Why is my gaming laptop so bad?

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I see people on here make fun of laptop gaming often. They say there's no such thing as a gaming laptop and stuff like that. What is so bad about gaming on a laptop? Sure its more expensive than a comparable desktop and the best desktop will always beat the best laptop, but that alone doesn't mean laptop gaming is impossible like some people claim.

Much less powerfulMore prone to breakageDilutes the point of a laptop, ie, mobility

All that said, I manage to max pretty much everything on a 3 year old laptop, so the idea of "huuur no gaming laptop!" is kinda..yeah. It's just that in most cases...why not get a desktop?

-Why is there yogurt in this cap?!
-It used to be milk, but, well, time makes fools of us all. (cookie for reference)::160 cookies given thus far::

Because everyone assumes that just because you don't have a need for the advantages of a laptop, means gaming laptops are crap.

Sure, they are much more expensive, prone to breaking, almost never upgradeable, I agree as much. But in my line of work I rarely get home to play my games (I am almost always in the hospital). I only do so on my off hours in the hospital's callroom.

Pain is temporary; glory is forever.
Your friendly neighborhood gaming radiologist.

The people who say it is bad never leave the cave in there basement and thus don't understand that some people travel are away from home for long periods of time or travel around a lot and a computer you can carry in a carry case is damned convenient for them even if it costs more then a desktop.

I mean, i never see the right bash the left on anything because the blame game causes more issues than anything-Josh

if something breaks, you need to send it in for repairs, while desktop only requires to replace one part that will most likely be upgraded anyways.

Thought I'll admit those Razor laptops are pretty tempting to get.

-Need to worry about battery life-Most parts are not upgradeable-Most video cards are weaker than their desktop counterparts-You pay about $2000 for equal or slightly worse performance than a $1000 desktop

Of course, the main attraction is that it's portable, so if you need that, you may be willing to tolerate these things.

Because it gets really hot.

Ball cancer. It nukes em. Performance costs more. Trade off is mobility which is a great thing. Your likely not going to be hauling a tower and monitor to the pooper as you continue to check your email or watch your show.Purism thing I guess. If gaming is you one and only god,grail, and mountain then a tower does it better. Its fully feasible to game very well along with everything else with a lappy. Never the best but good enough to not notice.

Laptops is what smartphones wish they could be. But with a 2" screen, an awful interface and all the raw power of a half depleted D cell that is something to frown upon. Oh and those nuke your brain.

Gaming on a laptop=/=gaming laptop you pleb. People say they don't exist because they don't based on the entire design.

Wait, what? I heard about the Netflix thing but how does the music thing work? You get partial songs or what? - Fade2Scrub420

I have never liked gaming with a touchpad. The smaller keyboard doesn't help either. A portable wireless mouse helps, but it defeats the purpose of mobility.

Sometimes death comes knocking.
Sometimes it tears down the walls.

It's interesting to note that Lag was a term originally used only in multiplayer games. This is because when you're playing an online-based game, some level of lag (delay) is inevitable. All your actions need to be sent to a central server for the other players to see what you're doing on their screens. At the same time, the server constantly has to send data on the other players' actions to your computer. There is an unavoidable delay between when the data is sent, and when it is received by either party, which was nicely covered by the term lag. We can call it Ping Lag now to be more specific.

Why is my gaming laptop so bad?

With slight bullet drop and no ping lag, this should be a headshot.

Example 1: You've got the enemy in your sniper sights and as he runs across your screen you squeeze the trigger when you're absolutely certain that his head is square in the middle of your crosshairs. But in the game he continues running along, unhurt and now aware that there's a sniper lining him up for a kill. You scream obscenities into your microphone and accuse the other player of hacking!

Example 2: This time you're the one in the sniper's sights, and you're out in the open. His first shot misses you, and you just manage to get behind a wall - when somehow you still wind up getting killed by the sniper. "Dammit!" you say to yourself, "This guy is definitely hacking... how can he shoot me through a solid brick wall?"

Solution: Nine times out of ten, the other person isn't hacking. It's just ping lag. This form of lag is unique only to multiplayer online games, and again, has to do with small delays in data transmission. These delays are measured by your Ping, which is the time taken for a round trip of data from your machine, to the server, and back again, in milliseconds (1,000 milliseconds = 1 second).

There's no way to completely remove ping lag, because data can't be instantaneously transferred between everyone playing on a remote server. However most online games attempt to cover up ping lag by using some sort of lag compensation so that things don't look or feel laggy on the screen. You can't really change how a particular game deals with ping lag as that's coded into the engine, but you can reduce the frustration of constantly missing what looks like a sure shot, or being hit when you think you've moved out of the way, by making sure you join a server where your ping is low. This means finding a server which is located physically close to you, preferably in the same country, or even the same city if possible. The closer the server, the lower your ping is likely to be. A ping of 100 or less is good enough to give you lag-free gaming and help lower your blood pressure.

Why is my gaming laptop so bad?

Your Ping is usually on the scoreboard

To find out your ping on a server, check for a Ping column in the game's server browser, or on the scoreboard. Some games don't show an actual ping figure, they may have a meter or a warning, perhaps with a particular color, where green typically stands for a good (low) ping and red stands for a bad (high) ping. Remember, ping lag isn't really about how fast your connection is. As long as you have a broadband connection, you should be able to play most online games without ping lag if you join a server with a lower ping.

Unrelated to ping lag, but equally as annoying is Packet Loss. This phenomenon is actually a connection-related problem, because some of the packets of data travelling between you and the server are being dropped somewhere along the line. This means some of your actions won't be reflected in the game, and often you will see a rubber-band or warping effect, and things will become jerky and unpredictable. The only thing you can do at your end is to make sure you disable any background programs which are using your Internet connection at the same time. This includes any file downloading/sharing, messaging or similar programs - they can result in both ping lag and packet loss during online games. If you check with others on the server and they're also experiencing the same problem, the server is to blame and you may need to find another server or wait it out.