally brightest and most intelligent beings you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. You won't ever hear yourself saying she was wrong, because it's so rare that she is wrong and that is because she chooses her words wisely and only speaks on what she knows to be true, and does not have any problems admitting she doesnt know something. She can light up a room with his laugh, or she can make grown men piss their pants. She is completely oblivious whenever a woman likes him. Shes a girl you can literally tell anything,and you wont feel judged or embarrassed. There's not one person in this world she cant make laugh. Not one. She is also very wise. She's been on top of the world, and to the bottom of the depths of hell. If you ever meet a Linea, she will be the best friend you've ever had and will be there for life. It takes 10 people to equal what she would be willing to do for you. Dont take her friendship and love for granted,for if you do, you'll regret it for the rest of your life because you'll never have another one like her. We need more people like Linea in the world,but only there is nobody else like her and being rare makes her that much more desirable!


Guy#1: Man, so what happened last night? You look fucked up! Guy # 2: You know Linea right? Well she beat my ass and then cleaned me up, and sat me down and talked to me like she was my sister.. Im actually kind of glad that she did. Guy #1: You're HAPPY she kicked your ass?! What the fuck? Guy #2 : Look bro, I fucked up, and have been fucking up. She was right and I took the advice she gave me and now me and my girl are back together and I'm ready to be better. Guy# 1: wow.. maybe I should call Linea and have her kick my ass or somethin

lineas có nghĩa là

The woman who was graced with this name is different from anyone you know. She has the drive for success, and she always lights up the room as soon as she arrives. Once you lay your eyes upon a Linea, you'll never forget her, and that is a proven fact. Proven by the bad bitch herself, that is. She's strong, independent, highly emotional and sexy as fuck too, actually.
Linea always has everyones back unless you really fuck up, and she'll gladly donate a kidney to you if you treat her with proper love and respect. Make her laugh and she'll birth your kids and never leave your side. She most likely cries a lot, also out of happiness. Very often actually. Linea will trust you and be very honest about her feelings to you, and MEGABONUS: she'll absolutely take your secrets to the grave. All in all: This one's a real one, and she's a once in a lifetime experience filled with humor, love, compassion and sensitivity.


Linea is my very best friend! She's an amazing woman.

lineas có nghĩa là

Linea is a female name.
Linea is a sweet girl who tries really hard to be someone else. She is very petty and manipulative. She mostly has blond hair and maybe curls. She is mean. For your own sake STAY AWAY.


Girl: I hate Linea
Girl : me to

lineas có nghĩa là

Linea is a person who stays in her bed all the time and sleeps. she loves food and animals and is a simple being. she gets in love really fast and has both daddy issues and attachment issues.


get yourselves a linea. she may be broken but she is the best girlfriend you could ever have.

lineas có nghĩa là

Linea the girl who has grey eyes and a lowkey bitchy personality but thats why you like her and she has gurly hair. Also a name that sometimes gets confused with Alinea (A Danish learning website)


Brodie1: Hey bro you seen linea? Brodie2: Yeah shes hot asf is she new her Brodie1: Yeah she came like 2 days ago