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[ uh-men-duh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee ]


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verb (used with object), mixed or (Archaic) mixt, mix·ing.

to combine (substances, elements, things, etc.) into one mass, collection, or assemblage, generally with a thorough blending of the constituents.

to put together indiscriminately or confusedly (often followed by up).

to combine, unite, or join: to mix business and pleasure.

to add as an element or ingredient: Mix some salt into the flour.

to form or make by combining ingredients: to mix a cake; to mix mortar.

to crossbreed.


  1. to combine, blend, edit, etc. (the various components of a soundtrack): to mix dialogue and sound effects.
  2. to complete the mixing process on (a film, soundtrack, etc.): an important movie that took months to mix.

to combine (two or more separate recordings or microphone signals) to make a single recording or composite signal.

verb (used without object), mixed or (Archaic) mixt, mix·ing.

to become mixed: a paint that mixes easily with water.

to associate or mingle, as in company: to mix with the other guests at a party.

to be crossbred, or of mixed breeding.

Boxing. to exchange blows vigorously and aggressively: The crowd jeered as the fighters clinched, refusing to mix.


an act or instance of mixing.

the result of mixing; mixture: cement mix; an odd mix of gaiety and sadness.

a commercially prepared blend of ingredients to which usually only a liquid must be added to make up the total of ingredients necessary or obtain the desired consistency: a cake mix; muffin mix.

Music. music or songs selected and recorded as a mixtape: the ultimate one-hour workout mix; a mix of Christmas songs; a DJ mix.

the proportion of ingredients in a mixture; formula: a mix of two to one.

Informal. a mess or muddle; mix-up.

Music. an electronic blending of tracks or sounds made to produce a recording.

Verb Phrases

mix down,to mix the tracks of an existing recording to make a new recording with fewer tracks: The four-track tape was mixed down to stereo.

mix up,

  1. to confuse completely, especially to mistake one person or thing for another: The teacher was always mixing up the twins.
  2. to involve or entangle.




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Idioms about mix

    mix it up, Slang.

    1. to engage in a quarrel.
    2. to fight with the fists.

    Also mix it.

Origin of mix

First recorded in 1470–80; back formation from mixt;see mixed

synonym study for mix

1, 9. Mix, blend, combine, mingle concern the bringing of two or more things into more or less intimate association. Mix is the general word for such association: to mix fruit juices. Blend implies such a harmonious joining of two or more types of colors, feelings, etc., that the new product formed displays some of the qualities of each: to blend fragrances or whiskeys. Combine implies such a close or intimate union that distinction between the parts is lost: to combine forces. Mingle usually suggests retained identity of the parts: to mingle voices.


mix·a·ble, adjectivemix·a·bil·i·ty, mix·a·ble·ness, nouno·ver·mix, verbun·mix, verb (used with object)

un·mix·a·ble, adjective

Words nearby mix

mitumba, Mitumba Mountains, Mitzi, mitzvah, Miwok, mix, mix-and-match, mixdown, mixed, mixed acid, mixed agglutination reaction

Other definitions for mix (2 of 2)


Thomas Edwin "Tom", 1880–1940, U.S. film actor in westerns.

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

associate, blend, fuse, incorporate, infuse, mingle, stir, weave, admix, adulterate, alloy, amalgamate, braid, coalesce, commingle, commix, compound, conjoin, cross, embody

How to use mix in a sentence

  • The data is gathered through a mix of weather, gaming and other apps, then bundled and resold by companies to marketers and federal agencies.

  • Let’s see how the three are doing, yank learnings for the mix and then check our gut about what their results might mean for BNPL startups the world ’round.

  • The decisions could become even more torturous when a third vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson — which is expected to gain regulatory approval this weekend — joins the mix, though with only a trickle of supply at first.

  • When the pandemic happened, I was almost going to close because I didn’t want to be in the mix of it.

  • The hands-down winner of this chicken derby was the spicy model, which adds a peppery sauce to the mix and proves that it’s still worthy of the 2019 hype.

  • So, why no Jewess in the mix of more recent and diverse Miss Americas?

  • You mix up English working-class gruffness with African-American soul from the Deep South.

  • "He brought Ray Charles to the mix as an influence on rock & roll," E Street Band guitarist Steven Van Zandt once raved.

  • Add to the mix the fact that Brown is a religious ex-cop and you have a recipe for even more deep-seated distrust.

  • The left had long tried to resist it through a diverse mix of organizations, devoted to different goals, and all to no avail.

  • He was beset by his sensitive dislike to mix in other people's affairs, but almost angrily he overcame it.

  • An' I'm here t' declare that it's plumb foolish t' mix things with that layout till we can see t' shoot tolerable straight.

  • Ask any father why he would prefer that his son should mix with good companions rather than with bad companions.

  • My mother wouldn't mix with 'common folks'—I mean she wouldn't be let by Helena—but now she shall.

  • The Chinese esteem it as a great delicacy and mix it with fowl and vegetables.

British Dictionary definitions for mix


(tr)to combine or blend (ingredients, liquids, objects, etc) together into one mass

(intr)to become or have the capacity to become combined, joined, etcsome chemicals do not mix

(tr) to form (something) by combining two or more constituentsto mix cement

(tr; often foll by in or into)to add as an additional part or element (to a mass or compound)to mix flour into a batter

(tr)to do at the same time; combineto mix study and pleasure

(tr) to consume (drinks or foods) in close succession

to come or cause to come into association sociallyPauline has never mixed well

(intr often foll by with) to go together; complement

(tr)to crossbreed (differing strains of plants or breeds of livestock), esp more or less at random

(tr) electronicsto combine (two or more signals)


  1. (in sound recording) to balance and adjust (the recorded tracks) on a multitrack tape machine
  2. (in live performance) to balance and adjust (the output levels from microphones and pick-ups)

(tr)to merge (two lengths of film) so that the effect is imperceptible

mix it informal

  1. to cause mischief or trouble, often for a person namedshe tried to mix it for John
  2. to fight


the act or an instance of mixing

the result of mixing; mixture

a mixture of ingredients, esp one commercially prepared for making a cake, bread, etc

musicthe sound obtained by mixing

building trades civil engineeringthe proportions of cement, sand, and aggregate in mortar, plaster, or concrete

informala state of confusion, bewilderment

Derived forms of mix

mixable, adjectivemixability, noun

Word Origin for mix

C15: back formation from mixt mixed, via Old French from Latin mixtus, from miscēre to mix

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

What do you mean by mix?

1 : to make into one thing by stirring together : blend Mix flour and water to make a paste. 2 : to become one thing through blending Oil will not mix with water. 3 : to make by combining different things. 4 : to bring together The book mixes funny and serious elements.

Is Mixcloud app free?

Explore millions of radio shows, DJ mixes and podcasts made by passionate creators around the world, for free. The Mixcloud app gives you a free listening experience to enjoy anytime, anywhere.

How do I use Mixcloud app?

Open the Mixcloud mobile app and go to the creator channel you are subscribed to on Select. From the channel stream, tap the 3-dot menu next to an individual show and tap Save to Downloads to start downloading. You will receive a notification once the download is complete.